Pattaya Nightlife News and Reviews

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31st May   

Settling Down...

Pattaya GoGo Reviews: Club Oasis
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Club Oasis is located on central Soi Buakhao near the junction with Soi Diana.

The mamasang has worked in many Walking Street bars and has previously run a pretty tight regime of ensuring that customers are matched to girls. 

Oasis though has settled down into a very hassle free gogo where you are likely to drink alone unless you make an effort to call over a girl.

I asked the mamasang about this, and she said that they have decided that is what the Soi Buakhao customers prefer.

So the bar offers minimal hassle, cheap beer and farang rock music at a reasonable volume. Sounds like your local pub back in Farangland. But of course there are topless dancing girls and short time rooms if you feel the urge. So the best of both worlds.

But perhaps a little too restrained though for my tastes.


29th May   

My Baby's Come Back...

Baby Dolls changes hands
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Baby Dolls, the highly successful gogo on Soi 15, has changed hands and Ricky is now the frontman.

One of the mamasangs and her crew have now moved to Windmill.

I rather predict that the bar will go from strength to strength and that the only problems that it will face is overcrowding.

Word has got round quickly amongst the girls and many ex-Baby Dolls favourites, who had left the bar, are queuing up to return.

The bar has shifted from 7pm to 8pm opening but I didn't spot any other changes so far.


29th May   

Open to the World...

Pattaya GoGo Reviews: Sweethearts
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The bar seems to have carved out a niche that is attracting a good crowd.

It is just a little bit more inviting than most gogos. It leaves the front door open so that passers by can see the table dancing within.

The open door policy probably provides a little encouragement for inquisitive tourists who maybe a little shy to venture into the unknown of a closed door bar.

The bar is more friendly than most to South Asian and Middle Eastern tourists too.

The downside for the more hardened gogo addict, is that the open door policy means that there is no nudity or naughty shows for passers by to see (or customers for that matter)

The girls are average but that still means that there are some good looking girls.

The music is oldie farang and the drinks prices are very reasonable.

Good to see a bar catering for a wider audience than most. There's plenty of room in Pattaya for a bit of variety.


27th May   

Party Bar...

Pattaya GoGo Reviews: Heaven Above
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The girls are notable for being some of the most attractive in Pattaya.

But maybe a little bit too good, as they tend to have developed a mind of their own, and it is not always high on their agenda to put customers first.

In fact they can be a little selective.

But if you really are a hansum man, or have a lot of cash to splash, or even maybe you a bit of a party animal, then you can surely have a good time here.

The girls dance in their own choice of clothes which makes a good change from other bars.


26th May   

What's Going On?...

Pattaya GoGo Reviews: Naughty Girls
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I've given up on this bar as I can't really work out what is going on.

The good news is that there are plenty of good looking dancing girls. The bad news is that they are nearly all set continuously dancing.

It may look good to have a bar full of dancing girls but I prefer to have a bit of company.

As far as I can tell the girls are only excused dancing when they have a lady drink in front of them. And when they order a tequila you don't get much time for your money. I walked out pronto when my lady drink only excused the girl from dancing for one song.


25th May   

More Options...

Windmill Club upgrades
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Windmill Club A-GoGo is located on Soi Diamond.

The top table at Windmill has been redeveloped into a Jacuzzi stage.

So now the small bar has the full range of entertainment with Jacuzzi, mattress and traditional dancing stages.

It has also been reported that the lighting has been upgraded but somehow I missed noticing that. Must have been distracted!


23rd May   


Pattaya GoGo Reviews: Far East Rock
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Far East Rock is an afternoon gogo located on Soi 13/2 near Beach Road.

The bar seems to be struggling a bit at the moment. I have been left to drink alone on my last couple of visits due to a general lack of girls.

There is also a general lack of customers too. This may be down to the girls being a bit overdressed in bikinis. Or perhaps it is down to lady boy welcome staff putting a few people off.

Still, there is nothing particularly bad about the bar. The beer is cheap and the music is farang friendly. And the girls seem friendly enough too.

As always it could be just bad luck but I think it is simply edged out by the better local competition from Nevada and Hot & Cold


22nd May   

Ghost of Marilyn's...

Highway Star A-GoGo re-invents itself as a very expensive showbar
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Highway Star A-GoGo is a very large bar located in the Pier Entertainment Complex at the junction of Walking Street and Beach Road

The bar has massively increased its prices and declared itself to be a show bar.

The draft beer has been taken off and bottled beer is now 150 Baht a small bottle even during a dead happy hour. This bar must now be the most expensive gogo in Walking Street

It was way too expensive to make me want to see what sort of show they do. So I made a quick U turn.


19th May   

Wild About the Drinks Prices...

Wildcats set to open
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Wildcats Bar, Soho Square will be having it's soft opening on 20th May from 6.00pm.

Opening times are 6.00pm till 3.00am

We are located on Walking Street in the new Soho Square development which is just behind Covent Garden. You can also access the bar from Soi 16 by walking between Morning Star and Rodeo Bar.

We have 3 Pool Tables, Large LCD TV, we play Classic Rock and Pop Music.

Our concept is cheap booze with good service in a fun modern bar with barfineable ladies.

So please pop in for a beer or two and if you make yourself known to the boss Kevin, you will receive your second drink FREE

Heineken 60 bt Singha 60 bt
San Miguel Light 60 bt Tiger 60 bt
Chang 50 bt

Glass 40 baht Jug 130 bt

SPIRITS (incl mixer)
Vodka (Smirnoff) Gin (Gordons)
Jack Daniels Brandy
JW Red Label Malibu
Tequila Rum (bundy)
Sang Som/Mekong (double) Jim Beam
Bacardi Zambucca
Kahlua/ Baileys Campari
All Spirits 65 bt Doubles 100 bt

Bicardi Breezer 75 bt WineCooler/Spy 50bt

All Soft Drinks 40 baht

Ladies Drinks 80 baht Ladies Barfine 300 baht


17th May   

Tramping Away...

Tramps Showbar goes dark
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Tramps Showbar on Soi Diamond above Windmill has gone dark.

The Pattaya gogo count is now down to 75 operating bars with girls.


16th May   


Pattaya GoGo Reviews: Sexy Girls A-GoGo
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Sexy Girls A-Gogo is a small gogo on Soi 8

The bar is for sale but is still running fine.

The central stage layout continues to be an improvement on the old side stage. Amazing how they squeezed the stage in. There is not even enough room for a step to rest your feet on in front of the bench seats. Instead you have to rest them on a metal footrest under the table.

The girls are average but average still means that there are a few that get plenty of barfines.

There is also a Jacuzzi show but of course there is no room for anybody to get a ringside seat.

The music is dance. If I am enjoying a lady drink chat, the long dancing roster usually gets me reaching for the check bin.


14th May   

Thrown Off...

Pattaya GoGo Reviews: Rodeo Girls
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Rodeo Girls is a small gogo on Soi Pattayaland 2 which is now down to 4 gogos.

I cannot work out what how this bar is meant to work. They had just 6 girls in attendance and 5 of them were dancing. This meant that there were simply no girls remaining to circulate amongst the few customers.

How are they supposed to get a few lady drinks when they are dancing all the time?

What is the customer expected to do, get bored watching the overdressed bikini clad shufflers. Presumably one could quote a number to the mamasang and takeaway a girl, but this business model only seems to work at high end bars with very attractive girls.

To be fair, the girls were attractive though. I am sure I would have bought a few lady drinks if the opportunity arose. But it didn't, so I moved rapidly on.


13th May   

Bee There...

Queen Bee Bar opening amongst a clutch of new bars on Soi Arunotai
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A clutch of bars has appeared on Soi Arunotai which runs south from Carrefour on Pattaya Klang.

They are in the vicinity of the well known Shagwell Mansions noted for its Darcy Bar and the associated Outback Bar.

The Soi Arunotai bars are:

  • Relax Bar
  • Smitty's Place
  • Sar's Bar
  • Nice Bar 2
  • Queen Bee Bar which is set for a soft opening on Friday 16th May. The grand opening party is on Sunday 18th May, with food and lots of new ladies

There are also bars in Nirun Condo on Soi Arunotai:

  • John's Bar
  • Legends Bar


13th May   

Updated: Plenty on Show...

Pattaya GoGo Reviews: Beavers
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I have read a few good write ups of Beavers of late saying that there surely are some naughty girls in attendance.

I have always been a bit sceptical though as I have missed out on the fun in several visits and not even seen much naughty stuff going down with other customers.

But a recent visit pleasantly confirmed some of the rumours.  I was well looked after by a very friendly and hands on girl.

Not quite an ideal bar though, as there are a few fundamental flaws. Firstly the bar is too small for any comfortable seating. Secondly the dancing stint is too long, and when your lady go dance , it is a cue to move on to the next bar. Thirdly I am simply not keen on table dancing. It gives me a crick in the neck and I find it somewhat undignified to stare up at a girl.

Update: Looking Up

Thanks to Stevie and Douglas

It has been pointed out to me that maybe I should have cast my gaze downwards. I would then have spotted the mirrored tables and perhaps also the inspiration for the name of the bar.


12th May   

Marine Police...

Police raid Walking Street bars and then late opening karaoke bars
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Banglamung District Officers were on patrol in the South Pattaya area on Friday Night. They checked a number of Bars on Walking Street and also checked a number of establishments outside of the main entertainment zone which, by law, must close by 1am.

In Walking Street they visited a number of bars and discotheques including Marine. Licenses were checked and staff members from a number of the venues underwent urine tests. We can report that two female members of staff from a bar on the street failed a urine test. No other irregularities were found on Walking Street.

The group then went to a number of Karaoke Bars outside of the main entertainment zone and found that they were operating after 1am which is in contravention of their licenses. 10 Bars were closed down and district officials tell us they will now be subject to a minimum 30 day closure pending authorization by the Chief of Banglamung District.


11th May   

Looks Good...

Pattaya GoGo Reviews: Club Mistys
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Popped in for an early look see and the new bar on Soi 15 surely looks good.

The outside neon is surely the most impressive in Pattaya.

There is a central stage with half a dozen girls fully covered in a white lacy affair.

There are another half dozen girls on table dancing stages arranged just in front of the comfortable bench seating. The girls were topless but strangely with a blouse at half mast. Perhaps at the ready for a quick panic.

There is an upper floor with accessed by a scary looking spiral staircase. The girls dance nude up top and are viewable from downstairs.

There were plenty of girls in attendance and an old friend looked after me well.

The drinks prices are comparable with other popular bars but the draft beer wasn't in a particularly large glass for the price.

The music is aimed at the dancing girls rather than oldie farangs. Perhaps a bit loud, but not quite the loudest.

I found a couple of teething problems in terms of the arrangement of the dancing girls. Sitting downstairs, the upstairs girls are simply too far above to be particularly worth a cricked neck for. The lighting, although effective, makes it difficult to watch the table dancers, its either too dark, or else one gets a bit dazzled. And the girls on the central stage are simply overdressed. Perhaps the trick is to sit upstairs...but I don't know if I would trust myself to get drunk upstairs, what with having to negotiate the stairs on the way down.


10th May   

After Dark 6...

Latest issue of Pattaya nightlife magazine
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The latest issue of After Dark, Volume 6, has been published. It is widely available in bars and bookshops across Pattaya.

It is good to see that the editors have a similar taste in bars as myself. They are well up to date with spotting the buzzing Wet 'n' Wild and X-Zone.

In fact, it is very much the selling point of the magazine that the girls featured are currently working at the bars.

It can be strange to actually meet the girls featured in a glamour magazine. One of the girls I know is very much the life and soul of her bar, and the glamour pics capture good memories.

Another featured dancer I know is actually a lot more sultry in real life and the magazine captures her beauty rather that her character. A photo would have to include an angry or disdainful or affectionate glance to do her justice.

Anyway, it is great to see some of the gogo girls you actually know in a glamour magazine, but I always wish someone would publish an X rated version.


10th May   

Dark Voodoo...

Voodoo A-GoGo closed
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Voodoo A-Gogo has remained dark for a few nights now. So one assumes the worst and Pattaya's girl gogo count drops to 76.

The half dozen beer bars in the same complex are also closed so the problem is not specific to the gogo.

It has been reported that many of the girls have moved to Coyotee's A-GoGo


9th May   

Undanceable Rock...

Pattaya GoGo Reviews: Club Nevada
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The bar seems to have picked up a little since the last report. Nothing has really changed about the bar but having a few more ladies means it works so much better.

The bar is primarily an afternoon bar catering to expats. The music is strictly rock focusing on the 70s. Some of it is totally undanceable for the girls.

Most, but not all, of the girls dance naked but the girl nearest the door puts her wrap back on presumably in anticipation of a police visit.

The girls tend to do a fair stint at Nevada so presumably they are well looked after by the bar. They know how to look after the customers but are not really quite so hands-on as Hot & Cold at the other end of the soi.

An easy place to stay for a couple of beers but I have rarely stayed for a long haul.


8th May   

Misty A-GoGo Go to Walking Street...

Misty A-GoGo relocates
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Misty A-GoGo is moving from Pattayaland to Walking Street Soi 15. The bar is ste to open at the new location on Friday 9th May. This will be a soft opening and an official opening is set for a couple of weeks time.

The bar seems to be renamed from Misty A-GoGo to Club Mistys.

All the staff and girls are moving with the bar.

And on the subject of gogos opening and closing, Vodoo A-GoGo was dark on the evening of 7th May.


8th May   

Super Expensive Sisterz...

Sisterz substantially increases beer prices
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Sisterz has substantially increased drinks prices with draft beer at 85 Baht (it was previously 55 Baht and sold in a pretty small glass too).

The happy hour has changed. Previously cheap drinks were on offer but this has now changed to a 2 for 1 offer. Not such a good deal should it be only worth staying for one drink.

Sisterz is also causing a bit of a stir on Pattaya forums with the news that they have introduced a 1500 Baht barfine. Unsurprisingly the idea had not been well received by the customers.

This applies to what the bar has called superstars.

The barfine menu now reads:

  • superstars until midnight 1500
  • superstars after midnight 1000
  • showgirls 700
  • dancers 600


7th May   

No Can-Can...

Pattaya GoGo Reviews: Paris
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A predictable single beer visit 6 months on from my previous look see.

As usual there were a few pretty girls, but as usual no one made any efforts to make contact.

The beer was not cheap, as there is no draft, but then again, it is not expensive as there are bottles at 80 Baht.

I was struggling to think of much to say about the bar so I went somewhere else to consider my prose.

The bar needs a little je ne sais quoi. Perhaps a little Can-Can would help.


7th May   

A Tall Story...

Police round up East European working girls
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In the early hours of Tuesday Morning, Police Major Witaya was on routine patrol when he received a complaint regarding a group of foreign women suspected of engaging in Prostitution. T

he Officer made his way to Walking Street where he spotted the women, who were later found to be from Uzbekistan. They were seen approaching tourists; however the exact details of discussions were not heard.

A total of 12 women were arrested and taken to Pattaya Police Station where they confessed to engaging in prostitution. They further revealed that customers would pay between 2,500 and 3,000 Baht for their services and they had been operating for the last 2 months.

They will be sent to court and it is expected they will be deported if they are found guilty of charges brought against them.


6th May   

High Bar Fines...

Pattaya GoGo Reviews: What's Up
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Sometimes a bar can get too successful and What's Up has gone beyond what I consider to be a good place to visit. The bar fines have gotten very high. The girls quote with high expectations too, and even then, the mamasang urges the girl to get back as quickly as possible.

However the bar does deserve the success. It has pretty girls doing naughty things whilst retaining good close rapport with the customers.

The girls on the play stages armed with the foam tubes seem to be wearing a few more clothes than they used to.

Probably one of the better bars in town for those not too concerned about the prices. But for me, it has become a bar for just an occasional visit.


6th May   

Update: Mayoral Morals...

Mayor seeks to eradicate the red lights of Pattaya
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New moralist mayor Ittipon Khunpluem has listed his policies as:

  • the eradication of Pattaya's red-light venue – Walking Street
  • environmental improvement
  • the implementation of an effective water supply for the city and Kho Larn
  • a 12-year free education system
  • low-cost housing for low income groups
  • a new, improved traffic system
  • a tramline transportation system
  • flood prevention
  • job opportunities to decrease poverty
  • the establishment of a drug-observation and prevention centre
  • the encouragement of ecotourism
  • the construction of a sports centre
  • the establishment of a tourism festival
  • the encouragement of world-class entertainment


5th May   

Update: 19th Hole Closes...

Walking Street bar changes hands
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19th Hole logoThe 19th Hole Superpub above the alley from Walking Street to Soi Marine Plaza has closed.

In fact 19th hole was bought by a Swiss and a French guy. They are calling it Goodfellows and it will be a sports bar with freelancers encouraged to visit (no bar fines). The Planned opening is sometime next month.


4th May   

Gentlemen's Club...

Pattaya Bar Reviews: Kinnaree Palace
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This must be one of the most attractive bars in Pattaya. It is new and purpose built with a feeling of luxury.

Having passed through the enormous hallway one finds a choice of 3 drinking/smooching areas. There is the main bar, an aircon room and also the garden.

The ambiance is relaxed and the sofa seating is very comfortable.

There are about 25 girls in attendance circulating around. There are plenty of pretty drinking partners but there also a few to avoid. They seem a friendly and lively bunch.

Drinks prices are typical for Pattaya and there were free rather good sandwiches into the bargain.

There are plenty of good quality rooms on hand and a Jacuzzi somewhere too.

Rooms are 300 Baht with no further barfine. The girls expect 1000 Baht. The takeaway barfine is set at 500 Baht.

There's plenty of car parking space in front of the bar.


4th May   

Malibu Moves North...

Malibu cabaret on the move
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The Malibu cabaret bar has moved from its long time location on the corner of 2nd Road and Soi 13/2 (Soi Post Office).

It is now located further north on 2nd road in a new row of shop houses near the Soi 10 corner.

The show is the miming katoey variety most notable for a Tina Turner take off. Last time I stopped by there were a couple of girls on stage too.


3rd May   

Signing X on the Dotted Line...

X Zone changes hands
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X Zone A-GoGo in Covent Garden has been sold to new Belgian owners. Hopefully they will maintain the momentum of the last few months and retain the popularity.

The previous owners are said to be planning on a new Walking Street gogo ready for the start of this years high season.


2nd May   

Gorkle's Gone...

Gorkle Club closes on Soi LK Metro
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It is reported that Gorkle Club, a GoGo on Soi LK Metro has been dark for a week. It has been rumoured that the bar is in the process of being sold.

There are now 78 girl gogos operating.

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old Walking Street sign





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