5th April 2009 | |
| Trafficking in Scotland is an over-hyped problem
2nd April 2009. Based on article from
| The Good:
Little evidence of widespread trafficking
Agencies have identified 79 alleged victims of human trafficking in Scotland between April 2007 and March 2008, most of whom were women said to be forced into prostitution.
But the only Scottish human trafficking case brought to the courts
collapsed in 2007 due to a lack of evidence.
The government-published report pointed out there had been some successful human trafficking prosecutions in England and Wales, resulting in some of the largest sentences in Europe.
The Bad: Lack of evidence isn't going stop politicians claiming a widespread problem See article from dailyrecord.co.uk Foreign police could be
drafted in to help Scots forces bring human traffickers to justice, a report said today. The Scottish Government report suggested police from victims' countries could be seconded to help local officers in a bid to tackle the problem.
Secretary Kenny MacAskill said: This new research shows the scale of the problem and highlights the importance of genuine multi-agency working to ensure that victims of trafficking are given the support they need and those exploiting them are brought
to justice. And The Bollox: There are 32,000 Trafficked Women in Britain See
article from guardian.co.uk
Rahila Gupta, author of Enslaved, The New British Slavery, claims in the Guardian today that there are at least 32,000 trafficked women in Britain. She writes: "In Britain, it is estimated that 80% of the
80,000 women in prostitution are foreign nationals, most of whom have been trafficked". Comment: Illiberal Liberals 3rd April 2009. Thanks to Alan
I never cease to be amazed by the way in which victim feminism makes this purportedly liberal newspaper so highly illiberal. Gupta's piece is pretty typical. We have the "foreign =
trafficked" myth. Then there's the inflated stats - 32,000 - or is it 80,000? - "trafficked" women. Some time ago, Professor Julia O'Connell Davidson, who (a) is a real feminist and (b) knows what's
she's talking about, exploded this bollox in a letter to the Guardian itself. O'Connell Davidson pointed out even the lower of these figures would amount to a number of traffickees larger than the entire workforce of Debenham's throughout the UK.
Additionally, when she looked at the actual number of women found in raided brothels who said they had been trafficked as a proportion of all prostitutes in the establishments, she worked out that to arrive at the claimed figure of trafficked women there
would pretty well have to be a knocking shop in every street. Offsite: Red mist obscures red light statistics 5th April 2009. See
article from guardian.co.uk by
Belinda Brooks-Gordon
Campaigners too readily accept inflated figures for trafficked women, but we must base our policy on evidence, not emotion. To argue there is a universal truth about trafficking does science, policy and trafficked people
a disservice. The figure of 80,000 sex workers (which included women, men and transsexuals) in the UK was first suggested in 1999 in a Europap-UK briefing paper. Despite its speculative nature and the author Hilary Kinnell's refusal to make claims beyond
her data, the estimate of 80,000 has been widely reported as a firm figure, often applying only to women and often in the context of claims that the sex industry is expanding rapidly (which cannot be the case if the figure of 80,000 has remained the same
for 10 years). Herein lies the difference between Rahila Gupta, the legion of no doubt well-intentioned commentators on this subject, and serious academics. The academic body of work takes time, has to be reviewed and
scrutinised and as a result the media often loses interest by the time a piece is published. The work will be debated in conferences and seminars and flaws are ironed out. Whereas the truth so confidently exhibited by Gupta, like Nick Davies's flat earth
news stories, go from press release to press agency to newsroom to Home Office to press release and so on. The result of such hyper-inflation is policy that spreads resources too thinly sometimes missing the really needy; and over-zealous campaigning
that criminalises clients, friends, maids and receptionists makes women less safe. When looking for a needle in haystack, it doesn't make sense to keep making the haystack bigger. We have reached a crisis of sorts. And at a time of crisis, when there is
a desperation to find the right policy, then a return to the slow, steady grind of the academe is necessary. ...Read full
20th October 2009 | |
| UN still can't find their ludicrously exaggerated trafficking victims
Based on article from
google.com |
The United Nations claimed there could be around 270,000 victims of human trafficking in the European Union and urged greater efforts to combat the illegal trade. Authorities in Europe were aware of only a tiny proportion of the victims, said the
UN Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), estimating there were 30 times more people affected than were known about. The claims came on European Anti-Trafficking Day on Sunday, which aims to draw attention to the plight of victims of the trade who are
forced to work illegally after being smuggled across borders. Antonio Maria Costa, UNODC executive director, highlighted few human traffickers were caught and blamed police for not taking enough action. Less than one in 100,000 people were
convicted for human trafficking in Europe, he said in a statement, adding this was less than for rare crimes like kidnapping. Perhaps police are not finding the traffickers and victims because they are not looking for them, he added.
6th December 2009 | |
| Only 18 arrests for trafficking in New York in 2 years
Based on article from nytimes.com
Despite a highly trumpeted New York State law in 2007 that enacted tough penalties for sex or labor trafficking, very few people have been prosecuted since it went into effect, according to state statistics. In New York State, there have been 18
arrests and one conviction for trafficking since the law was signed by Gov. Eliot Spitzer and took effect in November 2007, according to the New York State Division of Criminal Justice Services. There is one case pending in Manhattan, one in Queens and
two in the Bronx. The situation is not all that different in New Jersey or in roughly 30 states that have laws against human trafficking — defined as using fraud or force to exploit a person for sex or labor. A federal law passed in 2000 with
lifetime prison penalties has resulted in 196 cases with convictions against 419 people, according to statistics from the United States Department of Justice. The scale of those numbers contrasts starkly with the 14,500 to 17,500 people the State
Department estimates are brought into the United States each year for forced labor or sex.
19th March 2010 | |
| |
Western press report ludicrous stories about 40,000 sex workers at the World Cup See article from spiked-online.com |
15th June 2010 |
| | Thailand joins the bulk of the Far East on its trafficking watch list
Based on article from
The United States has added Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam, Afghanistan, Brunei, Laos and Maldives to its human trafficking watch list, accusing them of failing to prevent women from being forced into prostitution. The move opens the way for the
United States to cut off some civilian assistance, although it usually functions as a symbolic means to pressure countries to take action. The report claims 12.3 million people were the victims of trafficking in 2009-2010. Previous estimates have
been widely discredited, as the US seems to consider nearly all prostitutes in the world as 'trafficked'. Bangladesh, China, India, Micronesia, the Philippines and Sri Lanka remained on the list, unchanged from a year earlier. North Korea, Myanmar
and Papua New Guinea remained at the bottom level of countries that do not even meet the minimum standards on human trafficking. Malaysia stays on the list but escaped the lowest category of countries that do not meet minimum standards. The State
Department recognized improvements in Pakistan, which was taken off the watch list. Taiwan was upgraded and listed as fully compliant in efforts against human trafficking after starting new services for victims. Australia, New Zealand and South Korea
were also listed as fully compliant. Explaining the downgrade for Singapore, the report said that some women from China, the Philippines and Thailand are tricked into coming to the city-state with promises of legitimate employment and coerced into
the sex trade. The State Department said that Thailand was a source, destination and transit point for trafficking, with ethnic minorities and citizens of neighboring countries at particular risk of sexual abuse or forced labor.
17th June 2010 | |
| Amnesty International falls for trafficking hype
| Based on
article from news.stv.tv See
also Report Summary [pdf] from amnesty.org.uk
A new report by Amnesty International (and amongst others, nutters from Poppy) has revealed that no one has ever been convicted for human trafficking in Scotland, despite dozens of arrests of people in connection with prostitution. Two years ago,
35 people were arrested during raids in which 15 suspected trafficked women were discovered. However, the report, Wrong Kind Of Victim? , says: Of the 35 who were arrested, 18 were convicted but for offences related to immigration or
prostitution. [Presumably because they weren't actually being coerced, but were working consensually and had taken liberties with prostitution law and immigration procedures] The rather selective human rights
organisation has now called for closer examination of the reasons behind Scotland's failure to secure any trafficking convictions. Amnesty's Scotland programme director, John Watson, said more than 100 people were convicted of trafficking in England and
Wales. The UK-wide report said measures to protect victims of people smuggling are not fit for purpose and accused the British Government of breaching its obligations under European law to protect trafficked people and uphold minimum
standards of care. The report recommends that information-sharing protocols between the UK's police and law enforcement agencies be developed to improve the likelihood of securing convictions of traffickers in Scotland. And the Scottish
Government should establish protocols with the UK Government to collect and publish data on the extent of human trafficking north of the border. The organisation also called for the provision of safe accommodation and support for trafficked people
across Scotland.
22nd June 2010 | |
| The supposed 40,000 sex worker boom for the World Cup predictably turns out complete bollox
From iol.co.za
| One small section of a crowd of 40,000 |
There's just no boom boom in Joburg's sex industry. Sex workers hoping to turn a quick buck when thousands of horny soccer fans descended on the city for the World Cup say they have been disappointed. And while some upmarket strip clubs
say business has been good, others have been forced to cancel shows. Even metered taxi drivers delivering girls to tourists say business has died down. In the months leading up to the World Cup, there was mounting expectation that
prostitution would peak. Ludicrous reports suggested that up to 40 000 sex workers would be brought into the country to satisfy the demand for sex. On the streets this week, the winter chill and increased police visibility meant fewer sex workers
on the strip. Visits during peak cruising hours, around 9pm, to the traditional red-light areas of Oxford Street, Illovo and Sandton found fewer than 10 sex workers roaming around in skimpy skirts. One sex worker, in her seventh year on the
streets, said the tourists were boring . We have not had any luck. I usually make R4 500 a month. I was hoping I would cash in R15 000, but it has been quiet. She had been approached by some Mexican tourists, who would have given her
$500 for the night - but when she arrived at the hotel in Sandton, security refused her entry: The securities have been making our lives hard. They say they don't want girls in their hotels. A metered cab driver said that while he had
requests at the beginning of the tournament to get girls , when he brought the girls to the men, they could not agree on a price, and the girls left: They say they're being ripped off. I've stopped organising them girls because of this. I've
not had any further requests since then. Paula at Executive Shows, which provides exotic dancers for adult entertainment clubs, said business had been terrible. Since the World Cup began, the roughly 300 clubs across Gauteng for whom she books
girls have cancelled shows: Guys would rather watch soccer. I am counting down the days until the end. But it's not all doom and gloom. Gigi, owner of Lollipop Lounge, said her club has been abuzz with foreigners. She said patrons usually
arrived after the last game of the night. It seems they are watching the game together and then coming out to party afterwards. After 11pm it gets busy. |
11th July 2010 | | |
South Africa's sex trade in worse shape than English football
| Based on
article from torontosun.com
| One small section of a crowd of 40,000 |
People working in South Africa's sex industry expected an influx of customers during the World Cup but instead, tourists have been flocking to the country's museums. The World Cup has been devastating, the owner of a Johannesburg escort
company told CNN. We thought it was going to be a cash cow but it's chased a lot of business away. It's been the worst month in my company's history. The escort service's madam also added that she can't wait for the fans to leave. No one
is interested in sex at the moment. I think we've had three customers who travelled here for the World Cup which has seen my group's business drop by 80%. I enjoyed watching the games, but I can't wait for everyone to just go home now. Zobwa,
a prostitute and chairperson of a group that represents 70 prostitutes in Johannesburg told CNN, People went to the bars and stadiums to watch the games and afterwards they went home. They didn't bother themselves with coming to us. Back in
March, South African officials expected 40,000 prostitutes would be flooding into the country but Zobwa said she has left the city because the money just isn't there. On the other end, museums and art galleries have been booming with international
visitors. The Apartheid Museum received three times the number of expected patrons while the Johannesburg Art Gallery has seen an extra thousand people. |
3rd September 2010 | |
| Give or take 40,0000
Based on article from women24.com
While many are still coming down from the excitement of the World Cup, Zodwa Sangweni is one South African who was disappointed by how the much-hyped event turned out. A sex worker in Johannesburg, Sangweni said despite predictions that sex
business would be booming, the World Cup season was actually a bust: We didn't work well, there was no money, she said. Maybe for those who work in hotels but for us on the streets, we didn't get any business. Ahead of the global
sporting spectacle – which has a reputation for off-the-pitch debauchery – many were speculating that the real winners of the event would be sex workers. An influx of as many as 40,000 sex workers was anticipated. However, just as there were fewer
spectators than planned, so too for sex workers. According to Sangweni, there were no new faces in the streets of Johannesburg on which she works. Cape Town wasn't much better, noted Dianne Massawe, Advocacy Officer at the Sex Worker
Education and Advocacy Taskforce (SWEAT), who said that most Cape Town sex workers she spoke with told her business was slower than usual. Massawe is waiting for research being conducted by Stellenbosch University to find out the real numbers of
foreign workers who showed up for the World Cup, but after speaking to sex workers and looking at the number of sex advertisements in South African publications, it looks like the influx was insignificant and overhyped. As far as the 'Great
trek' of sex workers, most foreign sex workers were already here prior to the World Cup, she said. The many Zimbabwean sex workers…are here because of unsteady economic climate in their country. Henry Trotter, an expert on the sex trade
and author of the book Sugar Girls and Seamen, which explores issues of dockside prostitution in South Africa, agreed, noting that most World Cup fans weren't interested in paid sex: Most of the tourists were soccer fans and were here just for the
soccer, he said. We may be mistaken in our stereotyping of soccer fans by assuming that they always have sex on their minds. Trotter said he's found that there isn't much of a demand for paid sex in South Africa by foreign visitors to
the country: most of the market is local men. He attributes this to the reputation South Africa has as the country with the highest HIV and AIDS prevalence in the world.
4th October 2010 | | |
Having failed to turn up at the World Cup, the 40,000 sex workers are on their way to the Delhi games
No doubt as usual, 39,960 will get lost in transit and the 40 consensual sex workers that do turn up, will return home bitterly disappointed at the lack of trade. Based on
article from
sundayobserver.lk See also Have hordes of sex workers snubbed the
Commonwealth games? from theregister.co.uk by Jane Fae Ozimek
Thousands of women from India's north-east have been hired by escort agencies for the Commonwealth Games, a rights group has claimed. Impulse NGO Network says it fears the girls will be pushed into prostitution. The group said nearly 40,000 women
were hired from seven states with promises of lucrative pay. Authorities said they were unable to confirm the number. Escort services advertise in newspapers and are suspected to be fronts for prostitution. Hasina Kharbih,
chairperson of Impulse NGO Network, a rights group that rescues women trafficked from north-eastern states, said they had closely monitored the large-scale hiring of women from the north-east for the Commonwealth Games. We are indeed very worried for
our girls because so many of them have been recruited for escort services. They have been lured by good money and future jobs, said Ms Kharbih.
7th October 2010 | |
| Japan changes law to require guests to provide ID when using love hotels
Based on article from
From January of 2011, a revision to the section of the Japanese adult-entertainment law that pertains to love hotels will come into force. The weekly tabloid, Shukan Asahi Geino, reports, that the industry will be in for a shake up. The revisions
are intended to remove prostitution and porn shoots from hotel premises. There are two types of love hotels, explains journalist Akihira Otani. Those operating under the approval of the Law Regulating Adult Entertainment Businesses and
those operating as lodging entities under the conventional lodging law, just as with any hotel or ryokan you may see. Giso (camouflaged) love hotels operate under the conventional lodging law yet provide adult-oriented gear, such as dildos,
he continues. In both cases, one can go straight to a room without being seen. This is believed to be a contributing factor to crimes for which this revision is designed to counter. The revised law will extend the list of
requirements for love hotels to become eligible, says a reporter who covers social issues. Most notably, guests will be asked to register personal information at the front desk. Other measures mainly deal with the establishment's facilities and
layout. Infrastructure must be in place to ensure that room fees are clearly shown and automatic room-fee payment machines are situated in every guest room, continues the source. Further, the entire building must be designed so that
guests will not be visible by staff members in common areas. These latter requirements are to specifically impact pseudo-love hotels, which contain nearly standard hotel rooms and open hallways and common areas. A male guest laments the move.
Checking in and facing the staff members defeats the whole point of the love hotel, he says. It's intended to be a discrete environment.
22nd October 2010 | | |
UN survey confirms that claim of 40,000 World Cup sex workers was bullshit
| Based on
article from sify.com
Alarmist predictions that tens of thousands of sex workers would descend on South Africa to cater for football fans at this year's World Cup were debunked this week by a survey showing there had been no surge in prostitution. The survey carried
out by the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and the Cape Town-based lobby group Sex Worker Education and Advocacy Taskforce (SWEAT) among 663 sex workers in Johannesburg, Cape Town and Durban, found no major increase in demand during or since the
World Cup. The survey also showed that the proportion of foreign sex workers decreased rather than increased during the tournament. Before the World Cup, several local and international media outlets had quoted an official from South
Africa's Central Drug Authority as saying that up to 40,000 foreign sex workers were expected at the tournament. Although our survey revealed a small increase in the number of sex workers advertising online during and shortly after the World
Cup, our findings do not provide evidence for the massive increase in supply of sex work around the World Cup, as anticipated by the media, the researchers said. The survey also found no evidence of a surge in the trafficking of women and
children for sex work - as had also been predicted by some agencies.
7th April 2011 | |
| Women's Funding Network sex trafficking study is junk science
3rd April 2011. See article from
villagevoice.com |
Under intense scrutiny from the government and crusading advocacy groups, as well as state attorneys general, owner Craig Newmark memorably applied the label Censored in his classifieds where adult advertising once appeared.
During the same September hearing of a subcommittee of the House Judiciary, members of Congress listened to vivid and chilling accounts regarding underage prostitution. The
congressmen heard testimony from half a dozen nonprofit executives and law enforcement officials. But the most alarming words of the day came from Deborah Richardson, the chief program officer of the Women's Funding Network. She told legislators that
juvenile prostitution is exploding at an astronomical rate. An independent tracking study released today by the Women's Funding Network shows that over the past six months, the number of underage girls trafficked
online has risen exponentially in three diverse states, Richardson claimed. Michigan: a 39.2 percent increase; New York: a 20.7 percent increase; and Minnesota: a staggering 64.7 percent increase. In the
wake of this bombshell revelation, Richardson's disturbing figures found their way into some of the biggest newspapers in the country. USA Today, the Houston Chronicle, the Miami Herald, the Minneapolis Star Tribune, and the Detroit Free Press all
repeated the dire statistics as gospel. The successful assault on Craigslist was followed by a cross-country tour by Richardson and the Women's Funding Network. None of the media
that published Richardson's astonishing numbers bothered to examine the study at the heart of her claim. If they had, they would have found what we did after asking independent experts to examine the research: It's junk science. ...Read the
full article Update: Junk Methodology 7th April 2011. See
article from
alternet.org The widely reported statistics on underage prostitution that helped shutter Craigslist's adult classifieds section last year certainly sounded ominous, but a
Village Voice report on the study that produced the statistics found it to be a rather blatant example of trashy, agenda-driven research. The study's hard numbers -- which showed a 20 percent increase in underage prostitution in New York, a
40 percent rise in Michigan and a stunning 65 percent jump in Minnesota -- were dutifully reported by news media around the country. But last week, the Village Voice -- and its network of alternative weeklies -- featured a front-page article by Nick
Pinto calling out the junk science that went into the study. It's now clear they used fake data to deceive the media and lie to Congress, wrote Pinto. And it was all done to score free publicity and a wealth of public funding.
According to Pinto, the researchers' methodology went something like this: they took a bunch of photos of youthful looking women whose ages were known. They showed them to a group of people and asked them whether the women in the photos looked to
be age 18 or older. From the photos, people correctly identified the under-aged girls 38 percent of the time, so the study concluded that for every 100 'young' looking girls selling sex, 38 are under 18 years of age. Then they counted all
the photos advertising sex with young looking girls on sites like Craigslist, and voila! -- a trend was born.
16th June 2011 | | |
Group who ludicrously claim that the slave trade is worse than 200 years ago will review Britain's prostitution laws
Thanks to Janus17 See article
from dailymail.co.uk
Slavery remains as much of a problem in the UK as when it was officially abolished 200 years ago, a 'think'-tank has ludicrously claimed. The Centre for Social Justice will launch a review of slavery and human trafficking using estimates that
supposedly show at least 6,000 women have been trafficked into the UK and forced into prostitution. Others are working as domestic servants or forced labour. Work and Pensions Secretary Iain Duncan Smith, patron of the 'think'-tank, will help
launch the inquiry, which will look at the role, impact and training of the police and other frontline organisations. It will also consider the effectiveness of the National Referral Mechanism, which aims to identify victims Gavin Poole, the CSJ's
executive director, spewed: Every slavery victim represents a family torn apart and an individual's freedom and choice destroyed. They mark the continuation of an illegal trade which, since its official abolition
in 1807, has grown to devastate many more people than it did 200 years ago.
The 15-month review, which will be led by Andrew Wallis, director of the anti-trafficking and victim support group Unseen UK, will also consider
the UK's laws on prostitution, trafficking and domestic servitude. The government is expected to publish a separate review of its anti-trafficking strategy later this month.
3rd September 2011 | |
| |
Authorities locate just 0.4% of supposed trafficking victims and not for want of trying See article from
huffingtonpost.com |
23rd September 2011 | |
| US religious investors set to protect the London Olympics from the marauding band of trafficked sex workers
| From efinancialnews.com
US religious organisations are gearing up to save London from the mythical hoard of 40,000 trafficked sex workers that travels the world's major sporting events. The prime movers in the Olympic initiative are Christian Brothers Investment
Services, a US fund manager that specialises in investing the money of Catholic institutions. The project is also backed by the Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility, a broader US Christian coalition that speaks for investors, and, in the
UK, the Church Investors Group, which encompasses the investments of the Church of England and Church of Ireland. At the heart of their 'concerns' is the mostly mythical issue of human trafficking, which 'often' takes place for the purposes of
prostitution. Major sporting or cultural events tend to bring in an influx of visitors and these periods have been linked with increases in trafficking, prostitution and sexual assault. At last year's football World Cup in South Africa and at the
US Super Bowl this year, Christian Brothers and the Interfaith Center fired off letters to publicly-quoted hotel and leisure groups asking them to detail their policies for avoiding association with this sex trafficking thing. After the South African
campaign, hotel chains Hyatt, Accor, Carlson and NH Hoteles introduced training programmes for staff; and Accor, Carlson and NH signed up to an industry code of practice on countering sex trafficking. At a meeting in Paris last week, Christian
investor groups from around the world agreed to work more closely together. The London campaign will be one of their first joint initiatives. The UK and Irish churches have agreed to begin writing to UK-listed hotel groups - along similar lines to the
previous South African and US campaigns. In a statement announcing the tie-up, Richard Nunn, the chair of the Church Investors Group, said: It is important we use our voice as investors to hold companies to high ethical standards.
15th October 2011 | | |
Marauding band of trafficked sex workers moves onto Hawaii
| See
article from philstar.com
Hawaii is considered a paradise by many people, but at night, it becomes even more fun with the presence of tempting Eves engaged in the oldest profession in the world: prostitution. However local officials are concerned that the upcoming
Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Leaders' Summit this November could spike prostitution, and naturally, they don't want sex tourism to steal the limelight away from the numerous attractions of the islands. Local politicians, hoteliers and
law enforcement authorities are beefing up security to combat the mythical surge of sex-trade workers who would be flying in from the mainland. According to the usual bollox from an official of the Pacific Alliance to Stop Slavery, the APEC Leaders'
Summit could pose a huge sex-trafficking problem, especially with the military population mixing-in with travelers, all of which make for attractive business opportunities for prostitutes. According to the campaigner's propaganda, sex
workers are brought in from Los Angeles, Las Vegas, and Atlanta by pimps, who also pick up local runaways and girls with misdemeanors and send them to work as sex slaves in other states. Some visitors have voiced their concern about the blatant
soliciting by prostitutes working the streets. Wearing their killer stiletto heels, skimpy shorts or skirts and barely-there tops, these women walk the streets and loiter along boutiques, hotels, shopping centers and business establishments, with some
even doing it a block from police substations. Lawmakers are now proposing stiffer penalties for men who hire prostitutes within 750 feet of schools or public parks. The proposed law, said local authorities, will mainly target customers and not
the sex workers, since many of them are either supposed victims of sex traffickers or simply do it for survival.
19th October 2011 | |
| Marauding band of trafficked sex workers booked for the London Olympics and Euro 2012
I wonder if any trafficked sex workers have ever been found at a major sporting event From wbj.pl
Levels of human trafficking may rise during both next summer's Euro 2012 soccer championships in Poland and Ukraine, and the London Olympics, according to European Union officials. Myria Vassiliadou, the EU's anti-trafficking coordinator, claimed
sporting events are a hub for criminal gangs, adding that it appears that similar large sporting events in the past have been accompanied by a spike in prostitution and trafficking, reported the Associated Press. Vassiliadou, who was
attending an EU conference on human trafficking, said the issue rests largely with EU nations. She added that the EU was nevertheless trying to raise awareness of the problem. Offsite Comment: Meanwhile at the Indiana Super
Bowl 3rd November 2011. From business.avn.com Indiana Attorney General Greg Zoeller has a problem: What to do about all the forced prostitution that he's
sure will be happening when Indianapolis hosts the Super Bowl this winter on February 6. Of course, Zoeller's actual problem is that he (and his cadre of advisors and consultants) haven't yet figured out that most of the women involved in
prostitution have affirmatively chosen their profession---and that all those statistics he's been reading about the number of trafficked women and children in the U.S.---he's claiming that as many as 300,000 girls between the ages of 11 and 17 are
lured into the United States' sex industry annually ---are staggeringly inflated.
1st November 2011 | | |
The BBC picks up on the story that the vast majority of sex workers are not under any duress to do so, and simply want to earn some good money
Thanks to Sergio See article from
bbc.co.uk See also
Migrant Workers in the UK Sex Industry [pdf] from
The large majority of interviewed migrant workers in the sex industry in London are not forced nor trafficked, says a report. The research team led by Dr Nick Mai interviewed 100 women, men and transgender people - the largest ever qualitative
research into migrants working in the London sex industry. He discovered 13% of female interviewees felt they had been exploited and only 6% of female interviewees felt they had been deceived and forced into selling sex in circumstances within
which they had no share of control or consent . The research found:
- Many migrants prefer working in the sex industry rather than the unrewarding and sometimes exploitative conditions they meet in non-sexual jobs .
- Many migrants working in the sex industry send money back to their country of
origin, thereby dramatically improving the living conditions of their families .
- Police efforts to combat organised crime is undermined by the fact that victims of exploitation cannot be guaranteed indefinite leave to remain in
the UK. 'Climate of fear'
The International Union of Sex Workers (IUSW) welcomed the report. Catherine Stephens, of the IUSW, said: We will only successfully target trafficking within the sex industry when we make policy based on evidence
and in reality. There is currently a climate of fear amongst London sex workers due to police activity, that is driven by hype and misinformation promoted by NGOs with a financial vested interest in the anti-trafficking industry,
who are ideologically opposed to commercial sex.
22nd March 2012 | |
| Realisation starting to creep in that trafficked sex workers are unlikely to be found in public brothels and massage parlours. The police should be looking in more closed
| See
article from guardian.co.uk
A Metropolitan police squad has come under fire in a highly critical report commissioned by the London mayor, Boris Johnson, for its investigations into sex trafficking in the run up to the Olympics. The report accuses officers of a heavy
handed approach to brothel raids and of failing to find victims of trafficking. The report, Silence On Violence , from London assembly member Andrew Boff, is being considered by Johnson. It criticises the police performance and
estimates that they have a success rate of less than 1% in finding trafficking victims during brothel raids. Police had predicted an increase in sex trafficking in the run up to the Olympics, but they have admitted that they have failed to find
any evidence of a rise in the five Olympics host boroughs. That is despite a cash injection of £ 500,000 from the Government Office for London to specifically target the crime. The report provides an excellent
summary and a more realistic understanding of where trafficking victims may actually be located, in more closed communities: Policing of sex trafficking The Olympics led to heightened
media interest that trafficking and prostitution in London would rise. As a result, the Metropolitan Police Service has received additional funds to tackle sex trafficking. However, I found no strong evidence that trafficking for sexual exploitation does
in fact increase during sporting events nor that such trafficking or prostitution had increased in London. In fact my research found that a decrease in prostitution had been reported by police in London. The data I have however
reveals that raids have increased significantly overall in the Olympic host boroughs. This has not led to a large numbers of sex traffickers being caught nor victims found. This suggests that either sex trafficking is not taking place on as large a scale
as suggested or, more worryingly, that the way we are policing sex trafficking could be more effective. Focusing on non-organised sex trafficking While investigating the policing of sex trafficking I
came across a new area of concern. The Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) unit which tackles sex trafficking focuses on organised crime – hence their focus on brothels . However while brothel raids discovered largely eastern European and
Asian victims, one sex trafficking referral centre told me that their largest group of victims were from West Africa. Other data I found also supported this. Some sex trafficking is not organised and does not take place in brothels.
One trafficking charity said that many sex trafficking victims they work with had been sexually exploited by someone familiar to them within a closed community. I am concerned that not enough police resource is looking into this area
and that policing of sex trafficking too narrowly focuses on brothels. Evidence-based work needs to be done to work out where, when and how sex trafficking occurs and then police it accordingly. Not prioritising crime against
Sex workers Sex workers feel that when they report crimes, police focus on their crimes related to sex work – such as having a brothel - over the crimes they originally reported against them. Therefore sex workers
told me they feel that they cannot safely report crime to the police. The service providers I spoke to, who work with sex workers, all said that they had noticed a decline in the number of sex workers reporting crimes to police. The best policing model I found to tackle this lack of reporting was in Merseyside. This included labelling attacks against sex workers as hate crimes as a way of acknowledging that they were a minority who were disproportionately targeted by criminals. It also included the police putting out a well-publicised message that crimes against sex workers would not go unpunished. This strategy was formed under the leadership of Bernard Hogan-Howe, the new MPS Commissioner.
 | 7th July 2012
| Roy Greenslade pulls up anti-prostitution MEP on citing unsubstantiated claims hyping the scale of sex trafficking. The old chestnut of high proportion of migrant sex workers somehow implying a high
proportion being trafficked. See article from guardian.co.uk |
| 23rd September 2012
| Georgina Perry has been the service manager for Open Doors, a clinical, case management and outreach service for sex workers in London. She speaks of the overhyped issue of trafficking in the run up to
the Olympics See article from thetraffickingresearchproject.wordpress.com
Explaining where the inflated figures for trafficking come from
 | 6th
November 2012
| See article from
guardian.co.uk by Melissa Gira Grant
nding trafficking is perhaps the most well-known, well-resourced, well-loved social cause of the 21st century that doesn't require its proponents' agreement on what it even is they wish to end. What is trafficking ? How many people are trafficked
? Look beyond the surface of the fight against trafficking, and you will find misleading statistics and decades of debate over laws and protocols. As for the issue itself, the lack of agreement on how to define trafficking hasn't slowed
campaigners' fight. Rather, defining trafficking has become their fight. Accurate statistics on trafficking are difficult to come by, which does not stop some anti-trafficking groups from using them anyway. For instance, Shared Hope International,
which is aggressively pursuing anti-trafficking legislation in 41 US states, claims at least 100,000 juveniles are victimized each year in the United States, and possibly as many as 300,000 -- a figure that has been cited (repeatedly) by CNN. In
truth, the figure is an estimate from a University of Pennsylvania report from 2001 [pdf] of how many youth are at-risk of what its authors call
commercial sexual exploitation of a child , based on incidences of youth homelessness. But it was not a count of how many youth are victims of trafficking , or involved in the sex trade. Prostitution is often conflated with trafficking
in these statistics, in part because the definition of trafficking that has been pushed to prominence refers exclusively to sexual exploitation . In fact, this conflation has found its way into the collection of data: according to a report
from the Global Alliance Against Trafficking in Women: [W]hen statistics on trafficking are available, they usually refer to the number of migrant or domestic sex workers, rather than cases of trafficking.
This purposeful conflation of sex work and trafficking distinguishes the many feminist and faith-based anti-trafficking groups that focus on sex-trafficking from groups that work directly with people who are involved in forced labor of
all kinds, whether or not it involves sex work. ...Read the full article
Belfast academic is sceptical of campaigners' hype about trafficking in Northern Ireland
 | 6th October
| See article from
newsletter.co.uk |
An academic from Queen's University Belfast has challenged claims being made about the extent of human trafficking in Northern Ireland. Dr Graham Ellison from the university's School of Law says there have only been four proven victims of sex
trafficking and three of forced labour, since figures were first published for Northern Ireland in January 2012. He is critical of organisations aiming to rescue women from prostitution, which he dubs the rescue industry . He added:
I think there are vested interests tied up with this. I am a bit sceptical of the number of smaller organisations popping up all over the place that have anti-trafficking at their core and which
get state funding and which seem to exist for propagating this myth or something.
Asked how the public should choose which experts to believe on the subject of prostitution and trafficking, he had a simple answer:
I don't think that the research from advocacy groups, with an abolitionist [anti-prostitution] perspective, is very rigorous. And of course I think mine is very rigorous. Dr Ellison was awarded a grant in May to
begin his first piece of research on prostitution. With the help of other academics, he is comparing regulatory models of prostitution in Berlin, Prague, Belfast and Manchester as part of a study relating to Lord Morrow's bill. He estimates there
are around 10 mainly street based male escorts in Belfast and up to 30 women. Advertising online he says there are around 500 women in Northern Ireland, mainly in Belfast, Newry and Londonderry who have been available for sex work appointments over
past two year period . Only around 20-30 are available on any given day, he says, though a small number are duplicate adverts. A spokesman for the Department of Justice, which has done extensive work to tackle human trafficking in Northern
Ireland, said 17 suspected victims have been referred to the NRM/UKHTC since the start of April 2013. Six were found not to be victims, one has been confirmed as a victim and ten cases are pending. ...Read the full
article |
US Bill introduced to conflate sex work with trafficking when considering foreign aid
 | 28th June
| See article from
nswp.org |
Dangerous new legislation that conflates trafficking with sex work , and has the potential to impact diplomatic relations, has been introduced in the United States Congress. Representative Randy Hultgren, an Illinois Republican in his first term,
has introduced legislation that would amend the Trafficking in Victims Protection Act of 2000 to restrict foreign aid going to countries where prostitution is legal. Hultgren claims that legal prostitution leads to human trafficking. Hultgren's
bill would force the State Department to take a country's prostitution laws into consideration when determining which tier it belongs to in the annual Trafficking in Persons report. The TIP report assigns countries a tier according to how well the United
States believes they are complying with the minimum standards for the elimination of trafficking in persons (a low tier can result in sanctions). Hultgren told the Washington Examiner that he is meeting with the State Department in the next few
weeks to discuss the bill, and his comments reveal that he is a little unclear on the bill's impact, and vague on its objective. He said: I haven't felt a lot of pushback. but just some questioning of how will this
impact the rankings and things. I'm not sure. But I know what we've got to do is do everything we can to protect children who are getting pulled into this, women who are getting pulled into this.
On May 21st, the bill was introduced
to the House Committee on Foreign Affairs as H.R.4703. The bill's full title -- To amend the Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000 relating to determinations with respect to efforts of foreign countries to reduce demand for commercial sex acts under
the minimum standards for the elimination of trafficking -- aligns it to the currently fashionable end demand approach taken by many abolitionist organisations. Working to end trafficking, according to the sponsors of this bill, is not enough; the demand
for commercial sex must, too, be abolished. The congressman is associated with Exodus Cry , a faith-based anti-sex trafficking organization, which is publicising his bill at their website and encouraging supporters to back it -- members of Exodus
Cry are currently at the World Cup in Brazil, leading prayers and outreach actions based on the debunked notion that large sporting events lead to an increase in trafficking.
8th July 2014
Power Trip: Margaret Corvid on desire, change and culture See article from newstatesman.com |
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