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Offsite Article: Download your free porn now whilst you still can!...

Link Here9th May 2017
UK newspapers warn internet users that porn websites will soon be censored by the BBFC

See article from



The Age of Majority Morality...

Texas bill seeks to prevent young adults from working in sexually oriented businesses

Link Here7th April 2017
A bill has been introduced in Texas that would raise to 21 the minimum age to work at sexually oriented businesses.

The piece of legislation, which was recently introduced, would effectively restrict employment opportunities for those ages 18-20 and make it illegal for employers to hire them. Currently, the minimum age to work at sexually oriented businesses in Texas is 18.

Sexually oriented businesses, as defined by Texas lawmakers, include a sex parlor, nude studio, modeling studio, love parlor, adult bookstore, adult movie theater, adult video arcade, adult movie arcade, adult video store, adult motel or other commercial enterprise the primary business of which is the offering of a service or the selling, renting or exhibiting of devices or any other items intended to provide sexual stimulation or sexual gratification to the customer.

However, industry attorney Larry Walters of Walters Law Group told XBIZ that he believes preventing young adults from working in a sexually oriented business violates their First Amendment rights. He explained:

When Georgia passed a similar law banning adult business patrons under 21, it was struck down on First Amendment grounds by the Georgia Supreme Court.

The state does not have a compelling interest in restricting the employment opportunity of 18-20-year-olds, particularly when the employment involves free expression.

While the U.S. Supreme Court has not spoken on the issue, it appears that a governmental attempt to prevent adults from participating in First Amendment protected performances would be unconstitutional.

Eric Paul Leue, the Free Speech Coalition's executive director, told XBiz:

Adult entertainment is and should be produced by and for adults, but we object to moralists attempting to restrict what legal jobs adults can take, what products they can purchase or the type of speech they can make. Why is a state so publicly dedicated to limiting government so eager to take away the right of consenting adults to make decisions about their lives, livelihoods and bodies? How would such a law be used to harass and criminalize and already marginalized workforce?



Wankers in the Texas Senate...

Politican introduces a bill banning male masturbation to highlight legislation restricting women's sexuality in the name of anti-abortion morality

Link Here7th April 2017
A bill that would see Texas men fined $100 for masturbating has taken a step closer to becoming law after it received its first reading in the state's House of Representatives.

Under section 173.010 of House Bill 4260, the Man's Right to Know Act, Texas men would only be allowed to masturbate under supervision, inside approved health care and medical facilities.

Any unregulated masturbatory emissions outside of a woman's vagina, or created outside of a health or medical facility, will be charged a $100 civil penalty for each emission, and will be considered an act against an unborn child, and failing to preserve the sanctity of life.

The bill, created by state representative Jessica Farrar of Houston, would also promote fully abstinent sexual relations and create a Hospital Masturbatory Assistance Registry to provide fully-abstinent encouragement counselling, supervising physicians for masturbatory emissions, and storage for the semen. Allowing Texas men only occasional masturbatory emissions inside the approved facilities, the bill would insist that the resulting semen be stored for the purposes of conception for a current or future wife.

Farrar knows her bill has no hope of becoming law, and has introduced it to satirise how women have been affected by targeted healthcare legislation in her state, particularly relating to abortion.

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