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4th December   

Kanya's Romantic Garden Bar...

Jomtien bar owner murdered
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Police were called on Thursday Night to attend Kanya's Romantic Garden Bar and Restaurant located in Soi Chayapreuk in Jomtien to investigate the apparent murder of the German Owner.

Rescue Services soon arrived, but were too late to assist  Peter Alfons Schroth aged 48 from Germany. He was lying on the ground at the front of the main bar located at the rear of the building. He had been stabbed 5 times, in his back, his left side, his stomach and in his chest and was pronounced dead-at-the-scene.

The alleged attacker is Timo Bloch who is also a German National. The two Germans had been seen entering into a verbal altercation, during which Bloch produced a knife from his bag and attacked Schroth. Bloch was a drug addict and had asked for money from the victim on many occasions, presumably to purchase drugs.

Bloch aged 30 was arrested and found to be carrying a single Yabba Tablet and appeared to be under the influence of narcotics.


21st November   

Marine Tourism Supervision Committee...

Mayor 'sorts out' Pattaya's Jet Ski scams
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After many complaints about Jet Ski operators in Pattaya and Jomtien overcharging tourists when accidents occur to their boats, Pattaya Mayor Ittipol Khunplome held a meeting at City Hall to 'sort out' the problems, in order to be fair to both operators and customers.

Attending was Deputy Mayor Ronnakit Aegesing, councilors, and representatives from the Pattaya and Banglamung police and TAT. Many complaints came in via 1337 Call Center and the Tourist Information Center that after tourists had rented Jet Skis, minor scratches or dents were called to their attention and demand for compensation was claimed from them, with some operators asking up to 50,000 baht for damages.

One worrying complaint from a tourist, who came forward, stated that he would be threatened and killed if he went to the police. This could be part of a scam that has been in operation for years whereby unsuspecting customers who do not check the Jet Skis before riding them are duped into believing they have caused the damage when it was in reality either an old dent or scratch or a deliberate pre-arranged accident involving another Jet Ski.

Pattaya. Mayor Ittipol suggested that a committee be set up to control and supervise the Jet Ski businesses in both Pattaya and Jomtien, to help tourists and also arbitrate in any disputes that may occur along the beach front between Jet Ski operators and tourists.

In a preliminary report, the committee will be made up from officers at City Hall, and Jet Ski operators will be expected to comply and to register once the department to be called the Marine Tourism Supervision Committee is set up. Lawyers are already drafting up the rules and regulations that operators must comply to or face penalties, which will be presented to Jet Ski operators for their cooperation in stamping out unscrupulous operators which are giving their business a bad image in Pattaya.


19th November   

In For a Shock...

Farangland church nutters on a mission to befriend Pattaya bar girls who have never known friendship
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Four young Northern Ireland women are embarking on a life changing trip to Thailand to help female sex workers.

Rachael Gardiner, Carly Wilson, Laura Wylie and Elaine Johnston, all in their early 20s, will be setting off from Lurgan next week to visit Pattaya, a place famed for its bar girls .

It was Laura Wylie, who is training as a counsellor, who urged the girls to join her after she witnessed how prostitution had such a stranglehold in the area.

Laura said: There are thousands of prostitutes in Pattaya and they will go home with men for a night for a fee of about 50 US dollars. For this reason Pattaya attracts a considerable number of single men taking advantage of women who feel they have no other choice if they want to support themselves and their families.

Rachael, a graphic design student, added: We know it will be tough and we will see a lot of disturbing things, although it is something we are passionate about supporting. We aim to show these women love and friendship as some of them may have never experienced this before.

Laura and Rachael along with their friends Carly, a dental nurse, and Elaine, a psychology student, are a self-organised group who have connections with Emmanuel Church in Lurgan.


18th October   

Hitler is Not Dead...

He is Welcoming Visitors to Pattaya
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The Thai operator of a waxworks museum in Pattaya has covered up a giant billboard of Adolf Hitler giving a Nazi salute after complaints from the Israeli and German ambassadors that it was offensive and utterly tasteless .

The billboard - along with three others featuring famous dead people - is prominently located on the main highway into Pattaya, as part of an advertising campaign to promote Louis Tussaud's Waxworks which is due to open early next month. The Thai slogan on the billboard reads: Hitler is not dead.

The managing director of the museum, Somporn Naksuetrong, apologised for the billboard and said the creative agency behind the campaign had not intended to cause offence: In the museum we don't show him with other world leaders, we show him in the scary section. Somporn said since the billboard was erected more than two weeks ago they had received about 100 complaints and a protest letter from the Israeli Embassy. He said they would keep the promotional concept, but come up with another famous deceased person to replace the German dictator.

German Ambassador Hanns Schumacher noticed the billboard when he attended the opening of the Child Protection and Development Centre in Pattaya last weekend. He told representatives of the Pattaya City Council and the local business community that this kind of utterly tasteless advertisement would hurt the feelings of many people . It could also create negative consequences to Pattaya as a popular tourist destination, the embassy said in a statement, adding it had contacted the Ministry of Foreign Affairs about the matter.

Israeli Ambassador Itzhak Shoham said the embassy had received many complaints over the billboard and had asked authorities involved to urgently remove this hateful street sign . Shoham said many Israeli tourists holidaying in Pattaya have been horrified to see such a sign on the main highway. It is totally unacceptable to have such a monster like Adolf Hitler on public display, he said. How this could happen is beyond my understanding and comprehension. He also urged the operators to remove the Hitler waxwork from the museum.


10th September   

Updated: Fun on Jomtien Beach...

Iranian couple caught having sex on the Beach in Thailand
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An Iranian couple were arrested for having sex openly on the Jomtien beach.

At 4.30 am, Friday, September the 4th, a Police Captain was riding his motorcycle to perform routine checking on the Jomtien beach. When he was about 100 metres away from the Chaiyapruk station, he spotted a crowd watching something on the beach and some of them were shooting video clips with their mobile phones.

Police Captain Chamrasthong then rushed to stop the couple and told them to put on clothes and took them to the Dongtan police station.

The Iranian man and his girlfriend, who were obviously drunk, claimed that they did not know it was illegal to have sex in public place.

Even the punishment was a bit of fun as the fine was set at 500 Baht (£9).

But one can't help but feel the fun may end when they leave Thailand and go home to Iran. Being unmarried, drunk, and having sex in public easily add up to enough to get themselves a sentence of being buried up to their waist/chest and being stoned to death.

Update: Hacked Off

10th September 2009

As is typical in the Thai Press, ran the story with detailed names and photos of the arrested couple. As mentioned above, the offence is very serious in Iran and is surely something that should be treated with caution when publishing details.

And according to, Iran hackers took matters into their own hands and forcibly removed the photos from the site.


3rd August   

Loud Mouth Russian...

Out screams loud mouth Thais
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Short shrieks, high-pitched yelps, and drawn-out wails rang out in Thailand at an international competition aimed at setting a new record for the loudest scream.

Russian Sergey Savelyev chimed in at 116.8 decibels — roughly as loud as an ambulance siren — to win Saturday's competition in the town of Pattaya.

Savelyev said he'll be back next year to compete in the competition hosted by Thailand's Ripley's Believe It or Not Museum.

The Russian, who walked away with a cheque for 30,000 baht (US$900), was one of 11 finalists from a field of 1,500 competitors.


13th July   

Same But Different...

Tragedy hit father forced to pay up for violently preventing reporter taking photos of dead son
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From the British Press

See article from

A 14-year-old boy from the Isle of Man has died at a water park in Thailand after he became trapped in a pumping system while looking for his lost goggles.

Nathan Clark, from Douglas, went to search for his goggles after they dropped through a grill at the bottom of one of the pools at the Pattaya water park, 85 miles east of Bangkok.

Members of his family told of their horror as staff at the tourist attraction refused to listen to their pleas for help for because they did not believe the accident could have happened.

Nathan's father, Jim Clark, a tunnel engineer, had dived in to try and save him after Nathan's elder brother Rhys, 15, raised the alarm, but he could find no trace of his son. Nathan's body was finally found after engineers opened a water gate in the pump room.

Jim Clark hit out at a Thai cameraman after they tried to film his son's body on the floor of the pump room, lashing at one with a spanner. Thai police have subsequently ordered him to pay 12,000 baht (about £240) compensation.

Jim Clark, who works for the international tunnel construction company Robbins in New Delhi, said: The guards did nothing for 30 minutes. They would not believe what had happened. When I finally forced them to do something they went to the pump room, opened a hatch, and my son's body came out.

The park has offered compensation. It's not even something I want to even think about at the moment. This is not about money."

From the Pattaya Press

See article from

On Friday, Police and rescue services were called to Pattaya Park located in Jomtien to deal with an incident which occurred, resulting in the death of a 14 year English boy.

Police were directed to a pool at the Water Park which features a whirlpool. The body of the 14 year old boy, later named as Nathan Clark, was discovered by lifeguards inside the engine room which powers the whirlpool. The boy had sustained injuries suggesting he had become trapped within the mechanics of the whirlpool.

It was estimated the boy had been dead for at least 1 hour prior to the discovery of his body. The victim's distraught step-mother, Jintana explained that Nathan had disappeared while swimming in the 1 meter deep pool. At the time Nathan was with his older Brother, Reece Clark aged 15, according to Police Lieutenant Colonel Anuchart who is the officer assigned to the case. This information concerning the older brother was uncovered some time after the incident occurred, and we understand that Reece helped his younger brother to lift off the grill.

Jintana realized the metal grill which protects swimmers from entering the engine compartment was open. She summoned the assistance of a lifeguard working at the Park; Dumrongsak who would not believe that the grill had been opened and in 10 years of service he had never heard of such a problem before. When he eventually agreed to help, the body was found in the engine room under the water.

On Saturday Morning, Forensic Police from Region 2 were called in to examine the scene and determine what had happened. Initial Police reports suggested the boy may have pulled open the grill, which was not secured with a lock, and had then swam into the engine compartment. Using a man of similar height and weight to the victim, a re-enactment was conducted under the watchful eyes of forensic police. The grill which weighs 21kg was checked to see if a single person would be able to lift it and it was found that it could have been easily lifted off by the boy.

Tests were also conducted with the engine turned on to see if the boy could have been sucked in through a pipe leading to the engine compartment which measures 40 square centimeters (Thai-Anxiety that's only 13cm diameter!) . It was determined by Police that this could not have happened. A corroded pipe inside the engine room was identified as an object which may have killed the boy as he entered the engine room; however this could not be confirmed.

Khun Surapon, Director of Pattaya Park explained in an interview conducted on Saturday that compensation has already been offered to the family of the boy by the Park who appear to be accepting responsibility for the accident, although there are some unanswered questions regarding the incident.


17th June   

A Pattaya Soapy...

Good PR, but does it help?
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In a politically correct version of a Pattaya 'soapy", City Hall made a major show of a clean-up on Walking Street.

Now there is nothing wrong with a good soapy now and then, but one has to question the true effect of this political theater.

Per City Hall, this effort was directed at the H1N1-2009 flu virus. While it makes for good PR, it has little or no effect on viral transmission.

The flu virus floats through the air in the mucous expelled from the infected person during sneezing or coughing. Use of a mask by the infected person, helps to control the spread of this mucous into the environment. If the cougher, uses his hand to cover his mouth, the next thing he touches is contaminated. You then make contact with the virus when you then shake hands or touch the same object. To become infected, you must then introduce that virus to your mouth, nose or eye. The virus does not penetrate intact skin. It is also fairly rare to inhale the virus from the air. So, the only efficacy of wearing a mask to prevent infection is to keep you from touching your own mouth or nose and introducing the virus.

This virus must have moisture to survive; if it dries out, it dies. That is why closing a school or business for a period of 5-7 days ensures that no surviving virus remains. Cleaning the premise during that time is not a bad idea but is not really necessary, As a matter of fact, if strong cleaning agents are not used, the cleaning might just add enough moisture to keep the virus alive longer.

So I'm guessing that the major effect from the Walking Street clean-up was a bunch of soapy fish.


15th June   


Swine flu cleansing of Walking Street
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Pattaya's local government organised a work detail tasked with disinfecting the town.

Needless to say that TV and press were invited to the cleansing ceremony.

Surely the throngs that stroll the street will walk safe this evening.


7th May

 Offsite: Watching Pattaya's Decline...

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Not enough quality tourists to support lady boy show

See article from


14th April   

Explosive Devices...

Four small explosives detonated in Pattaya
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An incident which occurred on the Sukhumvit Road in South Pattaya on Sunday Night. Residents reported multiple explosions and feared that the violence seen over the weekend had not finished.

Police officers arrived and cordoned off the area and determined that a total of 4 small explosive devices had been detonated at the location in front of a shop owned by the Brother of the former Mayor of Pattaya.

The explosive devices caused no injuries or damage to any properties and included devices such as ping pong bombs, football bombs and a device thought to have been detonated remotely using a mobile phone.


11th April   

Summits Up...

State of Emergency declared in Pattaya
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The government has announced a decision to postpone the besieged ASEAN summit to a later date, in effect cancelling it.

Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva declared a state of emergency in Pattaya and Chon Buri, partly to facilitate the departure of Asean VIP guests. He told a press conference Asean leaders and their dialogue partners understand the need to postpone the summit and support government action regarding Saturday's incidents.

Deputy Prime Minister Suthep Thaugsuban will be in charge of enforcing the state of emergency measures in Chon Buri and Pattaya. Saturday's turmoil will send Pattaya reeling economically. The resort city had hoped to reap the benefits of the Songkran festival but now has to cope with mounting tour and hotel cancellations.

The state of emergency law imposes tough restrictions on public gathering and dissemination of information. Authorities are given added power to search residents and venues and restrict travels. The state of emergnecy prohibits any gatherings of five or more people,

Pattaya's mayor Itthipon Khunpleum said that the US naval visit has already been cancelled as have many events for Pattaya's Songkran Festival.

The mayor added that the special Songkran events planned in Pattaya for April 19 would also be affected by the incident and the state of emergency.

Update: Emergency Ends

The State of Emergency was called off by the prime minister on Saturday evening after just 6 hours. And indeed all the dignitaries and protestors have now departed leaving a quiet Saturday evening in Pattaya.


10th April   

Cliff Anger...

Red shirts protest at the ASEAN conference
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Anti-government protesters at the ASEAN summit in Thailand retreated Friday after they clashed with troops in riot gear in the coastal town of Pattaya.

About 2,000 opponents of Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva, dressed in red shirts, clashed with security forces. Protesters supporting ousted prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra insisted on presenting a petition for Abhisit's resignation to participants at the meeting.

They thronged the area around the Pattaya beach hotel where foreign leaders are gathering for three days of talks about strategies to cope with the global economic crisis.

A spokesman for Abhisit's Democrat Party said prime ministers and other top leaders will meet as scheduled Saturday despite the protests, and that all security measures are in place.

Ten members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, ASEAN, as well as the leaders of six other major Asian nations - Australia, China, India, Japan, New Zealand and South Korea - are attending the summit in Pattaya, which began Friday with talks by foreign ministers.


7th April   

Abhisit Sees Red...

Red shirts pelt Abhisit's car in Pattaya
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Anti-government protesters trapped Thai premier Abhisit Vejjajiva inside a beach hotel and attacked his motorcade as the kingdom's political turmoil boiled over into violence.

The protesters want British-born Abhisit to dissolve his four-month-old government and call elections, but he has said he must stay to resolve problems that have plagued Thailand since Thaksin was toppled in a 2006 coup.

Tuesday's scuffles erupted after Thaksin loyalists clad in signature red shirts surrounded Abhisit at the Royal Cliff Hotel in Pattaya as he held a cabinet meeting, preventing him from leaving for several hours.

Abhisit finally escaped but about 50 demonstrators chased his car when it stopped at a traffic light and then pelted it with plastic bottles, police who saw the incident told AFP.

Police tried to move the premier to another car but the demonstrators pulled open the door of the second vehicle and began to beat the driver and police who were escorting Abhisit, they said.

The government insisted that the clashes would not derail a key summit of Southeast Asian leaders plus regional partners including China and Japan, which is due to start on Friday in Pattaya.

The 'Red Shirts' protest will not affect foreign leaders attending the summit, said Vitawas Srivihok, the senior Association of Southeast Asian nations (ASEAN) department official at Thailand's foreign ministry.


13th March   


Dignitaries in Town
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Citing a lack of facilities in Phuket, the government has chosen Pattaya as the venue for two meetings for Association of Southeast Asian Nations (Asean) leaders and their dialogue partners next month, according to Minister of Foreign Affairs Kasit Piromya.

Thailand earlier said that it had planned to host the Asean+3 and Asean+6 in Phuket, but Mr Kasit said the dates for the meeting, April 10-12, coincided with the annual Songkran water festival and hotels were filled with holidaymakers.

After twice surveying Phuket and visiting Pattaya once, the Foreign Ministry planning team concluded that the eastern seaboard resort was a better place in terms of hotel room availability and meeting venues.

The Pattaya Exhibition and Convention Hall, part of the Royal Cliff Beach Resort, was chosen as the venue for both Asean+3 (China, South Korea and Japan) and Asean+6 (China, South Korea, Japan, New Zealand, Australia and India), he said.


5th March   

Exotic Policing...

Street vendors rounded up on Walking Street
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The Chief of Pattaya's Tourist Police Division organized a an operation on Walking Street in the early hours of Wednesday Morning.

Officers and volunteers were targeting flower sellers, photographers, transsexuals and anyone else acting in a suspicious manner including street vendors offering pictures with exotic animals.

62 people including some children and 4 exotic animals were rounded up. The arrestees were taken to Pattaya Police Station for further processing and it is expected that the Tourist Police will continue the operation over the coming weeks.


28th February   

Bar Find...

5m snake in roof of Soi Buakhao bar
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Rescue Workers were called to the Kevin Beer Bar located in Soi Boekeow following the discovery of a snake.

After 1 hour, the brave workers managed to grab the 20kg, 5 meter long python which was shown off to the local media who arrived to cover the story.

Khun Jaruan is the manager of the Beer Bar and told us that she heard something on the roof which partially collapsed revealing the snake which rescue workers tell us most likely originated from a construction site behind the bar. The snake was taken to a local zoo. 


27th February   

Reds Protest at Royal Cliff...

But just a quickie
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Between 25th and 27th February, the 3rd ASEAN Defense Ministers Meeting is taking place at the Royal Cliff Beach Resort.

The Chonburi Division of the Pro-Thaksin Red Shirts decided this would be a perfect opportunity to get their message across as they were well aware that the national and international press was present at the Resort to cover the conference.

It was their intention to march to the Royal Cliff and protest there; however security is tight with both the Army and Police controlling who goes in and who goes out.

After some negotiations, the red shirts protested at the location for 10 minutes and then dispersed under the watchful eye of Police and the Army who were in full riot gear.


2nd February   

Updated: Golden Times...

Cobra Gold naval exercise sees good trade for Pattaya
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Cobra Gold is an annual naval exercise involving several nations including Thailand and USA. Cobra Gold this year takes place between 4th and 17th February and will be the 28th time the exercise has taken place.

Thousands of military personal are expected to converge on Fun City starting from about now.

Update: False Gold

Thanks to the Pattaya Ghost

About 5500 US personnel are participating, but all but a few hundred will this year be staged in Korat, not Sattahip. Very few will see Pattaya.

Also, the exercise does not even begin until the 4th, with the first shore leave not expected until a week after.

There have been some pre-positioning ships in, but do not expect to see Pattaya get a bounce nor more than a handful of servicemen in any one place in Pattaya.

Basically, this year will be a non-event.


9th January   

Mardi Gras...

Pattaya's first Mardi Gras and shopping festival
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Pattaya International Mardi Gras Festival will take place on 23rd of January.

The Mardi Gras parade will start on Pattaya Beach Road in front of Soi 7 and will turn left at the entrance to Walking Street. The Parade will continue left down Pattaya Second Road and will finish up at the Central Festival Pattaya Beach Plaza which is set to open on the same day.

The event is sponsored by the Central Festival Pattaya Beach, Pattaya City Hall and the Chonburi Provincial Administration.

The parade will start at 4pm on 23rd and will feature colorful outfits, lots of Thai superstars and plenty of Mardi Gras fun.

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