Walking Street Blog
 | 28th June 2018
| Thanks to Dave |
A little more on Panda . The place had 2 tiered seating on the left hand side and single seating at the back and right hand side and the place was full. No problems with space and you could see all 20 Girls. The only downside was the Girls
don't move round. I got persuaded to go into the Glass House , not a place I like, the Cheap bottled Beer has gone. Prices now from 150-200b. There were more Girls in there than before and some nice looking Girls, mostly
Coyote Dancers, but some Topless. Happy was short on Girls.
Pattaya GoGo Reviews: Panda
 | 24th June 2018
| Thanks to Dave |
I popped into the Panda A-go-go on Saturday night and I must say it was a pleasant surprise. There were 3 central Square Stages with around 20 Bikini Dancers who later removed their Tops. Then there were 2 Groups of 20 Coyote
Dancers. I only saw 1 fat bird. lots of familiar faces, the Mamasang and some Dancers from the Sapphire Club. I asked Koy why she had moved, but she didn't have a reason, just fancied a change. I sat with Pat from Happy and Da
from Beach Club, although last time a saw her was in the ill fated Maxim's. The Music was good, there was comfortable Bench seating, Draft Beer was 75 b for half a pint and Lady Drinks 165b.
I enjoyed my visit, they Panda-red to my every need.
Club Eden goes dark but re-opens 3 weeks later
 | 23rd June 2018
| Thanks to Ishi of www.pattayagogos.net (Japanese language) |
Club Eden on Soi Diamond went dark on 31st May. The dancers and staff have now moved to Tantra A-GoGo. The bar's short life has already been punctuated by dark periods so perhaps it can reappear again, but in the meantime the GoGo count stands at 75.
Update: Re-opened 23rd June 2018. Club Eden re-opened on 21st June 2018. So the GoGo count returns to 75. |
Panda A-GoGo opens
 | 19th
June 2018
| Thanks to Ishi of www.pattayagogos.net (Japanese language) |
Panda A-GoGo opened on 18th June at the Walking Street venue that was previously Annabelle's. Presumably the bar has Chinese connections, Early reports note that the bar has an unsurprising black and white theme. Drinks are generally pricey, but there
is a draft beer. The dress code is coyotee. There are currently 74 GoGos open around Pattaya. |
Panda A-GoGo set to open on Walking Street
 | 17th June 2018
| |
Panda A-GoGo is set to open on 18th of June at the Walking Street venue that was previously Annabelle's A-GoGo. Presumably the Panda theme reveals the rumoured Chinese connection. The new bar is set to open on 18th June. Meanwhile as if Pattaya has a
1 in, 1 out policy, then it looks like the pussy tricks show venue Hot Girls is on the way out. The upstairs Walking Street bar has been dark for a day but the reason is not yet clear. |
Walking Street Blog
 | 16th June 2018
| Thanks to Dave | Fairly Quiet on Walking Street on Friday Night ,as you might expect with the World
Cup on.
I popped into the Sapphire Club . All the Girls were dressed as Footballers only with extremely small shorts and they were all number 15. I popped into Wildcats . There were 10 Topless Dancers on Stage when I entered. There were
6 Girls from the defunct Sweethearts, 2 had tried Atlantis and did not like it, Ae said the music was too loud and there was no space, Koy said she did not like the music and there were no customers. She said she preferred the rock music and both
preferred the old lay out and said Sweethearts had been much Friendlier, Funny because Viking told me he could not recruit Girls to Sweethearts because of they did not like the Rock Music, As I passed Sweethearts the curtain was
open, so it seems they are back to the open door Policy I could only see 1 Girl, Bom who was dressed as a Coyote Dancer, Finished off at the Shark Club . All the Girls were wearing Bikini Tops and G-String's. I sat with Apple from the
defunct Sweethearts and Fon from the defunct Eden Club,
Yes! A-GoGo re-opens but 4Play closes
 | 15th June 2018
| Thanks to Ishi of www.pattayagogos.net (Japanese language) |
Yes! A-GoGo on Soi Diamond re-opened on 14th June 2016 after a lengthy period of renovation. Meanwhile 4Play A-GoGo on Soi 6 has been dark for over a week. So there are still 74 GoGos open around Pattaya. |
Babydolls Manager Larry announces his retirement
 | 9th June 2018
| |
Babydolls manager, and top notch meeter and greeter, Larry has announced his retirement. He will retire on 24th June and no doubt there will be a suitable send off. After 14 years of work in Pattaya, split between Secrets and Babydolls, he will surely
have a lot friends wanting to wish him well in retirement. And there will be many more who have enjoyed his prolific contributions to the Pattaya forums, where he posts as Soi 7. |
Walking Street Blog
8th June 2018
| Thanks to Dave |
It was fairly quiet on Walking Street on Wednesday Evening. I started in the Lighthouse which was lively but only a few customers 3 to 5 while I was there. The last 3 times I've been there it was packed.
There were lots of attractive girls in Black Bikinis. The waitress with the Hugh Jarce was dancing round the room as normal, she came over and showed me her knickers, which are huge. I wonder where she gets them from? (not a pretty
sight). Not been there for 3 weeks and I only recognized 6 Girls. I sat with a Bird from the Sapphire Club. I followed into Super Girl which was much busier, with around 15 Topless Dancers
on the Stage. Some Asian men were throwing 20 b notes onto the stage. I saw one Girl pick up 25 and another Girl 30. The topless dancers were followed by the Bikini Dancers, there were 3 or 4 very attractive Girls. As I was
leaving I had trouble with my Braces, they'd come loose at the back and I was Standing outside New Star trying to re attach them when an attractive Girl caught me by the arm and dragged me inside. It was much better than my
previous visit. I asked for a San Miguel but got a Draught Beer instead, luckily it was ok, on my previous visit it was horrible. I counted 12 Girls, 3 or 4 of them were quite attractive, all the Girls were medium build or Bigger.
2 were very Fat, 3 Girls went Topless. There were 6 punters, 5 Indians and myself who had the best looking Bird. 1 Indian looking man had the 2 fattest Girls. Lady Drinks were a ludicrous 180b, Half pint of Lager 75b.
It had started to Rain by this time so I went home,
Angelwitch goes dark
 | 5th June 2018
| Thanks to Ishi of www.pattayagogos.net (Japanese language) |
The long running GoGo and show bar on Soi 15 has gone dark. The bar has been providing shows since January 2006 in a purpose built auditorium. There are plenty of non sex seeking tourists being guided for a good gawp at the goings on of
Walking Street, and it is not really clear why they couldn't be 'guided' into the decent quality sexy shows offered by Angelwitch. The closure has been rumoured for some time so it is probably permanent. So there are now just 74 GoGos open
around Pattaya. There are rumours going around suggesting that ladyboy cabaret style shows will soon appear at the venue. |
Silver Stars swap over
 | 3rd June 2018
| Thanks to Ishi of www.pattayagogos.net (Japanese language) |
On 2nd June the Silver Stars on soi 8 & Soi 7 swapped over. Silver Star 2 opened whilst Silver Star Closed.
The Building containing the original Silver Star is now noted as for sale. The GoGo count therefore stays unchanged at 75. The re-opening of Yes! A-GoGo on Soi Diamond has slipped a few days to 8th June. |
Atlantis A-GoGo takes over from Sweetheart's
 | 31st May 2018
| 31st May 2018. Introduction from owner Viking via pattaya-addicts.com |
The name is Atlantis and I have spent the last month giving it a total refurbishment as well as new lights, sound and installed equipment so we can have a DJ and a bit more varied music. We will soft open on 30th of May to see
what works and what does not so please feel free to come with feedback as you happen to go by. If it's music, lights, drinks etc. The girls will be wearing a mix between bikinis, very small shorts with tops, different themed
uniforms (maid, sailor, nurse etc), topless (not sure how many we will have from day 1) and cute door-girls with nice uniforms! As for music we will have 2-3 DJs a night playing a bit various in terms of music. I've had them
experiment with dance, old-school trance, R&B and a little rock all mixed together but with the DJ we have the flexibility to vary a lot throughout the night. We have also upgraded the stereo system from 4 older speakers and 2
subs to a all new system with 8 JBL speakers on the wall to get even sound around the bar, as well as 4 subs built into the sofas (I've told them not to have too much bass but I want it even around). Unlike the previous bar, we
have decided to go for 3 long center stages instead of the tabletop dancing and it should be room enough for 13 girls at once (total of 8,2 meters of stage) who all rotate from the back of the bar to the front. Another change is that the stage is 30 CM
above the ground, and the sofas are moved down one step so you will have full view of the girls. It sounds very narrow, but it's 70 cm to walk on each side of the stage and I am able to walk there being a big fat guy so I think it should be fine for
everyone. As before we will run happy hour from 8 PM to 9.30 PM and we close at 3.30 AM. Update: Opened 31st May 2018. Thanks to Ishi of www.pattayagogos.net (Japanese language) Atlantis opened as scheduled on 30th May. The Grand opening day will be 9th June.
Early reports noted attractive dancers, good viewing with a low stage, and a reasonable volume of varied music. There are now 76 GoGos open around the Pattaya area.
Walking Street Blog
 | 27th May 2018
| Thanks to Dave |
It was very busy on Walking Street on Saturday night. I started in Bliss A-GoGo it was very busy and crowded, not much space for sitting with a Girl. The Models were on stage when I entered but a Fat Waitress kept standing in my way,
blocking my view of half the stage. I asked her to move twice but it didn't do a lot of good. it wasn't helped by the Man at the Table next to me who was talking to 4 Fat Waitresses. Why? There were some very nice Girls on show. Passed Annabelles
which is being totally gutted, why buy a very successful venue and then gut it? Makes no sense. Passed Atlantis which has not opened yet, the Shutter was open a couple of feet but I couldn't bend down that far to look inside. An
ex-sweethearts Girl said it would open at the end of next week, Popped into Wildcats which was lively. I sat with Bang, Tukta and Nui from Sweethearts. There were about 10 attractive topless Girls Dancing. More space than Bliss. Followed into
Happy which was very lively, with some lovely looking and Friendly Girls. There has been a definite change of Policy, with Girls now coming up to you and introducing themselves. 2 lovely Tall Blondes came up to me, unfortunately I was already
sitting with Bang and Par. There was a lot of screaming as a couple of Men were throwing ping pong balls and 20b notes. There were 3 Chinese men on my left and they were laughing because my Draft Beer arrived before I'd even sat down. Some
stunning slim Coyote Dancers in there. No show Girls this week, I'm not sure what is going on.
Pattaya GoGo Reviews: Miami
 | 25th May 2018
| |
Of all the afternoon GoGos, Miami is managed most like a nightime venue. There's still no sign of any nudity, and with several well overweight older dancers, few customers would want to see more. However the bar also employs a couple of decent
looking coyotes, probably from the usual agency sources. But this comes at the cost of being well overdressed. The mamasang is pretty pro-active in ensuring that customers are quickly allocated to dancers should they so desire. I chatted to
a keen and pretty coyote who was happy to explore the more hands on style of the afternoon gogos but was obviously a little inexperienced. The bar offers competitive prices to the other daytime gogos on sois 13. I've been in a couple of
times but never quite clicked, I think it either has to be a bit nuder or a bit seedier to chime with Pattaya afternooners. |
A Walking Street Blog
 | 20th May 2018
| Thanks to Dave |
It was quiet on Walking Street last night. The Atlantis sign is up outside Sweethearts. Viking's advertising for Girls. It was all in Thai but fairly obvious he was offering 10 day contracts at 10.000 b and 15000 b which
I'm assuming is for topless Girls. He's also going to have Girls standing outside...quite a change? Happy was only about 2/3rds full, unusually there were more Farang Punters than Asian, but it was lively, with some very
attractive Girls. My bird Bang was drunk and threw up in the Toilets, someone had been feeding her Tequila, horrible stuff I prefer B52's.
Pattaya GoGo Reviews: P Ying
 | 18th May 2018
| |
I visited P Ying on Soi 13/1 on a weekday evening and didn't see anything slightly resembling a GoGo. There were 2 decent looking girls dressed in street clothes. They were friendly enough but in a beer bar sort of way rather than a-GoGo. They
were not particularly committed to the task though, at the first lull in the conversation, out came the phone to check up on the latest posts. Time for a quick check bin, and to wonder why the owner/manager would allow phones to spoil business,
when there is still a lady drink in hand and small talk to be had. Draft beer was 50 Baht and lady drinks were 130 Baht. One to remove from the GoGo List...And then there were 75. |
Walking Street Blog
 | 17th May 2018
| Thanks to Dave |
We had a great time on Friday night. Started in the Sapphire Club , where I was sitting with a lovely older lady called Ros and a young Girl came up to my mate Paul. It was Ros's Daughter. We were later joined by 2 sisters, I got the younger
one this time. A lot of beautiful Girls in there as always, Followed into the Shark Club where Paul thought it was great, in fact he went back later. He said it was like a funeral on Wednesday, so what had changed apart
from the Colour of the Girls outfits? He had a bird sitting on his lap this time, Called Apple from Sweethearts. The place was full of very sexy young Girls again all in black, When Paul went back about 1am he had 5 lovely Girls
sitting with him including a tiny Girl called Mae who was under 5 foot tall, she is very cute. Went into the Lighthouse where I was happy. All the Skinny birds were back, I always get the same Lady in there, she's about 40
with a stomach as flat as a pancake and full of energy, she gives me a real going over. Paul was sitting with several Girls, it was very lively with Girls removing other Girls Bikini's, a waitress was grinding her Hugh Jarce into my Dick.
A very good evening.
Pattaya GoGo Reviews: Shark Club
 | 15th May 2018
| Thanks to Dave |
I popped into the Shark Club on Soi 15 last night, it was much improved from my last visit. Still no Nudity of course, but the Coyote Dancers were wearing much smaller outfits with a lot of Bum on Show. There were also Bikini
Dancers with G-Strings The Girls were very young mostly 18-20, not sure who the target market is but it was all Farang last night, not surprising with all those young Girls. My friend Paul said whose
funeral was it and soon left. I was sitting on my own for 20 mins then got set upon by 3 lovely teenage Girls. I shall definitely return to see them,
Pattaya GoGo Reviews: Bliss
 | 13th May 2018
| Thanks to Dave |
I popped into Bliss agogo on Walking Street on Tuesday night around 11 pm. It was fairly quiet. I was sitting with a Coyote Dancer who used to work in Supergirl, and next to her was a Model in a Red all over bodystocking, so I
sent her round to my friend Paul. She was laying back on the seat showing us her Fanny, she rubbed her fingers in it and then put her fingers to my mouth. When she went off to Dance most of the Models removed their G-String.
Unusually they did not turn down the Lights so I got a good look at some Pussies. When the models came off stage, one came and sat with me and 2 with Paul. I thought the new Model sitting with Paul was Drunk but my Model said no
she was just Crazy. Paul was Kissing both of their Pussies and the crazy one stripped to the waist, she had big brown nipples and a nice face. Haha, a very good time was had.
Pattaya GoGo Reviews: Silver Star
 | 12th May 2018
| Thanks to Dave |
I popped into Silver Star on Soi 8 on Tuesday Night. It was fairly quiet with about 6 Punters. We were sitting by the Bath. There were 2 nice Naked Girls. My friend Paul bought them both a drink and one came and sat on his
lap, the other one was trying to shoot ice cubes into our Beer using her Fanny. I was sitting with an attractive Coyote Dancer. The Girl on Paul's lap was playing with his Dick. I thought she was going to get it out but she just
played with it through his trousers. There was a man sitting on my left on his own, several Girls approached him including a very nice Blonde in only a G-String, but he Shooed all of them away, very strange. Why would you sit in
an agogo on your own?. The Mamasang was giving Paul a shoulder Massage while the Naked Girl Massaged his Dick, A good time was had.
Pattaya GoGo Reviews
 | 11th May 2018
| Thanks to Dave |
I popped into the Palace A-go-go on Monday Night. It's a very long narrow venue with 4 central stages. There were over 20 attractive Topless Dancers and probably twice that many slim and attractive Coyote Dancers. It was
difficult to tell because the place is so narrow and very crowded, you could only see what was in front of you. The seating was very cramped and uncomfortable, A Girl opposite me looked at me as if to say
what the fuck are you looking at me for, 2 Girls walked past me and introduced themselves to 2 Asian men sitting on my left, they were not interested and they moved on. My friend Paul said now I know what it must be like to be Black. Most of the Girls
ignored us. What a horrible place. If Viking is basing the new sweethearts on the Palace, good luck to him I won't be going back to that place in a hurry, but it's at least 5 foot wider than Sweethearts and it was very
Walking Street Blog
 | 10th May 2018
| Thanks to Dave |
I popped into the Glasshouse last week. I don't like the place it's too Cramped, uncomfortable seats and loud music. There were 8 Fat and Mediocre Coyote Dancers on the Stage. After about 20 minutes the Girls changed
over and there were 3 attractive girls. One was Gorgeous, she had a lovely smile and a fantastic Arse. She was smiling at me and waggling her lovely Arse at me, only I couldn't see it properly because a Fat Waitress was standing in front of me.
I asked her to move so I could see the Girl and she said did I want to buy her a drink. I Said no I want you to move out of the way. Then a little voice piped up I'll buy her a drink it was my mate Paul, so he got her, the
Bastard but he didn't boom boom her. He must be mad. Later 6 Bikini Girls came on and they removed their Tops. There was a stunning Skinny Blonde. Going home on Saturday night I stopped outside Club Eden
to talk to Fon and a lovely little Blonde came over. I would have taken them both upstairs but I had a very bad Pain in the Knee and I couldn't make it up the Stairs, but if there tonight, I'll definitely take them. There was
a stunning new Blonde in the Sapphire Club on Friday Night. I didn't have a chance to buy her a drink. Lets hope she's their tomorrow night, she was a beauty with a lovely smile. I was sitting with a very attractive older Blonde, Called Ros.
The Lighthouse was packed on Saturday night. I noticed more Farang's than Asian Punters. Peppermint was fairly Lively but only about 25% full. There were some nice Girls Dancing but they were all
flat chested. There were no Show Girls, no Topless Girls at all. Half a Dozen Girls came over to me looking for a Tip, they got their Tits out as they always do but no other nudity . The Mamasang in Wildcats that gets her
tit's out was back last week, so was the Girl that stands outside. A very Fat Mamasang in Mistys will get her Tit's out for a Drink. I pay her to keep her clothes on.
Pattaya GoGo Reviews: Wildcats
 | 9th May 2018
| Thanks to Dave |
I popped into Wildcats Agogo in Walking Street last night. It was very lively with a lot of young Girls. There were 10 Topless Dancers on the Stage just wearing a G-String. They were all Young and attractive with good size
Boobs. I was Jumped on by two young Girls as soon as I sat down. They gave me a good working over. They were rubbing my face in their Tits, grinding their Tuds in my lap, kissing and cuddling me. I was sucking their Nipples and
having a great time and then a topless Girl came over and joined in. The only downside was the unattractive Waitresses kept asking for drinks and didn't want to take no for an answer. You had to be very firm.
My friend Paul, here on Holiday was sitting with 4 Girls from Sweethearts and 2 topless Dancers. The Sweethearts Girls said they are not going back, when the new Bar opens and they thought that Viking was Crazy for Closing
Sweethearts. One not to be missed at the moment. Meanwhile other girls from Sweethearts can be found in the Doll House.
Pattaya GoGo Reviews; Bypass
 | 8th May 2018
| Thanks to Dave |
I czeched into Bypass on Monday Night. There were 7 lovely slim Thai Coyote Dancers on the Stage. They Danced for what seemed forever because they don't move around, They were followed by 6 Thai Girls in Stockings, Suspenders,
G-string and Bra, after 4 songs they took off their Bra's. One very attractive Girl was smiling at me but it was 200 Baht to buy the Models a drink ,which I thought was a rip off. One Girls tit's were so
big her bra was designed by Brunel, The Music was extremely loud for such a small venue. The staff were very friendly. I didn't find out till just before we left, that you have to pick a Girl off the Stage
and she'll stop Dancing and come and sit with you, not a system I'm keen on. A little tweaking and it could be a good Bar.
Pattaya GoGo Reviews: Kiss and Oasis
 | 7th May 2018
| Thanks to Dave |
I popped into the new Kiss a-go-go in L K Metro on Sunday night. Out goes the Bench Seating, Table top Dancers and the Rock Music, and in Comes a Central Stage and Boom Boom Music. Does this sound familiar?
The Central Stage was very odd and only had Room for 4 Girls. The Girls were a mix of Coyote, Bikini and Topless Dancers. Most of them were below average and over weight, There was nothing that would make me
want to return, Kiss is 3 times bigger than Sweet hearts but the Designer obviously did not look at other a-go-go's in the Area, like Sugar Sugar and Paradise Club which have better Stage, better lighting, Nubile young and Slim
Topless Girls. They were in a different league, But Club Oasis was even more terrible. There were 8 over weight Coyote Dancers ,loud Music and no atmosphere. Iit must be Vying for the Worst A-go-go in Pattaya. How it stays
in Business is a Mystery.
Bar re-opens on Walking Street with Czech dancers
 | 7th May 2018
| 6th May 2018. Thanks to Ishi of www.pattayagogos.net (Japanese language) |
Bypass A-GoGo on Soi Happy re-opened on 4th May with Czech dancers. All other examples of the East European genre are best bypassed, so unless proven otherwise this will be listed alongside other bars with East European dancers rather than as an
A-GoGo. So the GoGo count remains at 76. Update: Same as before 7th May 2018. Thanks to Ishi The bar has no Czech dancers, no European dancers at all. In fact no change at all. The
same GoGo as before. [I think I'll wait until I see a welcome board offering a cheap draft beer before risking a look myself]. There are still 76 GoGo bars open around Pattaya, maybe my last count was wrong. |
Pattaya GoGo Reviews: Mistys and Eden
 | 5th May 2018
| Thanks to Dave |
I popped into the new Misty's A-GoGo last night. It was a big mistake, The Music was Diabolical and very loud Latin American Rap Music. The Stage is still 12 feet away ,the Girls appeared to be
slim Coyote Dancers. Unfortunately the punters were sitting at the sides and the Girls were facing the front. The Lighting was flashing Spot lighting which made it even more difficult to get a good look at the Girls. One to give a
wide berth unless you are a big Nicky Jam fan, I was passing Club Eden when a very attractive Girl stopped me and asked me if I wanted to go upstairs, which I did. Its a long narrow venue with seats
at the side and a Central Stage. There were 6 Bikini Dancers on Stage who removed there tops and 12 Coyote Dancers who were mostly slim and attractive. The Music was not to my taste, but not too loud, so passable,
I had a great time because I was sitting with Fon who was gorgeous, but otherwise not that exciting I think. Probably not worth the Trek up those Stairs unless Fon is holding your hand,
Hunny Lounge gentlemen's club opens on Soi Honey
 | 4th May 2018
| Thanks to Ishi of www.pattayagogos.net (Japanese language) |
A new gentlemen's Club has opened on Soi Honey (the next soi off Soi Buakhao north of Soi LK Metro). Updated: Hunny Lounge opened on 25th April. The new bar has a strong presence on the Pattaya forums so plenty of photos
and pictures there. |
Walking Street Blog
 | 3rd May 2018
| Thanks to Dave |
I had a good time in the Lighthouse last night. It was packed with mostly Asian me and a few Farangs. Not quite as cramped as Bliss and much better Girls. There were 2 Stunning tall slim Girls. Unfortunately I got 2 well built
ones, but Beggars can't be Choosers and they were all over me. I have never been kissed so many times. I also had a great Time in Happy on Saturday evening. I had 2 Girls again, a beautiful Coyote
Dancer in Black and a lovely Bikini Dancer. It was very lively with Asian men throwing 100's of 20 Bahts in the air and great atmosphere. Unlike Peppermint which has no atmosphere,
Dark vibes for the start of low season.
 | 3rd May 2018
| 2nd May 2018. Thanks to Ishi of www.pattayagogos.net (Japanese language) |
Top One was a GoGo on SoHo Square that had already fled the GoGo scene and become a tom bar. However it has now gone dark. Cocoon was a night club that took over from Upstairs A-GoGo, but that too has also gone dark. Yes A-GoGo
has also gone dark on Soi Diamond, but this doesn't affect the GoGo count as I had forgotten that it was open. Update: Yes A-GoGo is dark for renovation with a view to re-opening on 15th May.
Annabelle's is also Dark on Walking Street but this seems to be something to do with a change of ownership and it may be just a temporary closure. Update: The word on the
street is that Annabelle's has been bought by a Korean consortium.
Sweethearts A-GoGo closes
 | 1st May 2018
| Thanks to Dave |
After 11 years , Sweethearts A-GoGo on Walking Street closed with a party on 30th April 2018. Something will return after a month of renovation works but it will not be farang friendly rock music A-GoGo named Sweetheart's. The bar will be missed by
many. Perhaps with disappointment slipping into frustration, Dave comments: Well Sweethearts has gone another Farang Bar/Agogo in walking Street bites the dust. Another greedy man only interested in the Asian
I suspect that the move maybe more necessity than option. Rock music venues suggest that the target audience is of older farang expats. Surely rapidly rising Walking Street prices have chipped away at this niche market
Customer drinks, lady drinks, bar fines and, most of all short time prices have all increased markedly and have made Walking Street an expensive proposition for many. It is not unrelated that there has been a resurgence of Soi 6, Gentlemen's
clubs have been opening up around town, and many an ex-pat is now speaking of preferring private hook ups anyway. They are all cheaper options. GoGos can't really opt out of the high price model as top notch girls are in short supply and dictate
the terms. So if a bar wants to to compete it either has to target the entire spectrum of available customers or else find a niche that really pulls in the customers (eg Windmill). To offer rock music as a draw, when customers are primarily seeking a
little female company, no longer cuts any ice. Maybe the Rock 'n' Roll era on Walking Street has seen its last dance. And just to conclude, Pattaya's GoGo count has now dipped to a still plentiful, but declining 76. |
Bar area in around Soi 7 and Soi 8 seems to be in retreat
 | 29th April 2018
| |
It has already been noted that Silver Star 2 A-GoGo has closed on Soi 7 but there are also a few notable beer bars that have also gone dark. World Wide Beer Bar has been a live music venue on Beach Road between Soi 7 and Soi 8 for as
long as I can remember, but it has no gone silent. The Nearby Love Hearts Bar is another casualty. Meanwhile a few other famous bars have been given notice at the first road junction on Soi7 coming from 2nd Road. The clutch of beer bars
including Nick's Bar and Aussie Aussie Aussie are the victims of another upcoming hotel expansion project. But bars are still opening around town in other areas so perhaps it is just that areas near to the beach can be used more
profitably as hotels rather than beer bars. |
Silver Star 2 Closes and Maxim goes dark
 | 28th April 2018
| Thanks to Ishi of www.pattayagogos.net (Japanese language) |
Silver Star 2 has closed on Soi 7 and the dancers and staff have moved across to Silver Star on Soi 8. There's a sign on the door simply saying shutdown. Meanwhile on Walking Street, Maxim has gone dark. It has only been open a
short while after taking over from Marilyn Monroe A-GoGo, but licensing issues now to be a problem on that side of Walking Street. However this could still just be a hiccup. So the traditional start of low season seems to have ushered in a spate
of closures, leaving a recent low of 77 GoGos still open around Pattaya. |
Set to return with Czech dancers
 | 28th April 2018
| Thanks to Ishi of www.pattayagogos.net (Japanese language) |
Bypass A-GoGo on Walking Street has closed and it seems that the bar will change format when it re-opens on 4th May. A sign of the door say that that the 'New Bypass' will feature Czech girls. And if previous experience of bars with East
European girls is anything to go by then Bypass will prove a very apt name. |
Confirmation that rock music and table dancing is set to end at Sweetheart's A-GoGo
 | 27th April 2018
| From Viking on Pattaya Addicts |
Owner Viking writes: Sweethearts A Gogo will close after the night of the 30th of April to make a new bar in the same location with the same owner/management. It's been 11 years of great fun, but it's time
to refresh and update the bar as it's had years of wear and tear as well as its time to modernize a bit. On the 2nd of May the work will start with a total refurbishment of the bar and will reopen late May with a brand new color scheme, new name and a
bit differe nt layout to what we have now, we're also purchasing a brand new sound system where the focus should still be on GOOD sound rather than loud! This page will still be used for the new bar so people can follow us on the
new adventure. The staff will be mostly the same, and in addition to keeping most of the girls we are looking to add a lot more. I would just like to thank everyone who has supported us over the last 11 years making it one fun bar
to run! I would also give out a shout to Johan for creating a great bar over a decade ago and I hope all of you guys will give us a chance even if it will be a different concept! If you are in town and have the opportunity, please
stop by for my birthday party on the 28th of April or on the 30th where I have evil plans of giving out as much black vodka as I can for one last drink off! Viking |
Pattaya GoGo Reviews: Bliss
 | 25th April 2018
| Thanks to Dave |
I popped into Bliss-a-go-go on Walking Street last night. It was much better than my last visit. There were some attractive and slim Coyote Dancers, The Showgirls were wearing an all over red Fishnet Body Stocking, and a
G-string which some Girls removed showing some nice pussies. The Red Body stocking hid very little. One Girl had a very nice pair of Tits. There is still no interaction between Punters and Girls, unless you are known in there.
...And the Fat waitresses still stand in front of the Stage, blocking your view. But not a bad place for a Beer.
Pattaya GoGo Reviews: Silver Star 2
 | 23rd April 2018
| Thanks to Dave |
I popped into Silver Star 2 on Soi 7 last night. It was very different to my last visit. There were 5 Coyote Dancers on Stage, all of them overweight, and one very large lady, but not unattractive. These were followed by 5
nude Dancers, again most of them overweight, with one real Amazon with very large Silicone Boobs. Half pint of very nice Draft Beer 75 Baht, Lady Drinks 150 Baht. Not a bad place to have a Beer, as long as
you don't like young skinny girls.
Temporary GoGo closures on Walking Street
 | 21st April 2018
| Thanks to Ishi of www.pattayagogos.net (Japanese language) |
Bypass A-GoGo on Walking Street has gone dark for a while. The bar intends to re-open on the 4th May. In the meantime the Bypass girls can be found in Crazy House. Eden Club closed for local Songkran festivities from 18-20th April. The
bar is scheduled to re-open on 21st April. So assuming all goes to plan, there will be 29 gogos open around Pattaya tonight. |
Walking Street Blog
 | 19th April 2018
| Thanks to Dave |
I popped into the Sapphire Club on Saturday night, it was busy as always. Some lovely Girls in Sexy underwear as usual, although about 25% down on numbers due to Songkran. The Full pint of draft
Happy Promotion is still running. I struggled through the crowds to Happy which was down on Girls, and also Punters being only about half full. There were a lot of Coyote Dancers but at least they are slim and attractive.
No Show but the Show Girls were dancing as Coyotes. I don't quite understand this, why don't they dance Topless? Had one Beer and passed into Sweethearts , which was really buzzing with around 25
Punters in. It was very lively and everyone having a good time, with people enjoying the Rock Music, despite the lack of Girls, Viking was sitting near the Door very quietly and looking miserable, haha.
But is it viable for a Walking Street GoGo?
 | 17th April 2018
| Thanks to Dave |
Sweethearts has a Niche place in Walking Street, nothing else like it...But Viking thinks changing to the same layout as every other Bar will bring in more Punters. But the evidence does not hold up. I had a great time
in the Lighthouse on Thursday evening but there were only 6 or 7 punters in the Place. They have very Sexy Girls showing a lot of Flesh in very skimpy bra and G-string, but they do not do any more business than Sweethearts. They have the
same number of girls,with barfine 1500 before midnight, and the premises are about 3 feet wider than sweethearts. The Glass House which is close to what the new Sweethearts will be, although a bit wider, only had a single
number of punters, and had difficulty in keeping them because of its Fat Coyote Dancers. It needs some nudity to do better. If the new Sweethearts has the same Coyote Dancers as it has now, it will flop. At the moment the Girls
are waggling there very sexy arses in Punters faces, but with a central stage this will not be the case. If they do squeeze in a Central Stage it will be like Bad Girls , with cramped seats and very poor viewing. A small
a-go-go can only do small business and will never be a Baccara. So you have to make the best use of the space you have...Which the Lighthouse does but Glass House and Maxim certainly don't.
Walking Street Blog: The Lighthouse, Maxim, Glass House
 | 13th April 2018
| Thanks to Dave | Popped out early last night. I got the Songthaew to Central at 8
o'clock. Everywhere was very busy. The Bars on Second Road were doing good Business. Central was very lively with Live Music at the Front and the Rear entrances. Inside was busy with the Food Hall very busy, mostly Russian and
Asian Tourists. I got the Songthaew to Walking Street, My favourite Girl was standing outside The Lighthouse so popped in for a drink. It was very lively with some very attractive Girls in Bikini tops and G-strings. There
were 2 tall and very skinny Girls without an ounce of Fat on them, if you like them that way, I certainly do. There were 2 naked Girls, and all the other Girls were attractive. I had a Couple of Draft Beers and moved on.
Passing Maxim I was grabbed by a Girl from the Beach Club and went in for a drink. It was very large with Bench Seating down the Sides with a Central Stage and it was very disappointing. The Music was too loud, and the Girls were mostly Fat,
although this could of been because of the Terrible Outfits the Girls were wearing. They were very large Tops and bottoms, I don't know who designed them but I assume the Idea was too remove any sexuality from the Girls and it worked very well. There was
no nudity or Sexiness of any kind. There were 4 Punters 3 Farang and 1 young Chinese. It was like a reunion with 2 Girls from Beach Club, Waitress from Sweethearts, an attractive slim Blonde Dancer from Sapphire Club and a Lady
boy Mamasang from New Living Dolls. No draft Beer but Bottled Beer a reasonable 150 Baht but Lady Drinks were a Ludicrous 200 Baht. I can see no future for this Bar unless it changes very quickly.
There were lots of Girls just sitting around looking bored. A definite miss.
I was Grabbed by Oiy from New Living Dolls as I passed the Glass House . I went in for a drink. No Draft of Course, but bottled beer was 100 Baht. Another Coyote Bar, but there were a few attractive Girls with a little bit of flesh on show but
not much. Streets ahead of Maxim though. It was full of Staff and Dancers from New Living Dolls, but not a patch on that Venue unfortunately, Finished with a Coffee in Sweethearts. I sat with 2 stunning Girls called Noi and Bang.
The Mad owner was not present, maybe he was at the Hospital getting his Brains tested?
Walking Street Blog
 | 11th April 2018
| Thanks to Dave |
Have you noticed a trend in Walking Street? Gradually all the Farang Bars and A-go-go's are closing, Beavers, Casanovy, New Living Dolls, The Doll House, Champions, XYZ, Lollipop, Upstairs, Peppermint and soon Sweethearts are
being replaced by Coyote Dancer bars aimed at Asian Customers. Eg Sensations and Skyfall. You can still find Farang places up the side streets but how long will they last? Before long Farangs will have to go to LK Metro, Soi
7/8 and Soi Buakhao, where they already have a stronghold,
Pattaya GoGo Reviews: SensationS
 | 9th April 2018
| Thanks to Dave |
I popped into Walking Street's SensationS on Wednesday evening. It was very large and very busy All the Girls were wearing Black Shorts and Black short T-shirts and bra. You can see Girls like that on the Street. I
can't see the attraction but then I'm not Asian.
Club Eden re-opens on Soi Diamond
 | 8th April 2018
| Thanks to Ishi of www.pattayagogos.net (Japanese language) |
Club Eden has only just opened above Soi Diamond, when it went dark after a few nights. It re-opened on 6th April with an opening party. So the amount of GoGos around Pattaya has now reached 80. |
The GoGo will close in May and be re-modelled with a central stage.
 | 5th April 2018
| Thanks to Dave |
Its official, Viking is Bonkers, the revamp of sweethearts goes ahead in May. Out go the Bench Seating and High Dancing Tables and in comes low level seating and a Central Stage, Sweethearts is about 12
feet wide, you need a minimum 3 ft 6 inches for a seat and Table, which leaves 5 ft for a central stage and walkways, I understand all new Staff will be midgets and any Customer over 5 ft 6 inch tall will be banned. Where the very
Large Viking will stand when chatting to his Customers is a mystery, as he will totally block any walk way. Maybe he'll swing from the Ceiling like a Trapeze artist. Other changes previously noted were changing the Name of the Bar
and Playing Dance music in the hope of attracting Asian Customers. The main problem with Sweethearts at the moment is the lack of Girls. They only have 20 and by midnight half of them have been Barfined, which doesn't leave enough
Girls to Dance. There used to be 35 Girls, Viking said he will employ more Girls after the re vamp, Why doesn't he do it now?
Maxim A-GoGo opens on Walking Street
3rd April 2018
| Thanks to Ishi of www.pattayagogos.net (Japanese language) |
Maxim A-GoGo opened on 1st April 2018 in the Walking Street venue that was previously Marilyn Monroe A-GoGo. So paperwork allowing, there are now 79 GoGos open around Pattaya. |
Club Eden runs short of fig leaves whilst Sweethearts runs short of rock fans
 | 1st April 2018
| Thanks to Dave and Ishi of www.pattayagogos.net (Japanese language) |
Club Eden has only just opened above Soi Diamond, but it has already gone dark. The bar hopes to re-open on 7th April. Sounds like some admin hiccups need to be sorted out. So the amount of GoGos around drops to 79 for a few days.
Meanwhile Dave has been keeping his ear close to the ground and reports: I think Viking the owner of Sweethearts, has lost his Brains along with his Hair. He says he is shutting Sweethearts at the end of April,
ripping out the interior including the Bench Seats, putting in a Central Stage & ground level seating. changing the Name of the Bar, and Playing Dance music in the hope of attracting Asian Customers.
Surely this is just an April
Fool's gag. Sweethearts is unique in Walking Street, with its Table Dancing and Rock Music. He couldn't possibly be thinking that oldie rock loving farangs have had their day...that simply can't be true... can it?...surely not!...