Switzerland ends its stripper's visa scheme
 | 30th December 2015
| See article from
news.com.au |
Switzerland will issue its last 'stripper's visa' this week as the visa scheme will end on 1st January 2016. About 700 foreign strippers and cabaret performers received the special Swiss work permit in 2015. Since 2005, more than 10,700 people
were given the visas, called L permits . Switzerland began awarding eight-month permits in 1995 to women from outside the European Union who wanted to come to the country to work as strippers and cabaret dancers. The program was meant to
protect people who may have otherwise been vulnerable to sex traffickers, and dancers from Russia, the Dominican Republic and Thailand were among the top recipients. But an investigation by Swiss authorities in 2014 found that the program was no
longer serving a protective role, with some permit holders were subjected to demands for money from people helping women to get their permits.
 | 22nd December 2015
Crackdown in the world's leading porn consumer See article from indexoncensorship.org
 | 17th December 2015
Thai museum celebrates sex industry and its workers See article from
theguardian.com |
 | 15th December 2015
PornHub amusingly follows the lead of major supermarkets in producing (SFW) Christmas advert See video from YouTube |
 | 14th December 2015
At least according to the easily 'outraged' See article from news.com.au
Tax inspectors seek (national debt) relief from sex workers and strippers
 | 5th December
| Thanks to phantom See article from bbc.co.uk |
Strippers, online escort agencies and adult club owners have been told to reveal all when it comes to their tax affairs. The industry is being targeted in a UK-wide campaign by HMRC aimed at recouping unpaid tax. Officials claim a big increase
in online escort agencies has helped create an industry worth £5bn. The UK tax authority said many of these businesses were paying the tax they owed but others hid from payments. Tax inspector will investigate both traders and entertainers who do
not register for VAT, income tax and PAYE. |
Canada's new justice minister plans to rethink current laws that endanger sex workers
 | 5th December 2015
| See article from nswp.org
Newly appointed Federal Justice Minister Jody Wilson-Raybould has set her sights on repealing Canada's anti-sex work laws. Maclean's reports that Canada's new anti-sex work laws are one of three major priorities for the Minister. The current law is called the Protecting Communities and Exploited Persons Act (PCEPA). It came into effect in December 2014 as a result of the Supreme Court's Bedford decision scrapping previous legislation. Unfortunately the replacement was worse.
PCEPA brought back several laws found unconstitutional in the Bedford decision. It also created a new anti-advertising provision that bans ads for sexual services. The laws were created as a Canadian version of the Swedish Model.
The Canadian Bar Association has stated that PCEPA would also likely be struck down by the Supreme Court, according to The Tyee . More information on the harms associated with the Swedish Model can be found in NSWP's Advocacy Toolkit .
The Justice Minister has stated that she will be consulting directly with sex workers in her review of the anti-sex work laws. I definitely am committed to reviewing the prostitution laws, and sitting down with my officials to
assess the best options, and with those they affect directly, Wilson-Raybould told The Tyee . In an interview with Maclean's, she went on to say that the safety of the workers is fundamentally important. Canadian
Parliament resumes on December 3, 2015. It will be the first Parliamentary session of the newly elected Liberal government. A throne speech the following day may gives further clues as to the agenda of the new government. Sex workers and their allies
hope to hear the Liberal promise to repeal PCEPA included.
Playboy to bow out of nude pictorials with one last photo spread from Pamela Anderson
 | 4th December 2015
| See article from
reuters.com |
Pamela Anderson will be the last person to pose nude for Playboy magazine, closing a more than 60-year tradition of nude centrefolds. Playboy magazine said that the former Baywatch star will be featured on the cover of the January/February 2016
edition that will be on sale in December. She also gets a 12-page photo spread inside. Playboy, founded in 1953 by Hugh Hefner, announced in October that it would stop publishing nude photos of women. Playboy says it will continue
publishing but the promised sexy, seductive pictorials will not be nude. We will soon see if the any readers actually buy the magazine for the articles. |
 | 4th
December 2015
Moves to reform Germany's prostitution laws are based on bad information and don't have sex workers' best interests at heart, argues expert Sonja Dolinsek. See
article from thelocal.de |
 | 2nd December 2015
Porn karaoke is the cornerstone of every Christmas celebration. At least that's how the good patrons of Hamburg's adult-only Christmas market see it where pretending to have sex with a microphone has become something of a custom See
article from worldtravelguide.net |
Ohio strip club girls make topless protest against the miserable gits at the local church
 | 30th November 2015
| From aattp.org |
Churchgoers at New Beginnings Church in Warsaw, Ohio got a surprise when they arrived on Sunday, topless dancers with protest signs. The Coshocton Tribune reports church misery guts have waged a 9-year war against Foxhole North, a gentlemen's club
up the road, staging protests outside the venue and trying to get them shut down. But now the fine people of the Foxhole have struck back against the rabid moralists of the church. Foxhole North Bar Owner Thomas George told reporters:
We want to let (church members) know how it feels to be under scrutiny. They come up every weekend. They're very abusive and certainly not Christian-like, not what I read in my Bible. I have to point out the hypocrisy I
see and not stand by and let this go on week in and week out.
125 people attended church services, and around 30 topless dancers and other employees and friends of the Fox Tail came to protest. Only six or so women actually bared
their breasts, even though appearing in public topless is legal in the state of Ohio. Nonetheless, George took caution to protect churchgoers' eyes by hanging a tarpaulin along the entrance to the church. Anny Donewald, founder of Eve's Angels
dropped by to show support for the Fox Tail's topless dancers. She believes churches like New Beginnings give Christians a bad name. But to be fair, with a whole world full of violence and killing in the name of religion, then a few miserable gits in
Ohio hardly can be blamed for the dreadful reputation of religion. But Pastor Bill Dunfee says he's not going anywhere, and is determined to shut down the strip club. He spouted: I hope that he will realize that
the Foxhole has no business in this community. I take very seriously the responsibility as a pastor to see to it that the gospel of Christ is lifted up, that Christ himself is lifted up, that evil's confronted.
Vietnam ministry proposes to wreck the lives of men who buy sex and their families
 | 24th November 2015
| See article from
tuoitrenews.vn |
Vietnam's Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs has proposed that the names of sex buyers should be revealed as a nasty measure to deter them from resorting to sex services still considered illegal in Vietnam. The ministry has also
suggested that their sex buying should be reported to their employers and local authorities. The ministry said that the current fines, from VND500,000 (US$22.2) to VND10 million ($440), applied to sex buyers are low and don't prevent repeat
offending. Therefore, publicizing the names of sex buyers should be considered an official administrative punishment inflicted on them. Lawyer Pham Thanh Binh advised that lawmakers should carefully consider the possible consequences of such name
publication. He warned: It may cause unforeseeable social consequences. There were circumstances in which people committed suicide after the names of their fathers were revealed as sex buyer.
Burma lawmakers reconsider a nasty proposal to jail men for a year when caught with a sex worker, this was initially proposed to be a caning
 | 19th
November 2015
| See article from
mmtimes.com |
Draft law changes that outlaw prostitution have been sent back to committee after an upper house MP objected and argued that the law should be amended to protect, rather than punish, sex workers. Yangon Region parliamentarian U Phone Myint Aung urged
MPs to look past ingrained cultural aversion to sex work and acknowledge that efforts to stop prostitution would inevitably fail. Instead, lawmakers should seek to protect sex workers, who are marginalised and vulnerable under the current laws. He
said it was hypocritical to allow businesspeople to open karaoke bars and nightclubs but punish the sex workers who operate within them. Many prostitutes are sent to prison due to the Suppression of Prostitution Act (1949) but most resume their trade
when they are released, he said, because it is difficult to start a new life. He said: There is no one to protect their rights. I stand for sex workers. We should understand that ... the culture of the world has
Following his plea, Amyotha Hluttaw Speaker U Khin Aung Myint sent the amendment to the Suppression of Prostitution Act back to the Bill Committee. The new law submitted by the Ministry of Home Affairs in June, propose
punishing both sex workers and their clients. It proposed caning men caught with a prostitute. However, after discussing the issue with the Ministry of Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement on July 20, the bill committee recommended the punishment be
changed to a prison term of up to one year with hard labour, and a fine. The committee also proposed adding a section on providing re-education to prostitutes. |
 | 18th November 2015
East London Strippers Collective founder busts sex worker myths and demands employment equality See
article from swlondoner.co.uk |
 | 17th November 2015
Decent write up of the Scottish bill to decriminalise prostitution See article from studentnewspaper.org
17th November 2015
Sexpo exhibition at London Olympia didn't fail to deliver in both its variety of exhibitors and products. See article from metro.co.uk
Dutch sex workers explain how they will be criminalised by a new law banning unlicensed prostitution
8th November 2015
| See article from nswp.org |
Sex workers working without a brothel license may risk a prison sentence of up to six months. On 12 October 2015, the Act Regulating Prostitution (WRP) was taken up by the House of Representatives in the Netherlands, which is their parliament.
The WRP proposes to criminalise all sex workers without authorisation/licensure, including independent sex workers and camgirls/camboys. According to the Research and Documentation Centre, this will affect one third of all sex workers. Parliament will
vote on the law proposal before the end of the year. Most political parties have expressed their support of the law. Felicia Anna and Hella Dee from PROUD, the Dutch union for sex workers, explained the sex workers' side:
Holland is moving more into criminalizing sex workers, violating their privacy rights and is moving away from Amnesty's proposal to decriminalize it and protect sex workers' rights. This country is really going crazy
It is often the only option for sex workers who wish to work independently in a situation where cities consistently refuse to give out licenses to any sex worker due to stigma. By working unlicensed, sex workers also avoid the
oppressive regulations and financially exploitative reality of the legal framework. The main problem with 'prostitution' in Holland, is the shortage of workplaces due to the constant closures of legal workplaces (40% has been
closed down already), while it's impossible to get a permit for a new workplace. But now they actually want to throw sex workers in jail for not being able to get this impossible to get permit. According to Hella Dee, unlicensed sex
workers face all the issues of working within a criminalised environment, especially regarding police harassment. Sex workers report an increase in police violence and intimidation. Police officers out sex workers to landlords and non-sex work employers,
leading to eviction and loss of non-sex work income. Parents are reported to social services based solely on their profession. Police officers enter sex worker homes without their permission and ask personal questions about their private (sex) lives -
the proposed Act Regulation Prostitution (WRP) aims to legalise this practice. Tax office will demand high fines based on unrealistic assumptions about the number of clients sex workers see. PROUD calls on all Members of Parliament to speak out
against the WRP. PROUD also calls on the association of sex workers and allies to take action against this law.
Thankfully just one arrest so far under Northern Ireland's new law criminalising men and endangering sex workers
 | 4th November 2015
| 31st October 2015. F rom thetimes.co.uk |
The Times reports that new laws which have made it illegal to pay for sex in Northern Ireland have resulted in just one arrest. Sex worker support groups said that the figures, released under the Freedom of Information Act, proved that the measures
could not be enforced. The legislation, which came into effect in June means that sex workers are no longer able to make basic security checks such as getting to know who their customers are. Meanwhile it has the potential to destroy the lives of
men and their families just for wanting to get laid. Update: Populist law 4th November 2015. F rom thetimes.co.uk The Northern Ireland justice minister has said he disagrees with plans to make it illegal
to pay for sex in the Republic after The Times reported that just one man was prosecuted under similar legislation in the North. David Ford said the laws, brought in after a vote in the Northern Ireland Assembly in June, were the result of populism rather than practicalism
and are not useful. |
Extreme health and safety rules will require diving suits for porn performers in California
 | 31st October
| See article from
business.avn.com |
The Free Speech Coalition announced it will fight newly revised Cal/OSHA (California health and safety) regulations which would mandate goggles, condoms, dental dams, gloves and other skin guards for adult performers. The revised regulations, which
were released in mid-October, ignored extensive opposition by performers, producers, and health experts, and will now go to a full vote by the Cal/OSHA Standards Board. The regulations would take effect likely during the second quarter of 2016. Opponents of the regulations, including the Free Speech Coalition (FSC) and the Adult Performer Advocacy Committee (APAC), have until November 3 to file a formal response; however, Cal/OSHA has expressed that many of the most controversial items, including condoms, eye and skin guards, and dental dams, are no longer up for debate. The regulations are expected to pass when the Cal/OSHA Board votes early next year.
Diane Duke, CEO of the Free Speech Coalition said: This isn't regulation; this is a complete shut down adult production, stated. Asking adult performers to wear goggles is up there with asking ballerinas to wear
boots. It does not only not match the threat, and it effectively prohibits production in California.
French Senate votes against regressive law to criminalise men for paying for sex
 | 15th October 2015
| See article from english.rfi.fr
The French Senate has voted against a bill passed by the National Assembly in 2013 that intends to penalise the customers of sex workers, making them liable for fines of up to 1,500 euros for a first offence and 3,750 euros for repeated breaches. Senators voted (190 to 117) against the bill. They have argued that many prostitutes' rights groups are against such a criminalisation of clients.
Sex workers and groups who have opposed the plan, say it can lead prostitutes to hide from police and go off the streets, exposing them to more violence and abuses. The bill to punish prostitutes' clients must therefore now be discussed by
a conciliation committee to find a joint version for both Houses of Parliament. If not, the National Assembly, which proposed the bill, will have the last word. |
Playboy set to drop the nudes
 | 13th October 2015
| See article from theguardian.com
Playboy magazine will stop publishing pictures of fully nude women because the ubiquity of internet pornography has made such images passé, the company's chief executive has revealed. CEO Scott Flanders said founder Hugh Hefner had agreed with a
proposal to stop publishing images of naked women from March 2016. The redesigned Playboy, 62 years after it was launched by Hefner, will still feature a Playmate of the Month and glamour pictures but they will be rated PG-13 (an advisory rating
that cautions that material may be inappropriate for children under 13). The Playboy website has already been given a makeover and made safe to read at work, resulting in younger readers and an increase in web traffic. The chief content
officer of the magazine, Cory Jones, said the magazine would be more accessible and more intimate, admitting: Twelve-year-old me is very disappointed in current me. But it's the right thing to do. The magazine's circulation has dropped from
5.6m in 1975 to about 800,000 now, according to the Alliance for Audited Media. So now we will see if anybody actually does read the magazine for the articles. I doubt it. |
Irish government decides to proceed with nasty bill to criminalise men for buying sex
 | 24th September 2015
| 17th September 2015. See article from irishexaminer.com
The purchasing of sex will be outlawed under new criminal offences. Miserable ministers signed have agreed to a bill that will see those buying sex face fines of €500 or up to €5,000 if the person is trafficked. 'Justice' Minister Frances Fitzgerald
is expected to publish the final legislation next week and make an announcement on when the new criminal offence will be enacted. It is unclear if it will or will not decriminalise sex workers in brothels or on the streets. A group which calls
itself the sex workers alliance of Ireland said it was a sad day for sex workers and that there are efforts in Sweden to decriminalise sex workers or soliciting by prostitutes. Update: Discriminatory Law 24th
September 2015. See article from irishtimes.com
New legislation on sexual offences criminalises paying for sex with prostitutes, but ensures the person offering sexual services is not guilty of a crime. Presumably Ireland does not have laws against inciting people (their customers) to commit a crime.
Minister for Injustice Frances Fitzgerald published the Criminal Law (Sexual Offences) Bill 2015 on Wednesday, claiming she was committed to addressing the very real and tragic crimes of trafficking and exploitation associated with
prostitution. She said: I am convinced that targeting the demand for such services is the way forward.
Ms Fitzgerald said her proposals mirrored the approach adopted in Northern Ireland and other
jurisdictions which she said had seen a reduction in demand for the services provided by prostitutes. |
Alabama asks porn users to pay off the state's budget deficit
 | 24th September 2015
| 10th September 2015. See article from wkrg.com
Pornographic material and adult entertainment might be getting a lot more expensive in the state of Alabama. The Alabama House Ways and Means Committee passed the proposed porn tax in a 10-4 vote for an extortionately high rate of tax to offset
a massive budget shortfall . In addition to any other applicable taxes, a 40% state excise tax will be levied on gross receipts from the sale, rental or admission charges of pornographic material. The tax will apply to any and all forms of
pornographic or sexually explicit content purchased in the state of Alabama, including, but not limited to, pornographic magazines, adult videos, and online adult rentals. The porn tax bill now heads to the Alabama House for a floor vote.
Update: Taxed Off 24th September 2015. See article from watchdog.org
Thanks to the state Senate, Alabama was able to avoid an anticipated First Amendment lawsuit over its budget proposal, which included an extortionate tax on pornography. In order to make up a $200 million shortfall , Alabama wanted to raise taxes
with sin taxes. On Sept. 15, the porn tax failed to pass the Senate, during a budget vote in which the chamber approved two budget reform measures while also raising taxes by roughly $86 million annually . As proposed, the tax on porn was
clearly unconstitutional. The First Amendment protects artistic expression, even if pornographic. Alabama, by taxing the specific category of pornographic material, is directly engaging in content-based discrimination, something the Supreme Court
does not allow. Indeed, in the 1972 case Police Department v. Mosely , the Court noted that above all else, the First Amendment means that the government has no power to restrict expression because of its message, its ideas, its subject matter, or its
content. Thus, regulations that treat a category of content differently than other categories will be held unconstitutional unless it passes the exacting legal test of strict scrutiny. Strict scrutiny requires a compelling governmental
interest that is narrowly tailored to be the least restrictive means of accomplishing that interest. Absent those factors, a law will be deemed unconstitutional. |
Dutch sex workers get a new red light area... between the gas works and the sewage plant
 | 19th September 2015
| See article from nltimes.nl
Utrecht council has approved a new red light area to be known as Nieuwe Zandpad. The new prostitution zone will be very close to the former sex boats on Zandpad -- between the gas station and sewage treatment plant. The window brothels on the
Nieuwe Zandpad will open in 2017 at the earliest. There will be space for up to 162 sex workers. |
Another bill has been introduced into the South Australia's Upper House to legalise prostitution
 | 9th September 2015
| See article from abc.net.au
Another attempt is being made tto decriminalise sex work in South Australia. A bill has been introduced and is making its way through State Parliament. Labor MP Steph Key is in charge of the bill's drafting and has introduced similar legislation
several times in the past, but ultimately without success. In a strategic move, the bill is this time being introduced in the Upper House so its opponents are confronted sooner than later. |
Independent Scottish MSP proposes a member's bill to promote sex worker safety and the decriminalisation of prostitution
 | 8th September 2015
| See article from bbc.co.uk |
Proposals to decriminalise prostitution and pave the way for legal brothels have been put forward at Holyrood. The plans include allowing more than one prostitute to work from the same premises and giving sex workers more employment rights in the
workplace. It is based on New Zealand's arrangement for legal prostitution. Independent Highlands and Islands MSP Jean Urquhart said: Sex workers have been systematically ignored while laws which expose them to
violence and stigma have been preserved or extended. These proposals take on board not only the experience and concerns of sex workers, but also reflect a growing international consensus that what sex workers most need is safety
and labour rights, not the risks which come from criminalisation. Human rights
Nadine Stott, co-chairwoman of sex worker rights charity Scot-Pep, said: The purchase and sale of sex is currently
legal, but in general, the law prevents sex workers from being able to work safely, and that must end. There is no reason why sex work should only be permissible if a single person works alone in their flat, for example. That law
leaves sex workers vulnerable to violence and exploitation, as do the current laws on street-based sex work, which also seriously hamper sex workers' ability to move on to other work.
Dr Marsha Scott, Scottish Women's Aid chief
executive, said: Fundamentally, we would welcome any proposals that make women - and anyone involved in prostitution - safer, healthier, and more likely to enjoy a full range of human rights. We
believe that giving them access to safety, protection, healthcare and support, as well as economic independence are of paramount importance.
IUrquhart is now consulting on her member's bill. |
Decriminalising Britain's £4bn sex industry would increase protection of women. By Dr Catherine Hakim
31st August 2015
| See article from
iea.org.uk See report [pdf] from
iea.org.uk |
New evidence from international sex surveys show large and continuing differences between male and female perspectives on sexuality in all cultures. Male sexual desire is manifested at least twice as often as female desire, and men would like to have
sex twice as often as women. This gap in sexual desire between men and women is growing over time and cannot be dismissed as an out-dated patriarchal myth as argued by some feminists. The sexual deficit among (heterosexual) men
helps to explain many puzzles, including why men are the principal customers for commercial sexual entertainments of all kinds. It is no surprise that sex workers (male and female) cater to men almost exclusively. Male demand for sex invariably outstrips
female demand. Demand for commercial sex is therefore inevitable and the sex industry is likely to continue to flourish in the 21st century. Not only does male demand for sexual activity greatly outstrip non-commercial female
supply, but economic growth, globalisation and the Internet facilitate access to the world's oldest profession. Several factors suggest that the male sex deficit will not disappear, and might even grow in the 21st century. Women's
increasing economic independence allows them to withdraw from sexual markets and relationships that they perceive to offer unfair bargains, especially if they already have enough children or do not want any. Changes in national sex ratios towards a
numerical surplus of men helps women to reset the rules in their own favour in developed societies. A key objection to the sex industry is that it damages women and that the presence of porn, lap-dancing and prostitution in a
country promotes rape and other violence against women. However, although there are too few rigorous studies to draw definitive conclusions, all the available evidence points in the direction of prostitution and erotic entertainments having no noxious
psychological or social effects, and they may even help to reduce sexual crime rates. In many countries, including Britain, it is perfectly legal to sell sexual services; however any third-party involvement is illegal. The aim is
to prevent exploitation by pimps or madams. The effect is to criminalise the industry and brothels, to prevent girls working together in a flat for their mutual protection, to prevent anyone from lawfully supplying services to a sex worker or even rent a
flat to them. The commercial sex industry is impervious to prohibitions and cannot be eliminated. Countries that criminalise buyers (such as Sweden) simply push demand abroad to countries with a more sex-positive culture. Policies
that criminalise sellers directly, or criminalise third parties who supply them with services, simply push the sex industry underground, increasing risks for sex workers. The sex industry is estimated to be worth over four billion pounds to the British
economy. It should be completely decriminalised.
Alabama lawmaker thinks that a massive tax on adult products will bail out the state
 | 30th August 2015
| From yellowhammernews.com |
Alabama State Representative Jack Williams has proposed a 40% sales tax on receipts from the sale of sexually oriented materials as a desperate measure to help fill the $250+ million black hole in Alabama's General Fund budget. Sexually
oriented materials are described in the bill as: Any book, magazine, newspaper, printed or written matter, writing, description, picture, drawing, animation, photograph, motion picture, film, video tape, pictorial
presentation, depiction, image, electrical or electronic reproduction, broadcast, transmission, video download, telephone communication, sound recording, article, device, equipment, matter, oral communication, depicting breast or genital nudity or sexual
The tax hike would be in addition to the state, city and county sales taxes already in place, which usually runs up another 10 percent in costs. Williams said: We have created a
class of products in this state that you have to be 18 to purchase and they have excise taxes on them. The state is broke.
Montgomery insiders say it has a realistic chance to pass, as Williams has accrued 26 co-sponsors for his bill,
including Alabama House Speaker Mike Hubbard |
 | 29th August 2015
New analysis shows over 99% of the women on Ashley Madison were fake See article from
extremetech.com |
22nd August 2015
The New Zealand experience of decriminalised sex work offers a practical alternative to the often-cited Swedish Model. Might it point to a more general way forward? By Fraser Crichton See
article from opendemocracy.net |
Sex workers in Milan set to fall victim to mayor making up health safety and rules to enforce moral agenda
 | 19th August 2015
| See
article from
independent.co.uk |
Milan's deputy mayor is claiming that sex workers should wear high-vis jackets rather than more sexy attire. Deputy mayor Luciano Sinigaglia spouted: The sex workers should be treated as employees who work on road
construction and forced to wear clothes that make them visible.
He said this meant sensible reflective clothing and no miniskirts. Sex workers caught a second time without the right highway clothing will be hauled into the
police station. We are almost ready with the definitive draft of the document. I hope to have it [the ordinance] up and running by the start of September, Sinigaglia told teh newspaper Corriere Della Sera. |
 | 19th August 2015
Huge data file of personal data hacked from Ashley Madison members published See
article from dailymail.co.uk |
Amnesty International votes for a policy calling for the decriminalisation of sex work
 | 13th August 2015
| 29th July 2015. See
article from
telegraph.co.uk |
Actresses including Meryl Streep, Kate Winslet and Emma Thompson, write an open letter opposing an Amnesty International policy to endorse the decriminalisation of the sex trade. The human rights group is set to review its internal policy document
on sex work at a meeting in Dublin next month. But the Coalition Against Trafficking in Women (CATW) said that if the new policy was adopted, Amnesty would in effect advocate the legalisation of pimping, brothel owning and sex buying that
forms the basis of the lucrative global sex industry. Signatories from the lucrative media industry also includes Emily Blunt, Lena Dunham and Anne Hathaway. Amnesty is reviewing its policy amid evidence that criminalising adults for
consensual sex work can lead to greater abuse against sex workers . The charity is in the final stages of receiving feedback on the draft policy but stressed that no decision had yet been made.
Offsite Article: The Amnesty Sex Work Argument, Broken Down 2nd August 2015. See article from
vice.com by Frankie Mullen. Thanks to Therumbler You might have noticed a shit-storm around sex work in your newsfeed this week : Amnesty was accused of being
onside with pimps, there were lots of open letters and there were even more opinions. ...read the full article
Offsite Comment: The Guardian's high priestesses of PC speak in favour of a violent and exploitative environment for sex workers 3rd August 2015. See
article from
Obviously, Amnesty is right to say that sex workers have human rights and that these should be respected ...BUT... many Amnesty supporters believe that the trade itself tends to corrupt or to violate these rights, except for a lucky few
participants. The broadest coalitions unite around the narrowest agendas. A call to legalise sex work is a distraction from Amnesty's core mission, and dangerous to it too. ...Read the full
Offsite Comment: Amnesty must stand firm on decriminalising sex work 5th August 2015. See article
from theguardian.com . By Luca Stevenson, coordinator of the International Committee on the Rights of Sex Workers in Europe and Dr Agata Dziuban, the organisation's
policy officer in Poland What should matter to Amnesty's directors and members is the strong, growing and undeniable evidence collected by academics and international organisations such as the World Health Organisation , Human
Rights Watch and the Global Alliance Against Traffic in Women that criminalising any aspect of sex work makes sex workers more vulnerable to sexual and other forms of violence, forced rehabilitation, arrests, deportation and contracting HIV.
What should matter even more is the voice of the sex workers themselves, who from every corner of the world are organising -- often in the most difficult environments -- to advocate for their rights and to change laws and policies
that harm them. ... Read the full article Update: Amnesty
International votes to support the decriminalisation of all aspects of consensual sex work 12th August 2015. See article from strangethingsarehappening.com
Men just want to get laid, whilst the sex workers just want to earn a bit of money to feed their kids. Yet some would like to see all these innocent people get jailed, just so that extremist feminists can feel good about their gender equality.
And it's good to see that Human rights group Amnesty International has also come out against the persecution and jailing of innocent people by voting to support the decriminalisation of prostitution at their biennial International Council Meeting.
Delegates from around the world gathered in Dublin for the meeting, and voted to adopt a resolution that will allow the organisation to develop and adopt a pro-decriminalisation policy. The resolution recommends that the full decriminalisation of all
aspects of consensual sex work is supported by the organisation. Salil Shetty, Amnesty's Secretary General, said about the resolution: We recognise that this critical human rights issue is hugely complex and
that is why we have addressed this issue from the perspective of international human rights standards.
Amnesty International now joins a host of other groups in their support for decriminalisation, including the World Health
Organisation, the United Nations AIDS programme UNAIDS, and leading medical journal The Lancet . These groups see the stigma and criminalisation that surrounds prostitution as roadblocks to stopping abuse, trafficking and the spread of diseases
like HIV and AIDS. Comment: Moron of the Week: The Guardian 13th August 2015. See
article from moronwatch.net
History has just been made. The world's leading human rights organisation, Amnesty International has finally, belatedly, accepted that sex workers are people with rights, and has called for their trade to be decriminalised. For liberals, this kind of decision would once have been a no-brainer. But liberalism has become infested with puritanical, authoritarian ideas, and many liberals are highly illiberal when it comes to core issues of individual liberty -- most of all, when sex is involved. Almost 4 years ago, I began to wake up to this, and wrote a piece about the Guardian's sexual hang-ups . My observation that the secular left and the religious right had almost blurred into one entity was one of the catalysts that ended my Guardian subscription, and began my growing disenchantment with the increasingly conservative political left.
...Read the full article |
Court bans sex workers from the streets of Dortmund citing that the trade has become to popular
 | 12th August 2015
| See
article from
focus-fen.net |
An administrative court in Dortmund, northwest Germany has banned practising the oldest profession on the territory of the city as the number of sex workers, mostly from Bulgaria and Romania, has tripled. Prior to the EU expansion of 2007 there
were about 60 sex workers on the streets of Dortmund, but with the entry of Bulgaria and Romania, the numbers swelled to 500 in the first year and 700 a year later. |
 | 11th August 2015
An interview with Dr Catherine Hakim who suggested last week that young women should sell their bodies to take advantage of the male sex deficit See
article from telegraph.co.uk |
An amusing explanation of porn censorship in the UK
 | 8th August 2015
| Thanks to Alan See video from YouTube See
ATVOD campaign from backlash-uk.org.uk |
In December 2014 the UK introduced new regulations to censor online videos. Tony Bear explains the new rules to Lady Bear. She doesn't like it. If you don't like it either, find out more at
Backlash .
PornHub introduces a premium subscription service along the lines of Netflix
 | 7th August 2015
| See article from
theguardian.com |
Pornhub, a vast network of online adult content which attracts a 6 million visitors a day, has launched Pornhub Premium, a paid subscription platform it calls Netflix for porn . For $9.99 a month, members will receive access to exclusive,
full-length HD videos, along with the ability watch the rest of Pornhub's 3m videos without being subjected to pop-up ads and with faster video playback and higher streaming quality. The service will complement the company's free offering. While
Pornhub describes the new site as Netflix for porn , a more apt point of comparison is Spotify, which also offers a free, ad-supported version to go along with its core paid product. Considering the challenges unique to its space, if Pornhub finds
a way to convince users to cough up cash every month, it will pose an instructive model for the rest of the digital content industry. |
New Institute of Economic Affairs paper identifies the benefits of decriminalising Britain's sex industry
6th August 2015
| See press release from
iea.org.uk See report [pdf] from
iea.org.uk |
The sex industry should be fully decriminalised, as all attempts to regulate prostitution are ineffective, ill-informed and a waste of public money. The demand for commercial and professional sexual entertainment is growing
steadily world-wide, as economic growth drives demand for luxuries, the internet creates new meeting places for sexual encounters (both amateur and professional), and globalisation makes sexual markets international in scope. Recreational and non-marital
sexuality is becoming just as important as reproductive and marital sexuality, and the distinction between amateur and professional sexual encounters is becoming increasingly blurred. In a new report for the Institute of Economic
Affairs, leading academic Catherine Hakim identifies large and continuing differences between male and female perspectives on sexuality, finding that they are pervasive in all cultures, even in Scandinavia. Male sexual desire is manifested at least twice
as often as female desire, with the gap growing over time. Given this sexual deficit among men, it is no surprise that men are the main customers for commercial sexual entertainment, and that sex workers, both male and female, cater to men almost
exclusively. Dispelling the feminist myth
Sex surveys around the world show a substantial gap in sexual desire and motivation between men and women. This cannot be dismissed as an outdated patriarchal myth as argued by some feminists. Several
factors suggest that the male sexual deficit will not disappear, and is even growing in the 21st century. Women's increasing economic independence allows them to withdraw from sexual markets and relationships that they perceive to offer unfair bargains,
especially if they already have enough children, or do not want any. Changes in national sex ratios towards a numerical surplus of men also help women to reset the rules in their own favour in developed societies. Male demand
for sexual entertainments of all kinds is thus growing, and ineradicable.
Decriminalisation will lead to better outcomes for women
A key objection to the sex industry is that it damages women and that the presence of pornography, lap-dancing and prostitution in a country promotes rape and other violence against women. However, all available evidence points in
the direction of prostitution and erotic entertainments having no noxious psychological or social effects, and they may even help to reduce sexual crime rates. Whilst it is perfectly legal to sell sexual services, any
third-party involvement is not. This serves to criminalise the industry and brothels, not only preventing girls working together in a flat for their mutual protection, but also stopping anyone from lawfully supplying services to a sex worker or even
renting a flat to them. Countries that criminalise buyers (such as Sweden), simply push demand abroad to countries with a more sex-positive culture. Policies that criminalise sellers directly, or criminalise third parties who
supply them with services, simply push the sex industry underground, increasing the risks for sex workers.
Commenting on the paper's release, its author Catherine Hakim, said: Internet dating has fundamentally changed meet markets and sex lives in the last three decades. Laws on prostitution are now
outdated, misinformed and redundant. The very concept of prostitution is no longer workable in today's fluid sexual markets, where anyone can meet anyone, on whatever terms they choose. Decriminalisation is the only workable way forward. The proposal to
copy Sweden and criminalise customers in the sex trade is a complete waste of public money, unforgiveable in a time of austerity.
Another Windows 10 warning as it searches through your best porn pics and displays them to all as a screen saver
 | 4th August 2015
| See article from
One Reddit poster was in for a nasty surprise after he installed Windows 10 and woke up the next day to discover pictures from his porn collection scrolling across his desktop. Those who have used Windows Phone will be familiar with their photos
appearing in the scrolling tiles on the phone's home screen, but those who are new to Windows 10 might not be prepared for the exposure the operating system will give their snaps. Redditor FalloutBoS posted his warning:
Loaded up WIN 10 last night and left it on to do its thing. Woke up to wife asking why I set it to rotate all my porn images right on the desk top view. I have no idea how to shut that feature off and that computer is staying shut
down until I do. Free windows and a free trip to the doghouse. Thanks Microsoft!!! Don't make my mistake, keep your private pictures out of My Pictures, no matter how deep you hide them in sub folders.
 | 22nd July 2015
Red lights dim in China's sin city Dongguan as a prolonged crackdown decimates sexy nightlife See article from news.asiaone.com
Extra marital dating service gets hacked with the intention of outing the clients
 | 21st July 2015
| See
article from
gospelherald.com |
Ashley Madison is an extra marotal dating website based in Canada. The site's tagline is: Life is short, have an affair . Now life could be even shorter for some users, after the website was hacked with the intention of outing users. According to Bloomberg Business , the site's hacking will potentially expose names, addresses, and sexual preferences of millions of members.
The site was hacked by someone or a group identifying as The Impact Team. The group has put a message right on the site saying that we have taken over all systems in your entire office and production domains, all customer information
databases, source code repositories, financial records, emails . The hacker or hackers say that they will release all customer records, profiles with all the customers' secret sexual fantasies, nude pictures, and conversations and matching
credit card transactions, real names, and address . They hack also includes sister sites: Established Men (sugar daddy hook ups), Cougar Life (a dating website for cougars ), Man Crunch (a site for gay dating), Swappernet (for
swingers), and The Big and the Beautiful (for overweight dating). |
There's a new craze in Portland, Oregon as hundreds of dildos appear hanging from overhead cables
 | 21st July 2015
| 14th July 2015. See article from
mirror.co.uk |
Hundreds of sex toys have been spotted hanging from power lines across a US city. The white and bright orange dildos have appeared in recent days across Portland, Oregon, sparking laughter, blushes and a lot of photos. So as to be able to throw
them up and wrap them round cables, the phallic toys have been strung together in pairs. Portland Office of Neighborhood Involvement spokeswoman Lisa Leddy said the department had received numerous reports of the x-rated sights. A spokesman for
public utility Portland General Electric said he did not believe the products posed a fire hazard. Update: All is revealed 21st July 2015. See
article from vice.com
The woman responsible for stringing up dildos all throughout Portland has finally explained herself. In an anonymous interview with VICE , she says that she and her friends wound up with over 10,000 defective dildos after a local sex shop realized
they couldn't sell them. So they did the only thing they could think of doing with 10,000 dildos... they threw them all over the city's power lines. She said: It had to be done. I have no idea why, but it had to, she
says. Dick-tossing is an exercise in happiness. It was just a fun, hilarious thing to do.
jailed extortionists set up porn website and then tried to blackmail those that viewed videos
 | 20th July 2015
| See article from
en-maktoob.news.yahoo.com |
A Swedish man who sent bills to thousands of victims who visited an apparently free porn site and threatened to publish their names if they failed to pay has been sentenced to two and a half years' jail for extortion. Dennies Pettersson, who had
acquired the Swedish rights for streaming videos on a foreign website, sent bills to people he claimed had watched the clips, demanding payment ranging from tens to hundreds of euros. For those who refused to pay, he raised the amount and threatened to
call the police or publish their names on an online porn blacklist detailing which videos they had watched and then refused to pay for. Pettersson admitted to 31 cases of aggravated extortion and to 526 cases of attempted extortion. The
offences date to 2012 and 2013. Two accomplices were given suspended terms while another three were given prison sentences ranging from 12 to 18 months. Although users never left their contact details on the site, Pettersson was able to trace them
through a list of IP addresses he bought from Sweden's largest internet service provider. |
China's young people have spoken. And what they want is sex
 | 17th July 2015
| See article from
theguardian.com |
Russia proposes a new twist to criminalising paying for sex, fines are higher for married men
 | 14th July 2015
| See article from rt.com |
A miserable Russian lawmaker is drafting a bill introducing fines and community service for using the services of prostitutes. The bill introduces an interesting new concept with lighter punishment for single people and significantly harsher sanctions
for married men and women. Oleg Mikheyev of the center-left 'Fair' Russia party wants to amend the administrative code with a new article specifically describing using sex services for money as an offence. The proposed penalties are that single people
would have to pay between 1,500 and 2,000 rubles ($26-$35) in fines, but married clients, men and women alike, would face either fines of between 2,000 and 5,000rubles ($35 - $88) or perform up to 40 hours of community service. The proposed
penalty is in the same range as the fines for prostitution itself and Mikheyev said in press comments that one of the reasons he wrote the bill was the desire to make the conditions equal for the workers and customers in the sex industry. Currently,
prostitution in Russia is punishable by an administrative fine of between 1,500 and 2,000 rubles ($26-$35) and pimping (defined as receiving income from another person's work as a prostitute) can carry fines between 2,000 and 2,500 rubles ($35-$44) or up
to 10 days of administrative detention. |
 | 28th June 2015
Inside an upmarket Parisian swingers club See article from thedailybeast.com |
Germany bans mature adult thinking before 10pm
 | 23rd June 2015
| See article
from independent.co.uk |
Germans will only be able to buy adult eBooks between 10pm and 6am, according to a ridiculous new law. Other such media have long been banned during the daytime, and real books that are violent or erotic are kept under the counter of bookstores. But a
new ruling means that eBooks will be treated like films or TV, and so can only be sold during the night time window. The 10pm to 6am window was originally instituted in a 2002 law -- Jugendmedienschutz-Staatsvertrag, or Youth Media Protection Act
-- that was intended to restrict adult cinemas from showing films in the day. But many have pointed out that applying the rule on the internet, where products can be bought at all hours of the day, is impractical. The change has been as part of a
legal complaint around a German erotica eBook called Schlauchgelüste (Pantyhose Cravings), according to blog The Digital Reader, a memoir of a transgender person which has caused problems because it was readily available. READ MORE Amazon to start
paying authors based on how far readers get through their books Grey: 8 things we learn in new Fifty Shades of Grey book told through Christian's eyes How e-readers took the embarrassment out of erotic fiction None of the sites selling selling
such material are yet shutting down in the day, according to reports. But the law allows for people to be fined up to â?¬500,000 if they are found to be selling the material. The German booksellers' association is looking to provide a way that
eBook stores can be sure that they're not selling the books to young people without having to check through the contents of every book that they sell, according to Boersenblatt the website for the German book trade. Such systems might require publishers
to say whether books are erotic, and then place them in a special section of the website that ensures that they can't be seen by children. |
French sex workers protests against the criminalisation of their customers
 | 16th June 2015
| See article from
nswp.org |
Sex workers have been assembling in Paris and across France to protest the proposed criminalisation of their clients. Late last month, sex workers from eight different countries--including countries where clients are criminalised, such as Sweden,
Norway and Northern Ireland--gathered in Paris' Human Rights Square alongside NSWP member group STRASS and the migrant Chinese sex worker group, Steel Roses to commemorate International Sex Worker Day and the 40-year anniversary of the occupation of the
Saint-Nizier church in Lyon, as well as to protest the proposed criminalisation bill, which will be discussed on the 12th of June in a second reading in the Assembly. After 40 years of activism, the situation has not improved, STRASS' Thierry
Schaffauser told Liberation. Punishing clients will exacerbate the situation, pushing sex workers into more precarious situations, he said. Pye Jakobsson told the press that in Sweden, where clients have been criminalised since 1999, sex workers are even
more stigmatised. Sex workers in France have been fighting attempts to criminalise their clients for years. The issue was first discussed in the National Assembly in December 2011 when a non-binding resolution was adopted supporting the
introduction of the Swedish model. This was later followed by the introduction of a formal Bill by the ruling French Socialist Party. The Bill proposed to introduce fines for anyone caught paying for or soliciting commercial sexual services
and was passed by the Assembly in December 2013. The bill then went to the Senate but was first considered by a Committee, which removed the clause containing the provisions to criminalise clients in July 2014 . However the proposal in now back on the
table with a bill due to be discussed in the Assembly on the 12th of June. In Paris, the Chinese sex workers are particularly vulnerable because they can not speak the language, are often undocumented and victims of police harassment, which
prevents them from reporting if they are attacked by a client, said Ajing, President of Steel Roses. |
French parliament restores nasty measure to criminalise people who pay for sex
 | 14th June
| See article from
telesurtv.net |
French Lawmakers voted in favor of changes to a proposed bill on the country's prostitution laws, approving the criminalisation of people who pay for sex. The same measure was previously removed from the bill in March by the Conservative controlled
Senate. With the bill returning to its repressive original version, senators will once again discuss the matter. In the case of an impasse, the lower chamber will have the final word on the proposed law. According to a Nest Movement report
released in May, between 30,000 and 44,000 people work in France's prostitution industry full time, with part time sex work being much more difficult to evaluate. Only 30 percent of those in the industry work in the streets, while 62 percent engage
customers online and 8 percent through hostess bars or massage parlors. |
Austrian brothel offers free sex as a tax protest against harassment by the authorities
 | 13th June 2015
| See article from
thelocal.at |
A licensed brothel in the city of Salzburg, Austria, has been offering free drinks and free sex in a protest against what its owner says is unfair taxation. The Kronen Zeitung tabloid reports that the news has spread like wildfire, with punters
lining up to get inside . Salzburg's red light district king Hermann Pascha Müller, who owns the well-known Pascha brothel, told the paper that he no longer wants to be the tax office's pimp. Müller said that he's already had to turn
away hundreds of disappointed customers as he has had a full house since the summer special went on offer. The stunt has been great publicity for him and he says that he plans to continue it for four to eight weeks. Drinks are on the
house and Müller is paying the sex workers out of his own pocket. He explains The problem is, the tax office wants more and more, and they are not cracking down on illegal street and apartment prostitution.
He also complained that officials come to check up on the business at Pascha every 14 days. He said that the summer special would be offset by any profits made in his other establishments, and that Pasha would not be liable for any
tax during the special offer. Presumably the tax is levied on turnover or profit. |
Sequel to Fifty Shades of Grey announced
 | 2nd June 2015
| See article from
au.news.yahoo.com |
Grey: Fifty Shades of Grey as Told by Christian is a 2015 erotic novel by EL James In Christian Christian's own words, and through his thoughts, reflections, and dreams, E L James offers a fresh
perspective on the love story that has enthralled millions of readers around the world.
Christian Grey, enigmatic hero of best-selling erotic novels Fifty Shades of Grey , is getting his own sequel. Author EL
James has announced that she is publishing a new version of her sexually explicit novel written from the point of view of the tormented tycoon and not the shy, young object of his desires, Anastasia Steele. The new book, entitled Grey: Fifty
Shades of Grey as Told by Christian, will be published on June 18, the fictional character's birthday. It will be published simultaneously by Vintage in the United States and Penguin Random House in Britain. |
Law to jail men for buying sex comes into force on 1st June 2015
 | 27th May
| See article from
nswp.org |
From 1st June, 2015 a new law in Northern Ireland criminalising the purchase of sex will come into effect. This will make Northern Ireland the only region of the United Kingdom to adopt the repressive Nordic model, after a similar bill failed to pass in
Scotland in 2013. The bill was passed in Northern Ireland's Stormont assembly by 81 votes to 10 last October despite research commissioned by the Department of Justice in Northern Ireland that concluded that Northern Ireland's adoption of the
Nordic Model would not be in sex workers' best interests. As we reported last year, the research from Queen's University found that trafficking victims account for less than 3% of people working in the sex trades, fewer than 10 people. More than a
third of clients surveyed believed that paying for sex was already illegal. Of the 171 sex workers questioned, less than 2% supported criminalisation of clients, 61% saying that it would make them less safe. A press release from the Northern
Ireland Executive was published on 20th May. It said that: Under section 15 of the Human Trafficking and Exploitation (Criminal Justice and Support for Victims) Act (Northern Ireland) 2015, it will become an offence to
obtain sexual services in exchange for payment, either by paying, or promising to pay, any person directly, or through a third party. This replaces the offence of paying for the sexual services of a prostitute subjected to force,
where it is currently unlawful to pay for the sexual services of a prostitute who has been exploited by a third party using force or threats. This offence, which is an offence whether or not the person buying the services knows of the exploitation,
carries a maximum penalty of a level 3 (£1,000) fine. Under the new law, it will be illegal to obtain, for payment, sexual services from anyone, whether or not there is exploitation. The sexual services which will be illegal must
involve the buyer being physically present with the seller and there must either be physical sexual contact or the seller must perform sexual acts where they touch themselves for the sexual gratification of the buyer. Under the
legislation, payment includes money or the provision of goods or services. Anyone convicted under the new legislation can be sentenced to a maximum of one year's imprisonment, or a fine, or both. It is not
an offence to sell sexual services. The new law also removes criminality from loitering or soliciting for the purposes of offering services as a prostitute in a street or public place. It remains an offence to keep or manage a brothel.
Los Angeles porn makers unimpressed by extreme rules
 | 26th
May 2015
| See article from
dailynews.com See proposed health and safety rules
[pdf] from dir.ca.gov See
California porn stars could soon have to wear protection. Eye
protection, that is. from washingtonpost.com |
After five years of public hearings and heated debates, a proposed set of health and safety standards for all California porn production sets is edging closer to being finalized, but adult film performers say if passed, the new regulations would make sex
scenes look like medical dramas. The 21-page draft, proposed by the state's Division of Occupational Safety and Health, blends thick regulatory definitions with graphic language as it outlines how adult film performers and others on set can protect
themselves from bloodborne pathogens and other bodily fluids. It underscores the use of condoms as a way to protect against HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases. During a hearing and public comment period, adult film performers and their
supporters said the regulations which include wearing protective eye gear go too far. Diane Duke, CEO of the Free Speech Coalition, said: These are regulations designed for medical settings, and are unworkable on an
adult film set, or even a Hollywood film set,
Duke said her organization and several other groups would prefer to see the proposed regulation amended with input from both performers and public health officials, in ways that protect
adult film performers without stigmatizing and shutting down an entire industry. |
24th May 2015
Virtual reality headset is getting close to market and the makers seem keen to embrace the possibilities for adult entertainment See
article from techradar.com |
Repressive US censorship bill passed by the US House of Representatives disguised as an anti-trafficking law
 | 23rd May 2015
| See article from
nswp.org |
The 'Justice' for Victims of Trafficking Act (JVTA) a piece of bipartisan anti-trafficking legislation that has been criticised for its prioritisation of law enforcement, passed the US House of Representatives by 420 votes to three on 19th of May. The
legislation will now head to President Obama's desk to be signed into law. The problematic Stop Advertising Victims of Exploitation Act (SAVE) had been added on to the bill. This legislation would allow website owners to be charged as sex traffickers
if any trafficking victims are found to have been advertised on the site--whether or not the website owner had any knowledge of this happening. Sponsors of the bill have specifically stated that their intent is to shut down , or at least seriously
cripple, advertising spaces for sex workers, such as Backpage.com, which would take away from sex workers a safe space for screening clients. |
 | 21st May 2015
Is the real virtual reality space-race being fought not by games companies, but high-tech pornographers? See
article from
independent.co.uk |
Celebrating six decades of sex, drugs and rock’n’roll. By Colin Vaines
 | 18th May 2015
| 17th May 2015. See offsite article from
theguardian.com |
Comment: Winning memories 18th May 2015. From DavidT I well remember Soho from my time as a very poor student in London. The only way I could pay for my tuition was to go a couple of times a week
to (Jazz band, remember ?) Acker Bilk's Club in Greek Street, Soho. There were always 4-5 lads playing poker and somehow I always managed to win. |
 | 17th May 2015
A warning about clip joints in Krakow, Poland See article from mirror.co.uk |
Glasgow councillors urge government to tackle the root cause of prostitution
| 15th May 2015
| See article from
eveningtimes.co.uk |
Glasgow City Council has long been a hotbed of PC extremists who advocate that jailing men and destroying their families is a price worth paying so that councillors can feel good about their 'equality'. Councillor James Coleman has called upon
Justice Minister Michael Matheson to make a public commitment to target and challenge men's demand for paid-for sexual services. He said: We support the current Human Trafficking and Exploitation (Scotland) Bill but
believe it is limited by the fact it does not adequately address the cause of commercial sexual exploitation. We are also fully supportive of the Scottish Government's 'Equally Safe' strategy, which recognises prostitution and
trafficking as forms of commercial sexual exploitation that ultimately harm women.
The city council agreed to call upon the Justice Minister to address the issue of demand, and to introduce comprehensive legislation in Scotland to
criminalise the purchase of sex and to decriminalise and support those exploited through prostitution. The motion, which was seconded by SNP group leader Susan Aitken, was agreed at a meeting of the full council.
Scottish Parliament decides that its latest trafficking bill is not the right vehicle for the criminialisation of paying for sex
 | 12th May 2015
| See article from
news.stv.tv |
Legislation to tackle human trafficking and better protect its victims will be debated by MSPs. The Human Trafficking and Exploitation Bill was brought forward by the Scottish Government to strengthen existing criminal law against the practice and
enhance the status of and support for victims. Moralist campaigners inevitably called for the buying of sex to be criminalised as part of the legislation. Churches and Christian organisations proclaimed that the Bill offers a golden opportunity
to make the purchase of sex illegal. But others such as Amnesty argue that conflating human trafficking and prostitution within one piece of legislation will not do justice to either issue. Justice secretary Michael Matheson said earlier
this year that he would meet campaigners on both sides before the Scottish Government comes to a final position on the matter. But after taking evidence from a range of groups and organisations, the committee concluded the legislation was not the right
vehicle for addressing the issue of criminalising the buying of sex. |
 | 27th April 2015
An Interview with a British Bukkake Party Girl See article from vice.com |
 | 26th April 2015
Feminists are not the best people to ask about curbing prostitution and porn. By Lloyd Evans See article from
spiked-online.com |
Swingers set up the first church in history that actually abides by the rule, 'love your neighbour'
 | 25th April 2015
| See article from
usatoday.com |
A swingers club is planning to convert to a swingers church in Madison, Tennessee. The swingers club recently tried to open before city and state moralists moved swiftly to ban it. So the owners now plan to open a church that caters to their club
members. The United Fellowship Center will honor memberships from The Social Club, according to a member newsletter: It's going to be a place where people can meet and enjoy fellowship. There is no sexual activity that
will go on there. I assume if someone meets there and wants to do something of a sexual nature, they'll go to a hotel or a motel or go home.
A church renovation plan was approved through the city's review process, allowing a work
permit to be issued, although other inspections are yet to come. Floor plans for the club, and now for the church, show the same room layout with several label changes. The club's themed dungeon room will now be for the choir. A dressing
room has become the sacristy. The move comes after state lawmakers tried to ban private sexual swinging clubs by dreaming up restrictions preventing them from locating within 1,000 feet of schools, churches, daycares or parks or commercial areas.
Metro Zoning Administrator Bill Herbert said the department takes applicants at their word, so inspectors are treating the building as a church. As long as the United Fellowship Center is in compliance with codes, it will receive permission to
operate. |
Anti-prostitution laws are designed to make the lawmakers feel good about their gender equality, but results in sex workers feeling...er...dead
| 21st April 2015
| Thanks to Therumbler See
article from
edinburghnews.scotsman.com See Police Raids Are Making
Edinburgh's Sex Saunas Less Safe from vice.com |
Sex workers in Edinburgh are facing increased health risks following the controversial police crackdown on saunas, a new report has revealed. Fewer women are attending the specialist NHS clinic set up to support them, and reports show that sexually
transmitted infections have increased. A series of police raids on saunas in 2013, known as Operation Windermere, was seen as signalling the end of Edinburgh's traditional pragmatic approach to prostitution. Now sex workers are also giving up
on condoms, with saunas refusing to stock them because police can use possession of them as evidence of selling sex. The report for the city council's health and social care committee, which draws together evidence from various agencies involved
with sex workers, also said many women had moved away from saunas and now operated from other venues, like flats or lap-dancing bars. The report also said: There is no evidence that the number of women selling sex in
Lothian has reduced, but they are not attending for support from NHS Lothian in the same volumes as in previous years. Anecdotally, we hear of women now selling sex in other venues, such as lap-dancing bars, and more women are
informing us that they are working from flats and advertising on the internet.
Chlamydia had increased by two per cent and cases of hepatitis B and C were also up. The report said: The problem of
unprotected intercourse may have been precipitated by fear of being found by the police to be in possession of condoms, which can be used as evidence to indicate the selling of sex. NHS Lothian supplies condoms to saunas, but
since Operation Windermere, many managers of these premises are reluctant to have condoms stored there. Compounding this risk is the problem that these venues are quieter, and some reports have indicated that women are
consequently competing for work and will practice unprotected intercourse in order to generate a larger income.
These findings come as no surprise to Scot-Pep who have long campaigned against aggressive enforcement action taken by
Police Scotland against sex workers. Stewart Cunningham, Co-chair of SCOT-PEP said: Since the police raided saunas in Edinburgh, the situation for sex workers has worsened dramatically. Many
have disclosed they feel increasingly threatened by law enforcement and the risk of arrest. Welfare agencies continue to work in co-operation with the police, which makes sex workers distrustful of them and reluctant to engage. This is reminiscent of the
experiences of Glasgow-based sex workers who have been working in a context that has prioritised zero-tolerance over a harm reduction approach for a number of years. Traditionally, sex workers in Edinburgh felt better protected by
the police than those working in Glasgow but with the enactment of Operation Windermere, where police raided sex worker premises and in some instances strip-searched women, this trust that they could rely on the police for protection has gone.
One woman, who spoke to SCOT-PEP in the aftermath of the police raids, described the way she had been treated by officers: I felt very bad, so violated. I've never been so humiliated in my life. Police Scotland
also routinely use condoms as evidence in prosecuting sex workers, as the council has noted. This flies in the face of all international guidance and must stop.
Canadian province of Saskatchewan bans strip clubs
 | 21st April 2015
| See article from
nswp.org |
In yet another conflation of sex work and human trafficking, the Canadian province of Saskatchewan will no longer allow licensed strip clubs because of supposed concerns about human trafficking and sexual exploitation. The Premier of
Saskatchewan, Brad Wall announced last month that his government would reverse its decision to allow licensed strip clubs. On January the 1st 2014, provincial liquor laws were revise to allow stripping in bars for the first time in years. Wall
said he believed it had been a mistake and tweeted in March: Any increase in opp for org crime or exploitation of young women is not worth it.
Japan takes pleasure at a hand job karaoke reality TV show
 | 21st April 2015
| See
article from
independent.co.uk |
Japan is having fun with a reality TV contest called Sing What Happens Next , a game show in which men must attempt to give a note perfect rendition of various karaoke hits whilst being pleasured heartily. It's broadcast on a Japanese adult
channel. The synopsis of the show reads: In this program, several candidates must sing a song they learned off by heart and not to be distracted by the young lady who is beside them and is masturbating them,
sometimes with her hands, sometimes using her feet. These candidates must carry a tune in absurd conditions, without being distracted and if possible until ejaculation. In the video above, this is the winner of the show, who
achieved a score of 74 out of 100 and won a lot of products and sex toys, gel, etc
US state of Georgia imposes morality tax on strip clubs justified by claims of them supposedly causing child trafficking
 | 20th April 2015
| See article from
nswp.org |
In the United States, the Georgia House has approved a constitutional amendment imposing a morality tax on strip clubs supposedly to help combat child sex trafficking. The charge would be $5,000 or 1% of revenue on adult entertainment
businesses, whichever is greater. The funds will apparently go towards a new commission responsible for coordinating services for victims of child trafficking, although details on this are very vague. Representative Tom Weldon made the bold and
probably libellous claim that strip clubs cause child sex trafficking, claiming: These are not legitimate businesses. These are strip joints. They are illegitimate and they need to pay for the problem and the cancer
they have brought to each community in our society.
The text of the bill claims that strip clubs are a point of access for children to come into contact with people who would abuse them but offers no evidence of how this
conclusion was arrived at. Alan Begner, an attorney for several of strip club owners responded that there was no evidence linking strip clubs to child prostitution or trafficking. He said that he will sue if the measure is passed into law. Both measures must return to the Senate for consideration after revisions were made. According to WABE, voters would still have to approve the fee because the state constitution would be altered if it passed into law.
Killjoys whinge about St Trinians Night events at Bristol strip club
 | 19th April 2015
| See article from
metro.co.uk |
A strip club has been banned from using images of women dressed up as schoolgirls after miserable claims that the images somehow sexualise children . Urban Tiger, a strip club in Bristol, promoted their St Trinian's style evening by
using dancers dressed in white shirts, short tartan skirts and high boots intended to look like school uniforms. Another similar image was posted to the club's Facebook page, asking punters: Like women in school uniform? Come along tonight.
Roz Hardie of the moralist campaign group Object whinged: If you've got the sexualisation of children through adverts it does help to create the context where schoolchildren are being seen as sexual objects.
Urban Tiger's licence has now been altered to state: Relevant entertainment shall not include any word, action or imagery that endorses or depicts, or might reasonably be taken as endorsing or
depicting, or be promoted as including, any conduct which, if taking place in reality, would amount to a criminal offence.
Killjoy Sally Lewis, from the Independent Chair of Bristol Children's safeguarding Board, said this is an issue
that may never have been thought about before , and that they want to raise awareness . She spewed: We aren't trying to be killjoys or ruin anyone's fun. I don't think films like St Trinian's should be
banned or anything. We have to look at this in context, she added. ...[BUT]... I can't think why any right-minded person would think this was appropriate.
South Korea's Constitutional Court reviews law criminalising protitution
 | 16th April 2015
| See article from
news.asiaone.com |
The debate on legalizing prostitution has heated up in South Korea as the Constitutional Court began reviewing the law that criminalizes the sex trade. The antiprostitution law was enacted in 2004. The law stipulates that both purchasing and selling
of sex carry a penalty of up to one year in prison or a fine of up to 3 million won. It gives exemption to people forced into prostitution, leaving only voluntary sex workers -- many of whom oppose the law -- subject to the punishment. A woman
accused of selling sex for 130,000 won filed for a constitutional review of the law in 2012. The woman argued that punishing voluntary prostitution, especially when the sex worker has no other means of income, was a violation of fundamental human rights.
Her request for a review was granted by the Seoul Northern District Court and eventually by the Constitutional Court. Those who are against the antiprostitution law claim there is little evidence that punishing sex workers is effective in curbing
the sex trade. According to government data, the number of female sex workers increased by 3.8% from 2010 to 2013, in spite of the law. According to a study last year by the Gender Equality Ministry, almost 80% of female sex workers were in their 20s and
30s as of 2013. |
Lawyers file case calling for the legalisation of prostitution in California
 | 15th April 2015
| See article from
bizjournals.com |
Lawyers Lou Sirkin and Brian O'Connor have filed a case last month in U.S. District Court in San Francisco on behalf of an organization representing prostitutes known as the Erotic Service Provider Legal, Education & Research Project. It names three
current or former prostitutes and a man with a disability who wants to be able to legally hire prostitutes as other plaintiffs in the case. Their argument centers on people's right to do what they want as long as it's legal. It's legal to have sex,
so why should it be illegal to pay for it? the argument goes. O'Connor compared it to having the freedom of the press but making it illegal to sell newspapers. Sirkin explained: It's really a constitutional issue,
we think. We're talking only about consenting adults here. Our whole theory is that any law based on morality has no place in this country. Morals are different for different people. Legislation should not be determined by morality. Because you exchange
a dollar rather than dinner, why should it be made illegal?
Sirkin hopes to get a ruling by late summer, but he expects the case to be taken to higher courts after that. |
Amsterdam sex workers protest about their windows being closed down by the council
 | 10th April 2015
| 8th April 2015. See article from
nswp.org Sign the
petition from
change.org |
PROUD, a sex workers association is organising a large demonstration of sex workers to protest against the continuing closure of window brothels in Amsterdam on Thursday April 9th. Amsterdam city council will be debating the controversial project 1012
that evening. PROUD, who represents sex workers in the Netherlands, will deliver a list of grievances and demands to the mayor of Amsterdam, Eberhard van der Laan. PROUD spokesman Lyle Muns said: Project 1012 is
an urban regeneration project that wholly ignores the presence of sex workers in the city center. Instead of 'saving' sex workers, it is necessary to listen to them. And what they unanimously say is: Hands off our work spaces! Project 1012 claims to fight abuses in the sex industry by closing windows. But displaced sex workers do not stop working. It was naive of the responsible Social Democratic party in the city council to think that this would ever work. Sex workers didn't stay home but moved to other cities or work from the Internet. PROUD explains how closing windows leads to a worsening of the work conditions of sex workers. Window brothels are one of the safest work places in prostitution. Each window has an alarm in case of danger. The police are always nearby. Health and service organisations frequently monitor the windows. These back up services are simply not available at other sites. By closing windows sex workers are forced to work in more dangerous environments
PROUD demands the immediate termination of Project 1012. It also demands the reversal of the window closures. For its primary target group Project 1012 has been an utter failure. Sex workers are victims of a costly, misconceived
project that is ruining Amsterdam's unique historical center. It is high time that stubborn officials begin to respect the rights of sex workers.
The demonstration will leave Thursday April 9 at 18.00 hours from the Oudekerksplein.
Sex workers and everyone who supports them are all welcome! At 19.00 hours a statement will be submitted to the mayor at the Stopera. To respect their anonymity some sex workers will wear masks. The media are invited to interview sex workers anonymously.
Update: Proud Protest 10th April 2015. See article from strangethingsarehappening.com by Felicia Anna
With hundreds of sex workers marching through the streets of Amsterdam today, the sex workers made a clear statement: Stop the closure of prostitution windows! Since 2008 the city has closed down 117 prostitution
windows, and they have another 94 windows scheduled for closure. But in recent years criticism has been rising regarding the project, because the project was being sold as a project to fight forced prostitution , claiming they would reduce human
trafficking by closing down windows. In reality however about 300 sex workers have already lost their workplace, and another 250 girls are going to loose their workplace, and nobody knows where those girls end up. I'm sure that helps possible victims a
lot! With a bigger turn up than expected, the 200 masks we provided for the girls for the demonstration weren't enough for all the sex workers that showed up. An estimated 230 sex workers turned up for the demonstration, and
another large group of supporters joined us in our march to city hall, to hand over the petition signed by sex workers and supporters to the mayor to stop closing down prostitution windows in Amsterdam. In total 414 sex workers
from the Red Light District and some sex workers from the Singel area in Amsterdam signed the petition. So if ever anyone still claims that I would be just one woman , here's the proof of all the women I represent. A little bit more than the 40
girls from Jojanneke I'd say. And with only 354 windows in those two areas together, the signatures of 414 sex workers prove that a huge majority of the sex workers don't agree with the plans to close down the windows. Furthermore it also proves that
behind each window is at least one woman that doesn't agree with it. And an additional 524 supporters signed our online petition, bringing the total amount of people that signed the petition to 938 people that don't agree with closing down the windows.
With a much bigger group than expected, also the media turned out to be much more than we expected. Media from all over the world came to Amsterdam to report about this unique protest in one of the world's most famous prostitution
areas. |
Tories will block all internet porn if they win the election
 | 4th April 2015
| See article
from dailymail.co.uk |
The government has been trailing this policy by forcing onerous age verification requirements on British adult Video on Demand websites. Unfortunately there is currently no economically viable way to implement age verification and the net result is that
pretty much the entire British VoD business has either been forced to close or else move overseas. Widening out the policy to all internet porn will not do anything to make age verification practical and so the only possible outcome is that all
internet porn will have to be blocked by the ISPs. Perhaps a few sites with a massively comprehensive selection of porn (think porn Amazon) may be able absorb the administrative burden, but they will for sure be American. Anyway this is what the
Tories are proposing: It's time to protect children online By Sajid Javi, Culture & Censorship Secretary, writing for the Daily Mail Imagine a 12-year-old-boy being
allowed to walk into a sex shop and leave with a DVD showing graphic, violent sexual intercourse and the subjugation of women. You would, quite rightly, ask whether society should allow such a young mind to view hard-core
pornography. I'm sure we'd all agree that the answer would be an emphatic no . Yet each and every day children right across our country are being exposed to such images. And it's happening online. The internet has been an amazing force for good in so many ways. But it also brings new threats and challenges for us to contend with. I'm a father of four young children and I know all too well that the online world can be a worrying place for mums and dads. After all, even the most attentive and engaged parents cannot know for sure which websites our children are visiting and what images they're seeing. Culture and Media Secretary Sajid Javid is setting out plans to shield youngsters from easy access to hardcore online pornography
Culture and Media Secretary Sajid Javid is setting out plans to shield youngsters from easy access to hardcore online pornography In 2015 anyone, regardless of their age, is only ever two clicks away from
the kind of material that would be kept well away from young eyes in the high street. And allowing young people to access pornography carries alarming consequences both for individuals and for society. It can lead to children pressuring each other to try
out things they've seen online, and sharing inappropriate sexual pictures and videos. And it can lead to children having unhealthy attitudes towards sex AND relationships. It is because of these types of concerns that we have long
restricted and regulated adult content in the offline world -- whether that is magazines, TV programmes, DVDs or video-on-demand content. Such protections are taken for granted, and, as the Daily Mail has argued for years, it's time our approach to the
online world caught up. So today we are announcing that, if the Conservatives win the next general election, we will legislate to put online hard-core pornography behind effective age verification controls.
Of course adults should be perfectly free to look at these sites. But if websites showing adult content don't have proper age controls in place -- ones that will stop children looking at this kind of material -- they should and will be blocked
altogether. No sex shop on the high street would be allowed to remain open if it knowingly sold pornography to underage customers, and there is no reason why the internet should be any different. An independent regulator will
oversee this new system. It will determine, in conjunction with websites, how age verification controls will work and how websites that do not put them in place will be blocked. One thing is absolutely clear: the Conservative
Party's commitment to child safety online. For the past five years we have been working with industry on A voluntary basis, an approach that led to the creation of default-on family filters. But filtering is just one way in which we can keep our children
safe online. Now we can -- and must -- go further to give our children the best start in life. There will be some who say that this exercise is futile, that websites and children alike will find ways to get around this law. And I
agree that there are always people who try to avoid legal restrictions. But we must not let the best be the enemy of the good. It is right that we act now and do what we can to restrict this content. It is right that we have the
same rules applying online as we do offline. And it is right that we do everything we can to protect our children. If we fail to take action, there is every chance that the sort of things children see on these websites will be
considered normal by the next generation. That is not the sort of society I want to see and it's certainly not the sort of society I want my children to live in. Over time Britain's laws have evolved to reflect our most
deeply held values and beliefs, and the protection of children has long been a sacrosanct principle at the heart of that. I don't believe that we should abandon such an important principle simply because the latest threat to our young people comes from a
technology that also brings incredible benefits. There is a choice at this election, and it is between a party which backs families wants to give children the best start in life, and a chaotic Labour Party with no plan.
We are clear: adults should and will be free to view legal content, but we would never stand by and allow that 12-year-old boy to buy hardcore pornography from a sex shop. It's time to make sure our children
are just as well protected online as they are on the high street. |
Spanish sex workers form a political lobby group in Catalonia
 | 4th April 2015
| See article from
theguardian.com |
Sex workers in Catalonia have created Spain's first formal lobby group for the profession, with the aim of encouraging candidates in the upcoming municipal and regional elections to back them in their push to regulate the sector. Montse Neira, one of the
founding members of the Assembly of Sex Work Pro-rights Activists of Catalonia explained: We are the most stigmatised and criminalised group of women in society. From now on, nobody else is going to speak for us.
The lobby group includes sex workers as well as others who work closely with them, such as lawyers and advocates. Another member, Paula Vip said: The violence we face doesn't come from our clients, but
from the institutions that govern based on the interest of a moral minority. From now on, we prostitutes will be organised, convinced, ready to fight and ready for war.
The decision to form a lobby group comes after a pioneering
ruling in February by a Spanish judge. In a judgment hailed by many sex workers as a crucial first step towards recognising the rights of those in the profession, the judge said that three women in a Barcelona brothel had a right to healthcare and
benefits contributions from their employer. |
 | 3rd April
What kind of people are sex workers? In Australia, hundreds of them are telling the world about themselves using social media using the #facesofprostitution hashtag See
article from bbc.com |
French Senate votes against the criminalisation of paying for sex
 | 1st April 2015
| See article from
au.news.yahoo.com |
France's upper house of parliament has rejected a draft law penalising people paying for sex via prostitution. In December 2013, the lower house of parliament, the National Assembly, approved legislation making clients of prostitutes liable for a fine
of 1,500 euros ($1,620) for a first offence and double that thereafter. But by a large majority, the opposition-dominated Senate reversed the National Assembly's proposal, scrapping the fines for prostitutes' clients and also dropping plans to
repeal a law that made soliciting an offence in 2003. The latest legislation had been fiercely opposed by sex workers, who said it would drive prostitution further underground and make them vulnerable to abuse. Hundreds of prostitutes took
to the streets of Paris on Saturday to protest against the proposed law. Prostitution is legal in France and there are an estimated 30,000 sex workers in the country, more than 80% of whom come from abroad. But since 2003 offering sex for sale has
been against the law. The National Assembly has the last word on the issue and is likely to revert to the original plan of penalising clients. |
 | 1st April 2015
By Niki Adams, English Collective of Prostitutes See article from prostitutescollective.net |
French sex workers order to wear plain clothes
 | 28th March 2015
| See article from
irishmirror.ie |
Women in skimpy outfits and high heels could be arrested under new French laws that make it illegal to simply look like a prostitute in public. France is set to bring in a repressive new anti-vice law that makes passive soliciting by
appearing to be offering sex for sale illegal. It is expected that prostitutes will be forced to wear casual clothing like jeans and trainers to get around the rules. The law will outlaw the act of publicly soliciting another person for paid sex, by
any means, including passive behaviour . But French sex workers' union Strass see the law as a huge step backwards . Spokesman Chloe Navarro said: It is making criminals of women for how they dress,
and victimising prostitutes for doing their job and aggravating their working conditions.
Lawmakers in France's upper house the Senate will vote on the law next week. |
Sex worker to launch legal challenge of law criminalising the purchase of sex
 | 22nd March 2015
| See article from
theguardian.com See also Laura Lee's blog at laura-lee.com |
A sex worker is to use human rights legislation to try to overturn a new law in Northern Ireland that makes it illegal to pay for prostitutes. Dublin-born law graduate Laura Lee is launching an unprecedented legal challenge that could go all the way
to Strasbourg. The region is the only part of the UK where people can be convicted of paying for sex. The law, which was pushed by Democratic Unionist peer and Stormont assembly member Lord Morrow, comes into effect on 1 June. Lee told the
Guardian she will launch her case at the high court in Belfast in the same month as the law comes into effect. Lee said: I am doing this because I believe that when two consenting adults have sex behind closed doors
and if money changes hands then that is none of the state's business. The law they have introduced has nothing to do with people being trafficked but simply on their, the DUP's, moral abhorrence of paid sex. I believe that after
June 1st, sex workers' lives in Northern Ireland will actually be harder and the industry will be pushed underground.
Lee said her legal team would be referencing several articles of the European convention on human rights to
challenge and overturn Morrow's law: There are several articles that we can look starting with article 8 that governs the right to privacy. We will also focus on article 2 that concerns the right to life and we will
argue that this law puts sex workers' safety by the fact the legislation will drive the trade further and further underground. And then article 3 is about protection from degrading treatment, which is very relevant because in
Scotland police have been subjecting sex workers to terrible things such as strip searching on women working in Edinburgh saunas. Our legal team will also refer to the right to earn a living enshrined in the European social charter.
Lee said she will fund the case partly via crowdfunding on social media networks and from sex worker campaign groups across the world.
Update: Progress report 1st June 2015. See article
from theguardian.com In a statement, Laura Lee said: It is my intention to initiate a judicial review at Belfast's high court
in respect of provisions contained in Lord Morrow's human trafficking bill. As a sex workers' rights advocate, I campaigned long and hard against this legislation because evidence from around the world shows us just what damage the Swedish model does. It
places sex workers in grave danger and the bill as presented does not decriminalise us as has been claimed. Should it be illegal to pay for sex? Panel verdict Laura Lee, Julie Bindel, Margaret Corvid, Rahila Gupta Read more
Dublin-born law graduate added: True decriminalisation looks to repeal all of the nonsensical laws around sex work and allows us to work together for safety. That's not the case in Northern Ireland now, and it will
certainly not be the case after 1 June. When two consenting adults meet to have sex then, whether money changes or not, the state has no right to interfere.
US Representative proposes a new customs bill that controls or prohibits the import and export of pornography
 | 22nd March 2015
| See article from
business.avn.com |
Representative Candice Miller is a Republican pas proposed a restructuring of Immigration and Customs Enforcement away from its current department and set it up as an agency all on its own. Miller's bill, HR 877, would also create the position of Director of United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement,
who'd have the power to: Investigate and, where appropriate, refer for prosecution, any criminal violation of Federal law relating to or involving ... (B) customs, trade, or import or export control, including the
illicit possession, movement of, or trade in goods, services, property, contraband, arms, instruments of terrorism, items controlled or prohibited from export, pornography , intellectual property, or monetary instruments...
bill is being referred to the Subcommittee on Immigration and Border Security for consideration before being brought to a vote by the full House- |
 | 20th March 2015
The New York Times investigates Sweden's laws criminalising men who buy sex See article
from nytimes.com |
The church unites with sex workers against plans to move red light zone to deserted area
 | 16th March 2015
| See article from
thestar.com |
Rome council has a plan is to corral the growing number of sex workers into an unpopulated set of designated streets, a tucked-away red-light district. Proponents reason the working girls can still serve male clients, but beyond the delicate eyes of
wives, grandmothers and children. The zones of tolerance, however, are meeting strong resistance from the Roman Catholic Church, the national government and the sex workers themselves. Italy's prostitution laws are vague and still
largely guided by a half-century-old act that banned brothels but left unclear the legality of street solicitation. Religious groups that work with sex workers say the streetwalker problem is now critical, with the population at roughly
12,000, about double the number a decade ago. The plan has made unlikely allies of the Catholic Church, which is fighting it on miserable moral grounds, and sex worlkers themselves, who are resisting it based on more earthly commercial concerns.
Although much of the public debate centres on what to do about female prostitutes, aid groups say almost half the streetwalkers in EUR are male transvestites or transsexuals.
15th March 2015
The stereotype of sexual tourists in Costa Rica being older, gray-haired, and western men is being shattered by a new generation of libidinous travelers who happen to be younger, and sometimes female See
article from news.co.cr |
Barcelona court finds that sex workers in a brothel should be considered as employees
 | 13th March 2015
| See
article from
independent.co.uk |
A judge ruled in a Barcelona court that sex workers should be given contracts by brothel owners, who would pay social security contributions on their behalf. The civil court decision was made after a massage parlour offering sex services in the city was
raided by labour inspectors. The judge ruled that management violated the women's rights and the firm, called Xcenter, would have to pay backdated national insurance payments for the prostitutes from 2012. The owner argued that the workers were
autonomous and not officially employed, however authorities stated that as there was a employer and employee working relationship, it constitutes a contract so social security payments should be made. The court has therefore ruled that prostitutes should
be given the security of benefits, healthcare, pensions and unemployment payments to help safeguard them from being exploited. Prostitution has been decriminalised in the country since 1995, however sex workers were not deemed to have had jobs and
were not entitled to labour rights. The decision by the court in Barcelona is not yet final, as it can be appealed to the Superior Court of Justice of Catalonia.
 | 8th March 2015
Hundreds of erotic massage brothels flourishing in Montreal despite federal anti-prostitution law See
article from news.nationalpost.com |
7th March 2015
The Independent takes a look at the US porn industry as it celebrated its Adult Oscars See
article from independent.co.uk
Sex worker group challenges California's anti sex worker laws
 | 5th March 2015
| See press release from esplerp.org
Laws against the commercial exchange of consensual, adult sexual activity are being challenged as violations free speech, due process and freedom of association rights The Erotic Service Providers Legal, Education and Research
Project (ESPLER), a community-based coalition advancing sexual privacy rights through legal advocacy, has filed a complaint in U.S. District Court against Kamala Harris, California's Attorney General and leading U.S. Senate candidate, and four Northern
Californian District Attorneys, alleging the current anti-prostitution law violates fundamental Constitutional Rights. The complaint contends that California's current anti-prostitution law unfairly deprives individuals the right
to private consensual activity, criminalizes the discussion of this activity between consenting adults, and unconstitutionally places restrictions on individuals' right to freely associate. ESPLER attorney D. Gill Sperlein
explained: We believe it is time to revisit the criminalization of prostitution and put the State to the test. In the light Lawrence v. Texas and Reliable Consultants v. Abbott, the State can no longer simply say that
morality is a sufficient reason for regulating private sexual relationships even when it involves the exchange of moneySocial science clearly demonstrates that the criminalization of prostitution puts sex workers at risk of abuse because it discourages
them from reaching out to law enforcement.
Maxine Doogan, ESLPER's President added: Just as the Lawrence v. Texas decision made same-sex sexual activity legal, and the Loving v.
Virginia decision struck down laws prohibiting interracial marriage, this complaint seeks to remove the government from restricting basic fundamental and widely recognized civil and human rights.
The complaint asks
the court to declare that California's prostitution statute, Section 647(b) of the California Penal Code, is unconstitutional.
South Korea's highest court finds that a law banning adultery is unconstitutional
 | 2nd March 2015
| See
article from
telegraph.co.uk |
South Korea's highest court has struck down a decades-old law banning adultery, a statute that critics said is anachronistic and infringes on personal freedom. The repressive law had been enacted in 1953 supposedly to 'protect' women in a
male-dominated society. Seo Ki-seok, a constitutional court justice, explained in an opinion representing five justices: The law is unconstitutional as it infringes people's right to make their own decisions on
sex and secrecy and freedom of their private life, violating the principle banning excessive enforcement under the constitution.
Seven members of the nine-judge panel deemed the law to be unconstitutional. Previously in 2008, the
court had upheld the law, citing the society's legal perception that adultery is damaging to social order. Critics have said the law against adultery is outdated in a society where rapid modernisation has frequently clashed with traditionally
conservative values. Several thousand spouses file criminal adultery complaints each year in South Korea, although it is rare for someone to be jailed. According to prosecutors, no one was put behind bars last year although 892 were indicted on
adultery charges. |
Politicians make another attempt to repress adult entertainment in Kansas
 | 26th February 2015
| See article from xbiz.com
A Kansas morality bill that would establish repressive new zoning rules where strip clubs and DVD and sex toy and novelty stores could be located is being debated. Senate Bill 147 would initiate statewide zoning limiting where sexually oriented video
stores, sexual device stores, adult arcades and strip clubs could be located. Some of the main restrictions would forbid new sex toys and novelty stores and strip clubs from operating within 1,000 feet of schools, day cares, churches or libraries and
prohibit the sale of alcohol. The stores and clubs would be mandated to close at midnight with the bill, and operators would be forced to go through background checks to see if they have been convicted of certain criminal activities that are
specified in the bill. Editors as the Topeka Capital-Journal, however, are staunchly against the new bill saying: The businesses serve a population, employ people and pay taxes. If there were no demand for
them they would go out of business. Legislators have better things to do than pander to people who want their own moral outrage placed in the statute books.
 | 18th
February 2015
Thanks to DSK and Fifty Shades of Grey, swinging has dominated headlines in French newspapers lately. But where are all these Paris sex clubs? See
article from thelocal.fr |
Mayor of Rome sets up official tolerance zone for sex workers
 | 10th February 2015
| 8th February 2015. See article from
thelocal.it |
Rome authorities have approved plans for a red light zone where prostitution will be officially tolerated from April. Ignazio Marino, the Italian capital's centre-left mayor, gave his blessing on Friday evening to the experiment in the EUR business
district south of the city. The local council there has proposed allowing prostitution in one non-residential area with the aim of reducing the impact of a trade currently conducted on more than 20 streets in the district. If the experiment proves
successful, the council wants to establish up to three separate red light zones within the district. Police will be ordered to impose fines of up to 500 euros on prostitutes caught working outside the permitted area, which will be supervised by
health and social workers in a bid to counter exploitation by pimps and traffickers and promote safer sex. Of course the miserable Church is quick to preach on other people's sexual choices, maybe in an attempt to deflect the spotlight away from
its own sexual depravity. Avvenire, the weekly magazine of the Conference of Italian Bishops, called the plan shameful for a city that is the cradle and the heart of Christian humanism. Giovanni Ramonda, of the Pope John XXIII
Community, said Rome would be introducing tolerance zones for the slavery of women. The Catholic group is campaigning for Italy to enact similar legislation to Sweden, where efforts to eliminate prostitution have involved criminalizing clients
rather than sex workers. But the scheme won backing from the council leader in a neighbouring district, who said many parts of the capital faced similar problems with the social side-effects of street prostitution, which is already tolerated in
practice in some peripheral parts of the capital. Andrea Catarci said: It is a courageous move and one the whole city - institutions and associations - needs to get behind.
Update: Courageous in Milan Too
10th February 2015. See article from thelocal.it
A number of Milan politicians have come out in support of opening a red light district in Italy's financial capital, just days after plans for a prostitution zone were unveiled in Rome. Politicians from both left and right have backed the idea
of opening up a red light district. Carlo Monguzzi, from the ruling Democratic Party (PD), said setting up a prostitution zone could be the only solution to tackling current problems. He wrote on Facebook:
Having a red light district in Milan is a good idea...We must help the women reduced to slavery and forced into prostitution who are beaten to death if they don't do it. Luigi Pagliuca of the Forza Italia party
added: I would be delighted if the city council would move away from the logic of taboo and moralism, and openly tackle the problem and the situation of the oldest profession in the world.
Miserable Russian police raid brothel where all the sex workers are somebody else's wives
 | 9th February 2015
| See article
from dailymail.co.uk |
A high-end brothel employing only married women for customers wanting to sleep with another man's wife has been raided by Russian police. Most of the women's husbands had no idea their wives had been working as prostitutes with rates up to £250 an
hour for their services. Prices for services were more than six times higher than a typical outfit with the more normal rate of around £40. Prospective sex workers were instructed to bring a marriage certificate before they were allowed to work at
the specialist brothel which was set across a seven-room apartment. Officers are now enquiring into the whereabouts of the brothel's madam, known only as Mamma who managed to escape during the raid. The victims of the police raid will
now face just a £20 fine from police but may have a little more explaining to do when they get home to their husbands. |
Florida lawmakers propose malicious law to make strip clubs unviable
 | 6th February 2015
| See article from
orlandosentinel.com See also
Kansas Bill Tries to Regulate Adult Businesses Out of Existence from
business.avn.com |
Patrons of strip clubs and adult theaters would have to pay a Florida state tax before going in, under a malicious proposal being looked at by state lawmakers seemingly attempting to close down such venues. The House Finance & Tax Committee agreed
to advance the sin tax bill out of the committee. The measure would impose entry requirements on adult establishments, including a $10 fee on top of any other existing admission charges. Also, it would require the business to keep records
identifying customers. Committee Chairman Republican Matt Gaetz, said the proposal would discourage people from frequenting the businesses. The proposals have yet to make their way to the Senate. Anticipating opposition because the measure
would hit businesses, House Finance & Tax Committee members said they need to carefully define the proposal. Representative Mike Hill said that while he agreed with the adult-entertainment surcharge, he was concerned about individual privacy
in requiring the businesses to keep records on customers: When else, because you're buying a certain product, you're going to buy a loaf of bread, (and) you have to put your name down?
Representative Charles Van Zant said the surcharge should be $10 on night clubs,
where do you not have human nudity, and $25 on those who do. Van Zant claimed that because of connections between adult entertainment and human tracking, the state should collect names. |
 | 2nd
February 2015
Modern Britain where we can't even call adult entertainment by a meaningful name. By Frankie Mullin See article from vice.com
Plans for a sex themed park in Taiwan
 | 28th January 2015
| See article from
newser.com |
Taiwan's media is reporting on a project underway to build a sex theme park. It is part of a nearly 40-mile coastal Romantic Boulevard. The Boulevard will feature some less scandalous stuff: heart-shaped arches, a glass church, scenery for wedding
photos--but it will also feature the sex themed park. It's likely to look something like a similar park in South Korea called Jeju Loveland, which has statues of things like giant genitals and people having threesomes. Called the Romantic
Boulevard's finale, the park will also have educational videos and sex toys, as well as what that site calls interactive facilities. There will also be a hotel nearby, just in case visitors want turn their feelings into
actions, an official, Shih Chao-hui, says. He explains the reasoning behind the whole idea: We want people to fall in love with Taiwan as well as fall in love while in Taiwan . The central government's tourism department isn't thrilled,
but the organisers hope that the promise of sexy revenue will bring them around.
PC lynch mob puts an end to Sun's Page 3. Who will be next?
 | 22nd January 2015
| 20th January 2014. See article from telegraph.co.uk See
article from theguardian.com |
Topless women have been a fixture on Page 3 of the Sun for more than four decades, but the popular feature has now been killed off. Executives at the Sun have decided to quietly shelve the tradition after a baying lynch mob of critics branded it
sexist. Instead of bare breasts, the pictures will now show scantily-clad women wearing bras and pants. The move was confirmed by The Times, a fellow News UK paper. It is understood that the parent company's chairman Rupert Murdoch signed
off on the decision. Topless models were first introduced by the Sun in 1970, less than a year after Rupert Murdoch bought the title. In recent years, the paper has faced growing criticism from miserable campaigners who claimed the feature was out
of date. According to the Guardian , executives had planned to drop Page 3 quietly, without fanfare. It is understood the change may be reversed if it causes a dramatic drop in sales. The Sun newspaper's decision has inevitably been
welcomed by miserable MPs particularly from the Labour Party. Education secretary Nicky Morgan, who also holds the women and equalities brief, said the move was long overdue . The Conservative cabinet minister crowed:
This is a long overdue decision and marks a small but significant step towards improving media portrayal of women and girls. I very much hope it remains permanent. Downing Street refused to be drawn on the issue. A
spokesman said it was a matter for the Sun . The move also received the backing of Liberal Democrat women's and equalities minister Jo Swinson - although she criticised the alternative content in Tuesday's edition.
I am delighted that the old fashioned sexism of Page 3 could soon be a thing of the past. I welcome this apparent step forward from the Sun, but I would encourage its editors to consider whether parading women in bikinis is really a
modern reflection of the contribution women make to society. Labour frontbenchers including the shadow justice secretary Sadiq Khan, the shadow home secretary Yvette Cooper and the former culture secretary Dame Tessa Jowell all
tweeted support for the No More Page 3 campaign. Harriet Harman, the deputy leader of the Labour party, who has long spoken out against the Page 3, said she would ensure that the Sun would not be able to make the announcement quietly. Speaking on
her LBC phone-in on Monday evening, Harman bayed: It will be the Sun moving into the 21st century, if that is the case. Because actually we do think in a newspaper, which is about news, the idea of girls standing there
in their knickers with some sort of pseudo-political quote, I mean it really is not the representation of women's role in this country that I want to see. I've always been against Page 3. But bearing in mind that we've had a lot
of discussion about freedom of speech and what people can report, it's my right to say I don't think it's right, I think they should get rid of it. But it is absolutely not the role of any government to ban it. But if they've seen sense, so much the
Update: Next! 21st January 2015. See article from
Well it didn't take long. The man hate group Object seem raring to go against the Daily Star for its topless Star Birds. Update: Clarifications and Corrections 22nd January 2015. See
article from theguardian.com The Sun has been having
fun with the campaigners who seized upon 3rd party reports of the demise of Page 3. The paper ahas again featured a photograph of a topless model, which appears under a Clarifications and Corrections header and comes after a front-page
panel announces: We've had a mammary lapse. PC campaigners were a bit taken aback with the most notable comment being from Julia Churchill, a No More Page 3 supporter who tweeted: After #NoMorePage3 it
felt like we were taking a good deep breath after being held under water, and now, a punch in the face.
Nevertheless, commentators were confident that the days of Page 3 are ultimately numbered. Sources told the Guardian that the Sun
had planned for the demise of Page 3 to pass under the radar. When the Guardian revealed plans to scrap it on Monday, a senior editor quipped privately: If I were the boss, I'd put in a topless pic just to spite everybody. |
Adult virtual world set to adopt virtual reality headset technology
 | 21st January 2015
| See article from
mirror.co.uk |
The adult virtual world Red Light Center has confirmed a virtual reality version of the site that will use the Oculus Rift headset Utherverse Digital is making its X-rated virtual world Red Light Center compatible with Oculus Rift. The
virtual world lets you visit bars, hotels and clubs for virtual adult fun The naughty online destination, based on Amsterdam's red light area, will effectively become the first massively multiplayer online game available for the virtual reality
headset. Utherverse CEO told VentureBeat in an interview: Porn and sex and social interaction is universal. It appeals to almost everybody. This is yet another example of porn and sex leading technology forward.
Red Light Center works like Second Life or any other virtual world - letting you create an avatar and interact with other players as well as non-playable characters (NPCs). The site originally launched in 2005 and, according to
Shuster, has around 25 million registered users who pay a monthly subscription. |
Nevada considers mandating condoms for porn performers citing the success of condom requirements in keeping the state's legal brothels, HIV free
 | 10th January 2015
| See article from
businesswire.com |
Nevada health officials have announced that they are considering applying the same strict regulations required of sex workers in brothels in Nevada to the adult film industry. Since 1988, when the State Health Department first mandated condom use for all
prostitutes in all brothels, there have been no reported HIV infections tied to Nevada brothels. Nevada is the only jurisdiction in the United States where prostitution is legally allowed. In the twenty-seven years that Nevada has required condom use
in its brothels, there has not been a single case of HIV transmission found in, or tied to Nevada brothels, said Michael Weinstein, President of AIDS Healthcare Foundation. According to the L.A. Daily News, Nevada's health regulations on licensed
brothels require 'each patron to wear and use a latex prophylactic while engaging in sexual intercourse, oral-genital contact or any touching of the sexual organs or other intimate parts of a person. |
US film censors pass new Fifty Shades of Grey movie as suitable for older children.
 | 8th January 2015
| See CARA Rating Bulletin [pdf] from
filmratings.com |
Fifty Shades of Grey is a 2015 USA sexy romance by Sam Taylor-Johnson. Starring Dakota Johnson, Jamie Dornan and Jennifer Ehle.
 Literature student Anastasia Steele's life changes
forever when she meets handsome, yet tormented, billionaire Christian Grey.
The US film censors of the MPAA have awarded the film an R rating for: Strong sexual content including dialogue, some unusual
behavior and graphic nudity, and for language.
An R rated film is considered suitable for children aged 17 and above. The rating also means that younger children may see the film in a theatre if accompanied by a parent or guardian.
Clearly this openness to children rather restricts the amount of sex allowed in an R rated film and means that Red Shoes Diary type chocolate box erotica is about as sexy as these films can become. Of course the marketeers will now have a damn
good try at convincing you otherwise. |
 | 6th January 2015
As the country’s mining industry expands, so does the sex trade, for example at Langtree's of Perth See
article from slate.com |