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Citizen censors...

Louisiana now requires age verification for porn on the pain of being sued by residents for 'harm'caused

Link Here31st December 2022
Full story: Age Verification in USA...Requiring age verification for porn and social media
Republican Louisiana state representative Laurie Schlegel pushed through her bill  HB 142 earlier this year requiring age verification for any website that contains 33.3% or more pornographic material. The law takes effect from 1st January 2023.

According to Schlegel, websites would normally verify someone's age in collaboration with LA Wallet. An app available for anyone who has a Louisiana state ID or driver's license. Other options are also allowed.

It will be the website's responsibility to ensure age verification is required when accessing their site in Louisiana. There are no censors to enforce the law, instead the law allows residents to sue porn sites for any claimed harm to children caused by viewing porn on a website without age verification.

There is legislation in Washington, D.C. that looks to implement something like this on a national level. Sen. Mike Lee, R-Utah, introduced a bill similar to Schlegel's.



More inflation in Korea...

South Korean customs overturn an import ban on sex dolls

Link Here28th December 2022
South Korean authorities have lifted an import ban on adult-sized sex dolls.

The Korea Customs Service gave the green light allow adult-shaped dolls through customs but added that child-like dolls resembling minors are still prohibited and will be confiscated.

There are no laws or regulations prohibiting the import of sex dolls into South Korea but since 2018 the customs service took it upon itself to confiscate thousands of them, citing a provision in the law that forbids the import of goods that harm the country's beautiful traditions and public moral.

The Supreme Court agreed in 2019 and upheld a decision that sex dolls are used for personal use and fall under the same category as pornography, which is tightly regulated, but legal. The court's decision caused a backlash and almost 250,000 people signed a petition to stop the import of the dolls into South Korea. The unnamed petition's author claimed the dolls could lead to an increase in sex crimes.

Common sense prevailed, however, and the customs service decided to lift the ban.



Extract: Porn reality...

Pornhub publishes its yearly review of viewing stats

Link Here23rd December 2022

The Searches that Defined 2022

1. Reality

Topping this year's trends is Reality porn. The Reality category grew by +169% to become one of the Top 20 categories, while popularity of the Amateur category has dropped slightly by 20319%. Our statisticians theorize that as more amateur models have become full-time performers, the quality of their videos has improved, but visitors are still seeking a real homemade porn experience.

2. Gender

The Transgender category grew by +75% to become the 7th most popular category worldwide. Transgender was the #1 most viewed category in Brazil, and 3rd most popular in the United States and Italy.

FTM (female to male) searches were 8 times more popular than MTF (male to female), with transgender threesome and transgender surprise among the top searches. Men view Transgender videos +22% more than women, while women view the Trans Male Transgender sub-category +115% more than men.

3. Group Sex 

The Threesome category grew +34% in 2022, to become the 4th most popular category worldwide, and made the Top 5 categories in 17 of our Top 20 highest traffic countries. We also found that Orgy videos were +113% more popular, as was “gangbang” by +88%.



Interstate Obscenity Definition Act...

A moralist US senator introduces a bill to redefine obscenity in the US and get porn banned

Link Here19th December 2022
US Senator Mike Lee has proposed a bill that, if passed, would redefine what obscenity means nationwide, which could effectively decimate the porn industry. The Utah Republican filed the Interstate Obscenity Definition Act (IODA) based on the Communications Act of 1934, and stated in the IODA that obscenity is not protected speech under the First Amendment and is prohibited from interstate or foreign transmission under U.S. law.

Lee's bill seeks to reinstate the obscenity rules that were established in the Communications Act of 1934. These rules include removing content that appeals to the prurient interest in nudity, sex, or excretion, depicts, describes, or represents actual or simulated sexual acts with the objective intent to arouse, titillate, or gratify the sexual desires of a person, and, --  lacks serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value, the IODA says.

The Free Speech Coalition tweeted its concern for the First Amendment, arguing the bill is a renewed attempt by conservatives to censor free speech and sexual expression. The director of public affairs with the Free Speech Coalition, Mike Stabile, told VICE News:

This bill, among our members, has gotten a huge amount of attention. Our members understand this for what it is: It's a threat to their business, to their livelihood. It's a threat to their community.

Obscenity in the US is currently defined under a Supreme Court test for obscenity: the 'Miller Test.' The Miller Test was introduced in 1973 and is named after the U.S. Supreme Court's decision in the Miller v. California case that year. In that case, a California publisher and author Melvin Miller were prosecuted for publishing what was ruled as containing obscene material. Miller had mailed five unsolicited brochures to his mother and a restaurant manager revealing explicit images and photos of men and women engaged in sexual activities.

Following the court's decision, then-Chief Justice Warren Burger outlined guidelines for jurors to follow when presented with obscenity cases including whether the average person applying contemporary community standards would find the work, taken as a whole, appeals to the prurient interest, whether the work depicts or describes, in a patently offensive way, sexual conduct specifically defined by the applicable state law, and whether the work, taken as a whole, lacks serious literary, artistic, political or scientific value.



Offsite Article: Why everyone's having less sex...

Link Here9th December 2022
A women's panel discusses possible societal changes that have contributed to the stats

See article from



Bali Bonk Ban...

Sex outs ide of marriage is set to become a criminal offence in Indonesia even for tourists and visitors

Link Here7th December 2022
Indonesia's parliament has overhauled the country's criminal code to outlaw sex outside marriage and curtail free speech, in a dramatic setback to freedoms.

Passed with support from all political parties, the draconian legislation has shocked not only rights activists but also the country's booming tourism sector, which relies on a stream of visitors to its tropical islands.

Newspapers in Australia have labelled the legislation the Bali bonk ban as the law will apply to Indonesians and visiting foreigners.

Maulana Yusran, the deputy chief of Indonesia's tourism industry board, said:

The code was totally counterproductive and introduced just as the country was trying to recover from the pandemic. We deeply regret the government have closed their eyes.

Supporters of the new laws say that while sex outside marriage will be punishable by a year in jail and cohabitation by six months, charges can nominally be based only on police reports lodged by a spouse, parents or children. But Taufik Basari, a legislator of the NasDem party, said that if a tourist visiting Bali, for instance, had consensual sex with an Indonesian national, and it was reported to police by the Indonesian's parent or child, that tourist could be arrested.

There are fears the rules could have a severe impact on LGBTQ+ communities in Indonesia, where gay marriage is not acknowledged.



Monetised tweets...

Twitter is set to enable paywalled videos, maybe for porn

Link Here2nd November 2022
Elon Musk is looking for ways to make Twitter profitable after paying $44 billion for the site.

The Washington Post reports that Twitter is working on a new feature dubbed Paywalled Video, which would allow users to charge money for access to videos.

Gizmodo adds that:

It's for porn. People on Twitter are going to charge for porn.

When a creator composes a tweet with a video, the creator can enable the paywall once a video has been added to the tweet. The prices are preset, with creators allowed to charge $1, $2, $5, or $10 for access to the video, with Twitter taking a cut of the payment using Stripe.



Naughty vicars...

The Bishop of Birkenhead supports a school pupil's petition to ban school uniform costumes from porn videos and sex shops

Link Here21st October 2022
The Bishop of Birkenhead, Julie Conalty, is supporting pupils from Sandbach High School who are campaigning to prevent the sexualisation of school uniforms by the porn industry and well-known retailers.

Bishop Conalty became aware of their petition to ban school uniforms in sex shops and pornography through social media. More than 15,000 people have signed, prompting a government response.

A teacher at the school, Sarah Maile, said:

Our older students mentioned that once they'd moved into the sixth form, when they weren't wearing their school uniforms anymore . . . they were experiencing sexual harassment less.

The petition reads:

Ban school uniforms in sex shops and pornography

We urge the Government to make it illegal for school uniforms to be displayed and sold within sex shops to stop the sexualisation of children. We also think it is vital for pornography to ban displaying videos where school uniforms are worn as a costume.

It is disgusting that the sexualisation and fetishisation of children is apparently condoned by these establishments and companies. In the UK school uniforms are worn by most students until the age of 16.

We believe their sale in sex shops and use as costumers in pornography is glamorising and normalising sexual acts with children. This is capitalising off of the sexual exploitation of children and prioritising profit over the safety of millions of children. By allowing this to be legal it perpetuates a society in which people feel it is acceptable to sexualise children.

The government response notes:

The Government does not intend to take this specific action at this time but remains firmly committed to preventing the sexualisation of children through the robust measures that are already in place.

The Government is committed to keeping children safe from all forms of abuse and already has a range of robust offences to protect children from sexual exploitation and exposure to harmful material.

Although currently the sale of school uniform-like clothing does not fall within this bracket, there are a number of offences which can be considered to prosecute individuals involved in the advertisement for sale, distribution and/or importation of items such as child-like sex dolls. The offences include: the Customs Consolidation Act 1876, which prohibits the importation of indecent and obscene material; the Obscene Publications Act 1959, which prohibits the publishing of an obscene article; the Indecent Displays (Control) Act 1981, which prohibits the public display of indecent matter; and the Postal Services Act 2000, which prohibits the sending by post of indecent or obscene articles.

The Government encourages corporate responsibility from both manufacturers and retailers with regard to sexualised merchandise. Local Authorities ultimately have responsibility to ensure that the advertisement and sale of items and products do not contravene any establishments trading legislation.

Parents and consumers share concerns about the commercialisation and sexualisation of children, including the sale of novelty clothing products aimed at the adult market. We recognise that this is a highly subjective issue, intimately bound up with notions such as good and bad taste, personal preferences, and the ability to exercise choice. However, it is not for the UK Government to dictate the types of novelty clothing retailers can sell nor to comment on day-to-day commercial decisions by companies.

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